Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 533 Attack Gene Reappearance

Chapter 533 Attack Gene Reappearance
While the long-haired three were giving an impassioned explanation, Liu Yi had already manipulated Leopard Girl to climb over the Dalong Pit and entered the completely dark river. The river with a long enough distance could not have a blind spot in the vision, so even if Liu Yi was approaching, Xiang Guo and the others didn't know anything about it.

"Ah, Xiangguo, run away, the leader is coming against you!"

"It's a fierce comparison. The leader is afraid to cause trouble. The incense pot is still killing wild monsters. I didn't realize that the leader is coming to fight against the wild!"

"It's really unexpected, a real chicken thief!"

"I take the test, I like it like this, professional games are played as passers-by, the leader is strong enough, support!"

"Fuck, is the teacher treating the game as a high point?"

In the dark audience seats, there are quite a few rng fans, especially fans who support Xiangguo. After seeing this scene on the screen, they yelled loudly, wanting to remind their idols, but the sound insulation effect is excellent The soundproof room prevents the players inside from hearing the slightest sound from the outside world.

The game in Summoner's Canyon is still going on. Players on both sides are operating cautiously while observing every move of their opponents, ready to attack or retreat at any time. The line seems to be stable but there are hidden murderous intentions.

"Is there a chance in the middle?" Xiangguo moved the camera to the middle, and asked Xiaohu in an uncertain tone.

His toad has been taken away, and now the blue buff's blood volume is not much left. If there is a chance in the middle lane, then Xiang Guo decided to go to the middle lane to help Xiaohu catch a wave and build up when he beats the three wolves and rises to the third level. Advantage.

"The Tsar is a bit stable, you should develop first." Xiaohu stared at the line intently, and quickly responded to Xiangguo.

It didn't take long, just seeing Tsar's choice during the laning, Xiaohu knew that there was no chance of success in the early stage of the mid lane, knowing that the opponent's jungler was the leader, Xiaohu would never allow Xiangguo's development to be delayed Come down, there is no need to squat in the middle.

The audience can clearly see from the screen that Xiaohu's enchantress and Athena's tsar both control the line at a safe distance for themselves. The safe distance plus the hero's own skill effect, want to catch death and not easy.

"Yeah." Xiangguo nodded and said no more.

Qian Jue is a relatively strong jungler in this version. Qian Jue's skill effect is very strong in this version. The speed of clearing the jungle can not be underestimated in the early stage, especially Qian Jue's passive. Facing the existence in front of him, coupled with the effect of his own ultimate move, even Qian Jue with residual blood makes people dare not act rashly.


The churning wolf spirit appeared from the void from time to time, and the two blue eyes revealed killing intent. With the effect of w skill wolf spirit frenzy, Qian Jue quickly brushed off the blue buff, and flexibly used the q skill random arrow Wu fell into the pit of the three wolves and attacked the three wolves.

Xiangguo's eyes are constantly patrolling the map, thinking about where Liu Yi should be now, what actions he may take next, and ready to warn his teammates of possible dangers.

It's a pity that what Xiangguo didn't expect was that Liu Yi adopted a completely different tactic from the previous games this time. In the case of only level [-], he crossed the vast wild area and came to the blue side's wild area, lurking in the In the grass in the wild area on the left side of the middle road, silently waiting for the time to come.

In the commentary seat, the three commentators all paid attention to the actions of Xiangguo and Liu Yi.

The baby shook her head and sighed: "The incense pot opened the three wolves, it seems that he didn't find out the premeditation of the leader. Alas, this wave of the leader has succeeded to a large extent. It is really unexpected."

Changmao nodded, agreeing, "RNG team made a mistake in this tactical arrangement, of course, it can also be said that the leader's play style was too unexpected, because the leader in the first eight games focused on stability, which is easy to give people The style of play that caused the leader to play is stable, so it is indeed unpredictable that the leader suddenly switched to this very aggressive style in the passer-by game."

Hearing this, Miller felt a burst of electric current coming from the back of his head, which made the spine and the back of his head go numb, "We seem to have forgotten the leader's jungle ability that was rated as dominant!"


With a winning rate of 90%, which is almost god-like, he climbed to the top of Hanbok, and the character who made the starting jungler of every strong team in South Korea feel afraid, and his anti-jungle success rate was as high as 87%. Gradually forgotten.

Today, when Liu Yi played against the super strong team rng, he finally showed this aggressive style that reached the peak again, so that all the audience, all the players and coaches recalled being dominated by Liu Yi fear!
In fact, there are not only three coaches, the most surprised and furious one is rng coach Cai Xueyu. When studying the style of IM, Liu Yi was characterized as a steady jungler. Now he suddenly changed his style. Cai Xueyu was shocked and angry.

If this wave is really successful against the wild by Liu Yi, then the previous judgments of him and the coaching staff will definitely become a black spot. They swore that Liu Yi's chances of turning against the wild are not very high, and the vigilance of the incense pot is lowered, and they cannot get rid of them. relationship.

The incense pot was still brushing the three wolves, and the blood volume of the three wolves gradually remained.

There was a relaxed smile on Xiangguo's face. Just as he was about to take down the last big wolf and upgrade to level [-], he went to the second half of the jungle to find a chance to Gank, when a rough spear suddenly appeared in the dark jungle in front of him. Come roaring with a strong murderous intent!


The long spear shot close to the ground, and the falling leaves from the trees just touched the spear tip made of fine iron, and they were instantly shattered, turned into fine powder and blown away by the surging air current.

"No, Leopard Girl is here to fight against the wild, what the hell!"

When he saw this spear, Xiangguo's eyes immediately widened, and his pupils shrank slightly. The good mentality he had cultivated over a long period of time and his own reaction made Xiangguo subconsciously move to the side, trying to avoid this deadly spear. .

And while walking, Xiangguo used up the last bottle of blood potion without even thinking about it. Although he didn't lose much blood by pulling monsters and brushing wild monsters, his blood volume still dropped to three after three consecutive waves of wild monsters. One-third, originally he wanted to continue to recover the chance to clear out the wild monsters in the lower half of the wild area. With the red buff and the river crabs in the river, the blood volume is not a problem.

However, now, Liu Yi's sudden counter-wilding directly disrupted Xiangguo's rhythm, causing Xiangguo to use the red medicine in a hurry. Even if this wave of Liu Yi turned around and left immediately, Xiangguo's jungle rhythm would be disrupted. Fragrant pots will not be affected, but if you want to catch people online, you have to weigh it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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