Douba's Dual System

Chapter 335 Chapter 335

Chapter 335 Chapter 335

Star Meteor Pavilion.

A disciple ran over in a panic and told Venerable Feng that Elder Li's soul jade slip was broken.

"That thief Han Feng was able to kill Elder Li, I really underestimated him." Venerable Feng said coldly.

"Deputy Pavilion Master, what should we do?" the disciple asked.

"Let's do this first. Han Feng's bastard can kill even Elder Li. I'm afraid it won't please anyone else if he goes. When the old man goes there himself, he won't be able to escape." Venerable Feng said solemnly.

Venerable Feng is very busy now, and he can't get away at all.

A few days ago, people from Soul Palace came over, and for some reason, they caused trouble.Venerable Feng at that time swallowed his anger and escaped just now.

And if he wanted to contact the people who had been friends with Yao Lao before, Venerable Feng had to go there in person.But other people, they heard that they were enemies of the Soul Palace, so they didn't dare to come.So far, only one Iron Sword Venerable has been called.

Moreover, the day when Huangquan Pavilion will hold the Four Pavilions Conference is coming soon, they can guess the purpose of Huangquan Pavilion, and Venerable Feng is really in a state of distress.

As for the Tianshan Blood Pool, it is of great benefit to the people at the peak of the Douhuang, so they can't be missed.

Of course, the person who went to the blood pool in Tianshan from Xingyun Pavilion this time would not be Mu Qingluan. She will not be able to reach the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor until six years later, and her current cultivation level is only the Eight-Star Fighting King.This time, the person who went to the Blood Pool in Tianshan Mountain was another genius from Xingyun Pavilion.

After Chen Cheng returned to Huangquan Pavilion, he just let everyone rest for two days, and then rushed to the blood pool in Tianshan Mountain.

Huangquan Pavilion already has a way to enter the Tianmu Mountains, so it will not be blocked by the miasma.

And with Chen Cheng present, those restrictions that blocked the entry of high-level powerhouses had no effect.

"Elder Hao, where are you? You can lead the way." Chen Cheng asked an elder of Huangquan Pavilion.

After passing through their barrier, Chen Cheng was not clear about the journey inside, and had to rely on the original route of Huangquan Pavilion.

"My lord, I know the way, you follow me." A Dou Zong nodded and bowed, said very flatteringly, and then led the way in front.

After all, Huangquan Pavilion has experienced the blood pool of Tianshan Mountain several times, and their route is very accurate.

On the way, we encountered several fights. There were only ten places in Shanxuetan that day, so it would be good if we could kick some people out here.However, Chen Cheng ignored them.Moreover, Chen Cheng and his group have Elder Hao as Dou Zong, Chen Zihang, Nalan Yanran and the others are all Dou Huang, such a lineup does not have the strength to provoke them.The road was smooth and unimpeded, and soon arrived at the designated place.

"Hao Renka, you, how can you come in?" Jin Gu, a Dou Zong of the Gold Devouring Rat Clan, saw Elder Hao, his eyes widened, and he was very surprised.

They are very confident about the prohibition of the Tianmu Mountain Range. Even the few major Dou Zun in the Sifang Pavilion cannot guarantee that they will not be suppressed if they force their way in. Now, Elder Hao, the Dou Zong, walked in swaggeringly. Shocked his teeth.

"This, this is a monster. It seems to belong to the Amethyst Winged Lion family. It has become a sixth-order monster. It's really rare." Jingu looked at Ziyan who still maintained the beast shape, and said in surprise.

"Hey, Elder Jingu, Elder Jinshi. No, as soon as we heard that the blood pool in Tianshan was opened, didn't we hurry over here?" Elder Hao said with a smile. Others were surprised by his performance. His appearance made him very proud.

"It's strange, the restriction is still there, how did he get in?" Another Dou Zong, Jin Shi, was also very surprised.

"Elder Jinshi, I won't talk to you anymore. These young masters and young ladies are the candidates to enter the Blood Pond of Tianshan Mountain. Stop talking nonsense, how long is the assessment?" Elder Hao said.

Jingu heard this, although he was still surprised why Elder Hao could come in, but Elder Hao didn't want to say anything, so he stopped asking.

However, Elder Hao's ability to come in is definitely a big threat to their Gold Devouring Rat Clan.They were able to keep two places in the hands of Sifang Pavilion because of the restriction that bullying others and those above Dou Zong could not enter.The people of Sifang Pavilion, in order to ensure that their disciples will not be bullied by the Gold Devourers in the Tianmu Mountain Range, they can only give up those two places.

But now, a Dou Zong came in from Huangquan Pavilion, which broke the balance.

"You came early, and you have to wait for five hours. When people from other forces are almost here, you can start the assessment." Elder Jingu said.

And Elder Jingu looked at the people behind Elder Hao. Except for the three-eyed golden eagle in human form and Zhu Wushi, the others didn't look very old, but they were all Dou Huang.

"When did Huangquan Pavilion have so many geniuses?" Jingu Jinshi was very puzzled in his heart.

However, it is not easy for him to ask about other people's affairs.

The people behind each found a place to rest, or sat on the boulder, or climbed on the tree.Jin Shi was surprised to find that in front of this group of fighting emperors, Elder Hao, an elder of the Douzong, seemed very cautious, as if he was very afraid of those people.

Can Elder Hao not be afraid?Chen Cheng is the boss of Sun Wukong, the demon king who is currently the owner of the Huangquan Pavilion Pavilion. He is also the boss of the boss of Elder Hao. The others are all related to Chen Cheng. Elder Hao is a mere fighting sect. What is it in front of these people? ?
"Earlier, Hao Renka called this group of people Miss Young Master? What is the origin of this group of people? How many juniors would he respect so much for a powerful Douzong?"

Elder Jinshi was really puzzled, and in the end, he stopped entangled with this problem.

After all, there is still an assessment, even if the people from the Sifang Pavilion come, they must go through the assessment. If they fail the assessment, they are still not qualified to enter the Tianshan Blood Pool.Based on the relationship, it will definitely not work.If people from Huangquan Pavilion entered the Blood Pool of Tianshan Mountain through connections, what would people from the other three pavilions think?
Huangquan Pavilion is always incapable of offending the other three pavilions at the same time, right?
Indeed, in the Tianmu Mountains, there is a Douzong in Huangquan Pavilion, who is on the stronger side.But outside, everyone has a chance to make a move, and Huangquan Pavilion can't be hardened.

Chen Cheng was sitting on a big tree, climbing very high, and next to her were Chi Lian and Tian Yan, two beauties.

"Look, there are a lot of big mice over there. If I had known, I would have taken Yi Tianji's Yuan Devourer and eaten them all. How can there be a cat that can't catch mice?" Chen Cheng pointed to the distance, Joking with two girls.

In the direction Chen Cheng pointed to, there were indeed many big rats, at least a few thousand.They were lined up neatly, and they should be the group of rats who created the sonic array during the assessment.

"My lord, I didn't expect you to be so bad." Tian Yan covered his mouth with a smirk and said.

"Hee hee, master, there is no need for cats. I just caught a lot of snakes outside in the mountains, and I will let them kill them later." Chi Lian said with a smile and a strange spirit.

When he was in the Chen family, Chi Lian had been in contact with Qing Lin for a while.Of course, it is impossible for her to have the three-flower pupil of the green snake, a snake that can be controlled at will like Qinglin, and absorb the cultivation of snakes for her own use.However, Chi Lian's snake control skills have improved a lot, and it is not difficult to control a large number of snakes.

When he came to the Blood Pool in Tianshan Mountain, Chen Cheng didn't intend to overwhelm others with force, but to abide by the rules of the game and have fun.If you are not careful, you will be invincible. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so you just walk around and have fun.

Besides, among the people brought here, except for Nalan Yanran who had difficulty passing through the formation, the others could easily pass through.

After a while, other people came over. The first one to come was a disciple of the Nine Star Douhuang from Fenglei Pavilion. With his three thousand thunder movements, he had unparalleled speed. It was reasonable to come so quickly.

But when that person came over and saw that there were already so many people here, his face turned black immediately.

He didn't expect that there would be someone who came before him, how could he pretend to be so forceful?

Suddenly, that Fenglei Pavilion disciple noticed Elder Hao, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

He is also one of the Sifang Pavilions, and he still knows Elder Hao who has a very high status in this Huangquan Pavilion.

However, the Dou Zong powerhouse actually came in?
(End of this chapter)

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