Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 598 Bought For My Dad

Chapter 598 Bought For My Dad

The small road at the head of the village is not very spacious. Because there were not many vehicles in the countryside in the past few years, the standard used by the country to repair rural roads is naturally different from that in prosperous cities.Nowadays, with the development of the country, people's pockets are bulging, and there are more family cars. The cement roads that have been around for some years have naturally been gradually surpassed by the times.

The road is narrow, and it is inconvenient for vehicles to pass.

It is very common for two cars to meet head-on and get stuck for a long time.

Liu Yi had personally encountered this kind of thing.

At the age of 20, after five months of fast and slow preparation for the exam, Liu Yi got his first driver's license in his life. One time when he went home, he was issued a child by a student who had not yet passed the driver's license test. , took him to his house, drove his brother's car to pick up his girlfriend, and then went to play in the county.

Although he is not familiar with driving skills, but because of Fa Xiao's enthusiasm and the desire to drive in his heart, Liu Yi finally complied.

An embarrassing thing happened.

If you want to get on the national road, you have to pass through one of the villages, and the road connecting these two villages is this narrow, old road.

If you don't have a car at ordinary times, it's easy to pass this road.

But it was a coincidence that day, the car was halfway on the road, and there was a car coming from the opposite side. Liu Yi remembered clearly that his heart skipped a beat at that time. , This kind of situation that requires various reversing on narrow roads is the last thing you want to see.

What's more, the room was leaking because it was raining all night, and the two cars met. When Liu Yi was about to reverse the car and fine-tune it, he suddenly discovered that the several reverse gears he learned in driving school were useless in his friend's brother's car!


This Nima is embarrassing!
At that time, Liu Yi felt that his back was sweating slightly. Could it be any more embarrassing? As soon as he left the village, he didn't know how to reverse the car, and there was still a long way to go.

"Do you know how your brother's car reversed?" After a moment of silence, Liu Yi looked calm, and turned to ask the co-pilot's Fa Xiao.

"I'll call and ask..." Fa Xiao was also silent, then took out his mobile phone and prepared to call his brother at the risk of being K.

Fortunately, the owner of the car on the opposite side was an old driver. After walking to the front of the car and knowing the situation, he waved his hand helplessly and said, "It's okay. I'll fall backwards. You can drive over."

"This,,, that,,, thank you."

This is one of the things Liu Yi doesn't want to recall.


After thinking about it, the scenery in front of him changed. After getting off the national highway and passing by the streets of neighboring villages, Liu Yi saw the golden land again. The wheat that had been harvested left pieces of stubble. A few old people bent over and picked up wheat ears slowly in the field.

These old people are all from Liu Yi's grandparents. They are the ones who endure the most hardships and enjoy the least blessings. Even now and today, they still maintain a simple living habit. It's not that they can't afford it, but because they have Past the most enjoyable age.

"Ha ha……"

"Wait for me!"

On the road, children riding bicycles of various styles chased each other, dripping sweat and laughing like silver bells, sprinkled on the ground.

Liu Yi had already turned off the music in the car, and when he opened it to this road, the car windows were slightly turned down a little, and the wind with an earthy smell blew into the car, making Liu Yi, who was used to smelling the aroma inside the car, Yi, feel that this is the real home.

The speed of the car is not fast, but because the distance is very close, in a blink of an eye, the door of the house is close at hand.

Wang Yan, the co-pilot, began to tidy up her appearance at this moment and was about to get off the car.

The sun in the distance is as crimson as the rising sun, but the sultry weather tells people that it is already evening.

Pedestrians stood on both sides of the street, either joking or going to the supermarket to buy ingredients for dinner.

There are also children who have just finished school, riding bicycles home one after another.

The Maybach that Liu Yi is driving has a brand-new car body that constantly reflects the bright light. The noble and slender car body and the iconic Mercedes-Benz logo erected on the road have attracted enough attention.

This is why Liu Yi's family is in the south of the village. It would be even more unimaginable if it was in the street.

"It's a big boss who drives this car."

"No, alas, in this life, there is no hope of driving this car."

"Hey, that's Cheng Gang's house, isn't it? Why did you stop at the door of Cheng Gang's house?"

"I don't know, let's see who won it."

The ones who spoke were two neighbors not far from Liu Yi's house. When he was a child, Liu Yi often went to these two neighbors' uncles for lunch when his parents went out to sell things during the day, and they had a very good relationship.

Standing under the trees in the alley to enjoy the shade, they originally planned to go to Liu Yi's house to ask Liu's father to play mahjong, but before they got to the road, they saw this shiny Maybach passing by, slowly passing by Liu Yi's house. stopped in front of the door.

Liu's father and Liu's mother are low-key by nature, and no outsiders know about Liu Yi's millions of dollars.

Even Liu Yi’s parents didn’t touch the few million that Liu Yi put at home, they just deposited it in the bank when they died, and planned to buy a car and a house for their two sons in the future. many.

Therefore, seeing this luxury car parked in front of Liu Yi's house, the people who saw it had no idea that it was a car bought by Liu Yi's house.

Seeing the car stopped, both of them inadvertently lowered their breaths, and looked over there intently, wanting to know who got on and off the luxury car.

"Hey, that's Xiaoyi, isn't it? I read it right, right?"

"I think that's Xiaoyi too. Hey, look, another girl came out. Oh, she's so pretty. Let's go and have a look."

When the car door opened and Liu Yi and Wang Yan got out of the car, the two uncles, whose combined age was over 80 years old, stared at each other with wide eyes, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

The car door opened, Liu Yi and Wang Yan got out of the car respectively, and when they were taking gifts from the trunk, there was a surprise cry from the road in the distance.

"elder brother!"

Hearing the call that was so familiar that he couldn't be more familiar with it, Liu Yi still held the gift in his hand, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw my younger brother Liu Zichen, wearing white short sleeves, black breeches, carrying an army green schoolbag, riding the bicycle that Liu Yi rode to school at that time, with a happy face and a happy smile on his face.

"Hey, I'm back."

"Chenchen, be careful."

When they got closer, Liu Yi and Wang Yan said at the same time. Seeing their sister-in-law was there, Liu Zichen's happy smile was a little more shy. A sixth grader was still very shy.

"Ah, bro, I'll open the door for you."

Seeing Liu Yi holding the gift in his hand, Liu Chen quickly woke up from his joy. Without saying much, he parked his bicycle in place, ran to the door with a swaying schoolbag on his back, and took it out of his pants pocket. Get a key and open the door.

Seeing this, Liu Yi frowned slightly, but then smiled as usual and walked in with the gift.

Wang Yan followed Liu Yi.

After working for a few minutes, the air conditioner in the bedroom turned on and the stuffy feeling gradually dissipated. Liu Yi took out drinks from the refrigerator and gave Wang Yan a bottle and Zichen a bottle.

After taking a sip, the heat slowly dissipated.

Sitting on the sofa, Liu Yi asked, "Zichen, are our parents going to the meeting?"

Zichen was still in a very happy state, when he just turned on the TV, he turned his head and nodded and said, "Yeah."


Sighing secretly, Liu Yi suddenly felt sad in his heart.

Village fairs, temple fairs, and gatherings are all small trade fairs where farmers gather temporarily, and village fairs are the most grand kind. Every village in the countryside will have an annual event that lasts about three days.

During these three days, merchants from surrounding villages would drive here with goods and set up stalls to make money, and Liu Yi's parents made a living from this, making money for the daily expenses of the family and the daily expenses of the children.

When he was young, Liu Yi often went to meetings with his parents, so he has a deep understanding of this kind of hardship.

I thought that if I gave the family a few million, my parents would stop their hard work. Even if they couldn't stop, they probably wouldn't go out to set up a stall to make money in such hot weather, but Liu Yi found that he didn't think too much up.

I only know how to give a few million to my family, but I don't know to tell my family that I have a stable income, so that my parents can rest assured.

"Xiaoyi? Are you back?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the yard.

Liu Yi quickly adjusted his mood, glanced at the yard outside the window, and found that the two uncles from the neighbor had come, so he stood up and told Wang Yan to let her sit here and not go out, and then Liu Yi walked out of the door.

After chatting for a few minutes, the two uncles said goodbye and left.

When they were leaving, the two uncles looked at the car parked on the side of the road outside the door, and they were still thinking about what Liu Yi said just now, "Is that car outside? Haha, it's not mine. I made some money recently. Give it to me. Dad bought it."

Soon, the whole south of the village knew that Liu Yi had bought a 200 million Maybach for his father.

(End of this chapter)

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