Chapter 532
"This hero, we studied last time"

The coach and the players talked solemnly and decided to make the final choice.

At the same time, in the lobby of the backstage and the lounge belonging to other teams, other teams are carefully watching the contest between the two teams, because they know that the game has reached this stage, and it has come to the moment when cards slowly appear. For this extremely precious summer champion, even seeing a trace of the opponent's hole cards is always an extremely important gain.

Cai Xueyu finally finalized the final plan with the five team members. First, Ike was banned. After Im also banned a hero, Liu Yi's blind monk was targeted for ban, and finally the vampire was banned.

Zhang Qi, Liu Yi and other team members finally chose to ban the wandering mage, which made Xiaohu's face look uneasy. Secondly, they banned Uzi's policewoman, which made the lineup that Rng painstakingly prepared for Uzi go to waste. Finally, Looper's Bobby , in the professional arena, Looper's Bobby is a bug-level existence.

In the soundproof room, Looper watched the opponent's choice with great interest. He and Cai Xueyu made sure to release AJ's troll several times. Looper was not a fool. The reason why he released AJ's strong troll was because they were ready. Good enough to restrain the lineup of trolls.

"Titan." Cai Xueyu frowned.

As the audience cheered, Cai Xueyu felt that he had made a slight mistake in his judgment, because when collecting information, AJ was obviously an aggressive top laner, but now he chose Titan and let him Feeling a little surprised.

"Big tree." Zhang Qi frowned this time.

Liu Yi also looked thoughtfully at the big tree brought out by the opponent. Looper is a steady player. The feeling he got when he got the big tree was obviously more stable than the aggressive AJ.

Time passed quickly, and the fierce choice finally extinguished the smoke for the time being.

Im's final choice is AJ's top laner Titan, Liu Yi's jungler Leopard Girl, Athena's mid laner Czar, and the bottom lane combination of Smile and Curly is Lucian and Bron.

Rng's final choice is Looper's top laner Dashu, Xiangguo's jungler Qianyu, Xiaohu's mid laner Yaoji, and Uzi and Mata's explorer and apocalypse. From the lineup, they are all very aggressive and belong to the kind of take Once you get an advantage, you can stabilize the snowballing lineup.

The coaches on both sides made sure there were no accidents, so they walked out of the soundproof room, walked to the center of the stage, shook hands with each other with smiles on their faces, and walked side by side towards the steps where they came. theirs.

The ten smaller screens in front of the stage represent the ten players of the two teams.

The images on the screen are the heroes chosen by the contestants, which flickers continuously with the countdown, and finally at the end of the countdown, it is converted into the personal data of the contestants and the data since the competition.

"Come on, leader! I am optimistic about you, five consecutive victories!"

"Great King, beat Uzi and prove who is the number one ADC in China!"

"Go RNG, Mata Ouba, you are the number one support in the world, you must support our little dog well, hey!"

"Come on, Xiangguo Laotie, come back to brush Buddha Jumping Wall after winning!"

"Xiaohu got the enchantress, be sure!"

The number of people online in the official live broadcast room has exceeded 500 million. This is still during the day. Many people who are in class or at work can only secretly cheer for the supporting team from the bottom of their hearts and cannot go to the scene to support. .

In the commentary seat, the three commentators took advantage of the interval between talking and took a sip of the mineral water prepared in front of them. The BP link of the two teams just now really cost them a lot of effort. The next game will definitely be even more exciting. strenuous.


"Welcome to League of Legends!"

The audience in the live broadcast room and the audience at the scene heard the voice at the same time. The system voice of Summoner's Canyon announced the start of the game. Those who eat melon seeds eat melon seeds, and those who get drinks get drinks. The game has officially started.

Buy equipment, and both sides will grab the first time to go to the wild area to seize the field of vision.

Rng was under a lot of pressure. He met Liu Yi in the national server and Han server, and he never won a victory. Therefore, even in this match, he felt the pressure unnaturally.

Going against the wild, that was something he didn't even dare to think about.

Liu Yi, Xiao Xiao and the others stood silently in the river, until they saw each other's figure, they backed away a little. As time went by, when they found that it was impossible for the opposite side to gather and form a group, they chose to set up their vision, and moved towards the line and Go to the wild area.

Liu Yi said: "Come and help me hit red, and after I hit red, I will go against the wild."

Hearing Liu Yi's words, the four teammates were a little surprised, because in the previous few games, they had never seen Liu Yi choose to go against the jungle so early, and they even forgot, including smiling. Liu Yi's sharp and desperate anti-wild consciousness.

Liu Yi stopped directly in the grass of the red buff. He silently paid attention to Xiangguo's actions. After seeing Xiangguo's move of choosing toad, he immediately changed his tactics and asked Titan to help him fight the red.


A fresh red buff appeared in the pit, and Titan and Leopard Girl attacked at the same time. skills, under the blessing of transforming into a leopard and passive effects, Leopard Girl's movement speed is very impressive.

The big dragon pit, jumped straight down.

The long-haired eyes on the commentary seat lit up, and he immediately said: "Does the leader want to fight against the jungle? It is very sharp to directly choose the second-level upgrade w to go to the wild area of ​​​​Xiangguo. To be honest, after a professional game It’s rare to see the leader be so radical!”

Miller's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he said with a dry smile: "Maybe the leader felt the pressure of Rng, so he wanted to curb Xiangguo's rhythm from the beginning, so that they could not get assistance from the jungler?"

Baby couldn't help looking at Miller when she heard this, and shook her head secretly. Miller, who is usually known for being cautious, seemed really excited this time, and even said such words that would cause dissatisfaction with the other four teams without thinking.

What does 'feeling the pressure of Rng' mean?
It sounds like Rng is stronger than the four teams including we, which is why the leader returned to his original aggressive play style, making people subconsciously feel that the other four teams are not as strong as Rng.

(End of this chapter)

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