Douba's Dual System

Chapter 336 Chapter 336

Chapter 336 Chapter 336
"Hello Elder Hao!"

Although the disciple of Fenglei Pavilion had many doubts, he still greeted him.

"It turned out to be a disciple of Fenglei Pavilion. I remember your name, is it Feng Xiao?" Elder Hao had some impression of that Fenglei Pavilion, so he greeted casually.
But it's just to say hello, not to talk too much, the relationship between Sifang Pavilion is not that good yet.

Feng Xiao looked at those people around Elder Hao, he was sure that those were not disciples of Huangquan Pavilion, but everyone's strength was not inferior to it.Moreover, Feng Xiao was also surprised to find that Elder Hao seemed to be a servant in front of this group of people.

"These people are absolutely impossible to be people from the Huangquan Pavilion. Hao Renka's cultivation is at least five-star Douzong. It is strange that such a strong person is so respectful to such a group of juniors." Feng Xiao frowned. He frowned, thinking in his heart.

"What a beautiful person, whose appearance and temperament are probably only comparable to Junior Sister Qing'er. It's really wonderful, I don't know who she is?" Feng Xiao's eyes suddenly noticed Nalan who was sitting under a big tree and practicing quietly. Yan Ran, that temperament fascinated him.

When Feng Xiao looked at everyone, Chen Zihang's eyes were also on Feng Xiao.

"It turned out to be a rare dual attribute of wind and thunder. I can't think of anyone other than me possessing such attributes. Looking at the energy on his body, the skills he cultivates are probably even better than mine." Chen Zihang licked his lips, handsome A wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Elder Hao, come here." Chen Zihang called out to Elder Hao.

When Elder Hao saw Chen Zihang calling him, he knew that Chen Zihang and Chen Cheng had some kindred relationship, so he didn't dare to neglect, and hurried over.

"Master Zihang, what do you need from me?" Elder Hao said with a flattering smile on his face.

"You know him? Who is he?" Chen Zihang pointed to Feng Xiao and asked.

"He is the son of an elder in Fenglei Pavilion," Elder Hao introduced.

However, Chen Zihang's act of directly calling Elder Hao did not have any direct respect for the elders from the juniors. Jin Gu Jinshi and Feng Xiao were very surprised when they saw this, and they all speculated about Chen Zihang's identity.

Hearing Elder Hao's introduction to Feng Xiao, Chen Zihang was stunned.

"I didn't expect there to be a sect like Fenglei Pavilion in this world. It's really interesting." Chen Zihang looked at Feng Xiao, his gaze was like a poisonous snake staring at a hunter.

And in the distance, Feng Xiao, who was fascinated by Nalan Yanran's appearance, seemed to feel a terrifying gaze focused on him.

Feng Xiao looked around and noticed Chen Zihang.Feng Xiao's eyes were fixed, he sensed a very dangerous aura in Chen Zihang's body, and Feng Xiao's pupils shrank involuntarily.

"No, why should I be afraid of him? I am the chief disciple of the Fenglei Pavilion, and my cultivation has reached the level of the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor. If I can use this baptism in the blood pool of Tianshan Mountain to successfully promote to Douzong, then I will be the chief disciple of the Fenglei Pavilion. The youngest elder, why should I be afraid of this unknown kid?"

Feng Xiao straightened his mind, overcame the fear of unknown origin in his heart, and then boldly looked at Chen Zihang.

At this time, Chen Zihang stretched out his hand and wiped his neck, and his eyes were full of provocation.

Feng Xiao was not a good-tempered person, so he couldn't bear being provoked like this.Standing up, he was about to explode, but at this moment, an eagle cry came, making Feng Xiao's movements stop.I saw a person stepping on a big black eagle, flying towards the sky.

She was wearing a colorful long dress, flying with the wind.When it got closer, it jumped off the eagle's back.Seeing Feng Xiao, he greeted him with a smile.

"Hehe, Senior Brother Feng's Three Thousand Thunders is worse. My fifth-order Nine-pattern Sky Eagle is still so far behind you." Caiqun girl obviously knew Feng Xiao, and her cultivation base was also Nine-Star Dou Emperor.

Seeing someone coming, Feng Xiao no longer wanted to fight.People will come one after another, and fighting with people at this time will consume too much fighting energy, and it will be troublesome if you can't pass the big formation.

"Boy, you're lucky. I'll let you go first. After the Tianshan Blood Pool is over, I will kill you." Feng Xiao had already remembered Chen Zihang in his heart.

Then, Feng Xiao changed his coldness and put on a smile.In front of beautiful women, always maintain some demeanor.

"So it's Junior Sister Lin Yinger from Xingyun Pavilion, I just arrived for a while, haha." Feng Xiaoxiao said.

"Hey, this is Elder Hao from Huangquan Pavilion. Why did you come in? Also, who are these people?" The Caiqun woman noticed Elder Hao and Chen Zihang again, and asked in surprise.

Elder Hao simply greeted Lin Yinger without much communication.

And Chen Zihang on the side, when he saw Feng Xiao who was about to strike but stopped, he just smiled indifferently.

None of the people he targeted had ever been able to live.Chen Zihang had done a lot of killing and extorting goods when he was in the Izumo Empire, and the thing in Feng Xiao's body was more advanced than Chen Zihang's high-level wind and thunder dual-attribute kung fu, which gave Chen Zihang the motive to kill.

"Hehe, I remember that Chen Cheng wanted to attack Fenglei Pavilion, so he just gave you a reason to send troops." Chen Zihang smiled, thinking so in his heart.

Not long after, a man in black came with a sword. He was a disciple of Wanjiange, one of the Sifang Pavilions, and his cultivation was Eight Star Douhuang.

It is worthy of being the top sect in Zhongzhou, whether it is Fenglei Pavilion, Xingyu Pavilion or Wanjiang Pavilion, their most outstanding disciples are already high-level Douhuang, and their age seems to be around 30 years old.

If such a genius was placed in the Jia Ma Empire, Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong would feel ashamed to find a crack in the ground.

In addition to the people from the Sifang Pavilion, other people who were close and received the news of the blood pool in Tianshan also rushed over. Among them, the lowest strength was also the three-star Douhuang, otherwise they would also be in the maze outside. Difficult to break through.

And these people, together with Chen Cheng and others, totaled six to seventy people.

"The time is up, the breakthrough begins." Jin Shi announced loudly.

Everyone also knows the content of the level of the Gold-eating Rat Clan, which is nothing more than going through the stone path to a platform on the top of the mountain under the pressure of the rat tide sound wave array.

"Haha, then let me, Feng Xiao, come and experience the sonic array of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan." Feng Xiao laughed loudly, fully confident in his own strength, and was the first to break through.

"Hehe, please." Upon seeing this, Jin Shi stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Feng Xiao took a step forward and walked up the stone ladder.And as Feng Xiao entered, thousands of gold-eating rats all raised their heads and let out a "squeak" sound. Their sounds formed a special kind of sound in a strange energy. Contact, that invisible sound wave, attacks the passers-by.

Their voices are very concentrated, and they will only attack people on the stone path, but those who stand below and watch still feel scalp numb when they hear that sound.Some people, seeing such a scene, suddenly retreated.

Sitting on the tree, Chen Cheng frowned when he heard a bunch of mice screaming, and then cast a sound-proof barrier, covering himself and Chi Liantian.

There were so many mice screaming strangely together, not to mention how unpleasant the sound was, Chen Cheng couldn't stand it.

And Feng Xiao, who was breaking through the level, also felt great pressure when he heard that voice. His expression became serious, and then he used Fenglei Pavilion's ground-level intermediate body fighting skill Three Thousand Thunder Movement, leaving behind afterimages , quickly flew towards the stone platform, and the sound waves of those mice only attacked those afterimages, but they couldn't hit Feng Xiao.

With this speed, Feng Xiao reached the stone platform on the top of the mountain in a short while.

"It turned out to be a body fighting skill activated by the dual energy of wind and thunder. This fighting skill is so strange, I want it." Chen Zihang looked at Feng Xiao's fighting skill and said to himself.

"The test is passed, the next one." Jin Shi announced.

But at this moment, when Chen Zihang saw Feng Xiao on the top of the mountain, he actually looked at Chen Zihang with a provocative look.

What an arrogant person Chen Zihang is, he was already interested in other people's martial arts and fighting skills, but at this time others were still provoking him, so naturally he would not avoid the fight.

"I come."

Chen Zihang stepped forward and said to Jinshi.

Jin Shi knew that Chen Zihang came in through the Huangquan Pavilion, and Elder Hao respected Chen Zihang, and Jin Shi was also more interested in Chen Zihang, and wanted to see Chen Zihang's performance.

"Please." Jin Shi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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