Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 597 Arrived Home

Chapter 597 Arrived Home

In the early morning, it is foggy. In the Central Plains in summer, it is rare to see fog in the morning.


In the bedroom, Liu Yi, who was lying on the soft and comfortable bed, made a lazy voice, hugging Wang Yan in his arms, Liu Yi closed his eyes and squinted for a moment before he woke up completely, stretched slightly, opened his eyes. open your eyes.

"woke up?"

Wang Yan, who was resting with Liu Yi in her arms, was awakened by Liu Yi's movement, opened her eyes and said lazily.

Liu Yi responded with a smile, then sat up from the bed, got out of the bed, stretched again, yawned, took the clothes on the hanger, and put them on.

Wang Yan, like Liu Yi, got up and dressed after a short nap.

Liu Yi got dressed, walked to the bedroom window, opened the thin curtains, and looked out.

I saw a vast mist covering the whole world. Wherever Liu Yi's vision went, it was full of thick fog. Even the glass window in front of him was covered with a trace of mist, which gathered to a certain extent to form small water droplets rolling down and disappearing. Down.

"It's foggy outside, let's clean up slowly." Liu Yi turned around and said to Wang Yan.

"Okay, I'll pack it first." Wang Yan walked out of the bedroom with her hair tied.

When it comes to tidying up, men are always faster than women, especially in summer. The speed of men's tidying up should not be underestimated. Although Wang Yan went to tidy up for 10 minutes first, she was still not as fast as Liu Yi, who came from behind.

After checking the news on the phone for a while, Liu Yi and Wang Yan went downstairs to have breakfast after Wang Yan packed up.

The breakfast was rich, but only Liu Yi and Wang Yan enjoyed it.

Wang Yan's father, Wang Zhen, and mother, Jiang Jing, went to the company after breakfast early because of the video conference today.

Generally, when Wang Zhen is in this position, there are not many meetings that need to be held in person, but today’s meeting involves a wide range of aspects. In addition to two pieces of land with great development potential in Yanjiao, there are as many as twelve people in the three provinces of Shandong, Shanxi and Hebei. The amount involved in a large shopping plaza in a city has exceeded [-] billion, and Wang Zhen attaches great importance to this.

Liu Yi, the future son-in-law, was decisively left behind by Wang Zhen.

Time passed slowly, and before you knew it, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Liu Yi, who was watching movies with Wang Yan in the home theater on the fourth floor to pass the time, finally received a call from the 4S shop. Liu Yi's expression changed, and he patted Wang Yan's shoulder lightly, indicating to answer the phone. Wang Yan nodded, Turn off the sound of the wall speakers on both sides by remote control.

"Hello." Liu Yi answered the phone and asked.

"Hello, are you Mr. Liu?"


"Well, hello, the Mercedes-Maybach s450-4matic you ordered has been delivered to you at the place you designated according to your requirements. Now I am outside the gate, please come and check it."

On the other end of the phone, there was a voice.

The voice on the other end was a little thicker, about the age of 30, and this information flashed in Liu Yi's mind.

Shaking his head and not thinking about the mess, Liu Yi smiled and said: "Okay, thank you, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yi showed a smile on his face, and said to Wang Yan who was sitting beside him, "OK, we can go."

"Well, this movie is pretty good. I'll watch it on the road later." Wang Yan said, stood up, turned off the screen being shown on the screen by remote control, came out with Liu Yi one after the other, and headed downstairs go.

By this time in the early morning, the fog had already dissipated.

Because it is summer, the climate is windy, the raging smog is severely suppressed, and the blue sky appears from time to time.

Thinking of the brand-new Mercedes-Maybach parked at the gate, Liu Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Yan was a girl and couldn't walk too fast, Liu Yi would have already rushed over. .

In less than a minute, Liu Yi and Wang Yan walked to the gate.

In fact, from the time he came out of the villa, Liu Yi saw the pure black car parked at the gate, and a middle-aged man in a suit standing beside the car.



With joy, Liu Yi's voice became much softer when talking to others.

After a few minutes of communication, Liu Yi not only learned the basic situation of the new Maybach he bought, but also learned that the middle-aged man who came to deliver the car was a middle-aged man with a decent attitude. Liu Yi was a little surprised, but after thinking of the address filled in, Liu Yi knew it in his heart.

The experienced deputy manager naturally knew that Liu Yi's attention was not on him, exchanged some pleasantries, and resolutely said goodbye and left.

After the man left, the suppressed joy in Liu Yi's heart finally showed up, and he walked to the car in a few steps, looking at the Mercedes-Maybach quietly parked in front of him with shining eyes.

This car developed with extreme enjoyment and extreme speed, exudes the beauty of science and technology from top to bottom, with a smooth body contour, a noble and slender body, and when the door is opened, the smooth oak and sterling silver accessories are created. There is also the control system full of technological feeling that will emit different lights once it is activated, which is enough to make everyone who sees it deeply crazy.

Mercedes-Maybach s450 has a landing price of 1.750.000 yuan. RMB. It is worth the money, whether it is appearance or interior, it is value for money.

Compared with Wang Zhen's car, it is 300 million lower.

The Maybach driven by Wang Yan's father, Wang Zhen, is a model that money can't buy, and it is no longer for sale. There are no more than one hundred existing cars in the whole country.

This 170 million luxury car was bought by Liu Yi for his father, Liu Chenggang.

My father, like everyone of his generation, came from hard times. Now that his living standards have fully caught up with him, he is still reluctant to give himself good food and good food, but for his children, he has everything. willing.

Like the people of his generation, the father doesn't know how to express his love for the child. He can only look at the child quietly when the child doesn't know it. When the child turns around, he doesn't know when to move it away. looked away.

When the child goes out and is not at home, he misses the child, and he just tells his mother, asking the mother to ask if the child is doing well recently, but I never say a word more.But every word he said was bound to be a smile on his face.

The father who is not good at talking can only silently give his love to his children wrapped in seriousness.

"Dad will definitely like it." Liu Yi smiled, turned to look at Wang Yan, and said happily.

"En." Wang Yanhao showed her teeth slightly, her eyes were as beautiful as stars.


The Yellow River Bridge in Zhengzhou is highly likely to be blocked during holidays.

The red bridge and the simple gray bridge body make up this bridge. It is like a gorgeous rainbow, one of which is one of the colors. It is built on the vast Yellow River. If it is the peak flood season, the wide and swollen Yellow River water will always flow through. It can make people who see it for the first time marvel and feel the magnificence and beauty of nature.

The Maybach galloped across the bridge, leaving behind a car shadow.

Occasionally, when someone saw this Maybach, he immediately patted his friends and talked about it with envy.

The way home is not too far away, it only takes two and a half hours to cross the highway.

Anyang Hua County.

It is said to be Hua County in AY City, but in fact Hua County is not close to Anyang. Hua County belongs to the edge of Anyang, and it is close to PY and Xinxiang, but it is far away from AY City. Liu Yi has never been to Anyang. .

The vehicle turned down from the intersection of the expressway, and after some formalities, it got off the expressway.

The rest of the road is no longer far away. In just a few minutes, Liu Yi saw the buildings of the county seat in front of him. Compared with cities like Shanghai and Zhengzhou, such floors are really not high, but Liu Yi looked at them. This small building, with a little lonely building, is full of closeness.

The traffic gradually increased, and Liu Yi's speed also slowed down.

There are more buildings and more people.

The popularity of Maybach is still very high, whether it is passers-by or passing drivers, Liu Yi turned a blind eye to those envious eyes. The closer he was to home, the happier he was. Later, when he thought of bringing such a big gift to his father, Liu Yi's hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Wang Yan wanted to drive for Liu Yi.

Liu Yi waved his hand, Wang Yan gave up and said a few words to Liu Yi with a smile.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun radiates its heat fiercely, and the earth is like a steamer. At this time, there are very few people outside. Most of them stay at home blowing electric fans, or staying in air-conditioned rooms, eating Watermelon, to escape the heat.

Got home.

(End of this chapter)

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