Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 181 Reversal of the Situation

Chapter 181 Reversal of the Situation
In the Dalong Canyon of the Summoner Canyon, the Douyu streamer is in the most critical battle with the Huya streamer. If the Douyu streamer wins this round of team battles, the bot lane will soon be pushed to Huya. The pawn line of the anchor highland, combined with the effect of the dragon buff, can directly win the game.

On the contrary, if the Huya anchor headed by the factory director wins, it will not only break the comprehensive suppression of the Douyu anchor headed by the leader, but also very likely to take this big dragon into his pocket, and the key economic moment will be enough. Pull back to be equal with the Douyu anchor!

"Protect the ice, hurry up!" The factory director controlling the widow first used the sudden burst damage of the widow, coupled with the effect of the ice and Rambo's ultimate move, to successfully cut Zhu Xiaoyue away from the team battle area, Greatly limit the output space of the wheel mother.

The only regret is that she was not able to kill the wheel mom in one fell swoop. The [-]-[-] Lulu gave her ult to the wheel mother at the last moment, which made the wheel mother turn the corner. And in the final struggle of the [-]-[-], Lu Xueqi The blood volume was also reduced by about a quarter by a [-]-[-] split.

As for Jian Ji, who was out of Thresh's control, under the control of Xiaoxiao, the R skill Wushuang challenge suddenly started, and a huge green halo appeared under everyone's feet. This is Jian Ji's territory!
The sword girl who has already made a black cut has considerable damage. Just the burst of Q skills and E skills directly knocked out a quarter of the blood volume of Rambo blocking Lu Xueqi's body and Chen He. Afterwards, laughing The laughing sword girl immediately activated her W skill towards the front, and a sword mark was formed on the ground, protecting Xiaoxiao from some damage.

"Hurry up, Ya'er!" Xiaoxiao yelled in the channel while controlling Jianji's crazy output to everyone, and Xika, who was broadcasting the live broadcast with Xiaoxiao, was watching beside Xiaoxiao. At this time, Xika Ka looked at the situation on the field with a dignified expression, and didn't even say any coquettish words.

"Fight for honor!"

When the factory director's widow and Wuhu Shensao Nan were attacking Jian Ji quickly, Lulu's mom who was saved by the [-]-[-] Lulu with her life suddenly activated her W skill to join this wave of team battles!

The cross blade in Sivir's hand swung out suddenly after reaching the distance, and shot at the widow and other heroes who were attacking Jian Ji in a group at this time. Facing the heroes in a group, Zhu Xiaoyue didn't have to think about it at all. , As soon as the Q skill is released, it hits one piece!
At the same time, the terrible damage of the wheel mother is far more than that. Facing the current situation, the W skill ejection can easily deal explosive damage, but the premise is that I wish Xiaoyue's wheel mother is fully supported. Protect!

"Escape into the void!"

At the moment when Mom Wheels joined the battle, the flamboyant man who had already set his sights on Mom Wheels, his eyes flashed, and his big move Void Walk was activated immediately, Kassadin suddenly disappeared in the distance, and the next moment, he suddenly appeared in the In front of the wheel mother!
The energy pulse of the E skill has already stacked up layers, Sao Nan has been waiting for such an opportunity in his hands, and now, the opportunity has come!

E skill energy pulse and other skills, Sao Nan slapped all of Lu Zi Ma's face, Zhu Xiaoyue's Lu Zi Ma only had about [-]/[-] of her HP left in an instant!
"Nothing can beat me back!"

Beside Kassadin, the tauren chief who was protecting the wheel mother on the left and right sides of the wheel mother, saw that the wheel mother was suddenly attacked, he roared angrily under the control of the curly hair and raised his fist, and suddenly slammed into the stable on the ground!

Q skill smashes the earth!
Sao Nan's Kassadin was suddenly knocked into the air, losing the ability to continue attacking, and Xiaoxiao behind him, because of the lack of Sao Nan's output, finally got a little time to breathe, and rushed while fighting. Kassadin, who was in a bad mood, rushed forward.

"Hurry up, don't give Jianji and Zhu Xiaoyue time to breathe!" Seeing the situation like this, the God of Wuhu no longer planned to control Liu Yi's blind monk. Green walls!
R skill ghost prison!
"Crack!" The smiling Swordswoman didn't care so much at this time. After smashing one of the walls, she finally came to the distance behind Kassadin. Slowing down, Xiaoxiao also struggled to run a critical distance!
At this moment, the situation on the field suddenly turned into five vs. four. What's more important is that Zhu Xiaoyue and Xiaoxiao's blood volume is not healthy. bull head.

The widow's Q skill has never stopped. A series of sharp thorns crazily attacked Jian Ji and Niutou. Rambo had already activated Central Asia when he was besieged just now. Flame was sprayed from the mouth, and the cold ice that activated the Q skill even dealt tons of damage under Lu Xueqi's control.

The situation at the moment is that the factory manager has the upper hand. Although Zhu Xiaoyue's wheel mother is doing crazy output with the help of her teammates, Zhu Xiaoyue has output, but she really lacks an output environment!

The factory director, who was attacking wildly with the widow, stared at the place where the blind monk disappeared just now with a serious expression, and raised his eyebrows because of the stiff expression, "Do you dare to come here?!"

"I use my hands to achieve your dreams!"

However, the next moment, as if hearing the voice of the factory director, the blind monk who was pulling everyone's nerves finally appeared on the field!

But different from other ways of appearing, Liu Yi's blind monk came out after activating the second-stage Q, while the blind monk's Q skill was Q on Rambo who was on the edge of the position!

In a few tenths of a second, the blind monk immediately activated the second-stage Q and kicked up!

No, the factory manager suddenly realized that his position was extremely dangerous at this time, because they, who had won the advantage and attacked wildly, had already forgotten their positions, and they all gathered together!
"Quickly dodge!" The factory manager roared angrily, and immediately controlled the widow to avoid the blind monk's big move that would inevitably appear next. However, his W skill has not recovered and he has not flashed, and his movement speed can't reach it at all. When asked to escape, the blind monk's speed was too fast!

So fast that Sao Nan didn't even have time to start his big move and run away!

However, Rambo's review had the eye position that Niutou had set up just now. This eye position directly ruined the dream of the five factory directors. W touched his eyes in an instant!

"One library!"

Raptors tail!

The moment Duan Q came to Chen He Lanbo's side, Liu Yi's blind monk seemed to suppress his anger for a long time. After a roar, he suddenly jumped up, swung his muscular right leg and kicked towards Rambo quickly. , Accompanied by a whirlwind circling like a mad dragon!
"Bang bang bang bang!"

All the operations were performed in a few tenths of a second, and the unprepared Widow, Han Bing, Thresh, and Kassadin were suddenly knocked down by Chen He's Lambert, and all flew into the air!

The precise and rigorous calculations like a machine plus the one-second prediction of the enemy's position made Liu Yi's blind monk kick five times in this wave of big moves!
Five on one foot!District One Kings Bureau!

When the team was in adversity and was on the verge of extinction, Liu Yi's blind monk used a god-like big move to instantly change the direction of the wind on the field, pushing the five factory managers into a dark abyss!

Because of Zhu Xiaoyue's attack, Kassadin, whose blood volume was not healthy enough, was unable to resist the sudden catastrophe. This big move by the blind monk simply emptied his blood volume. After the Sao Nan screamed unwillingly He could only watch his Kassadin fall to the ground!

And Chen He, who was continuously attacked by the smiling sword girl, had already used it in Zhongya, so he was powerless to stop the blind monk's sudden burst of damage, and was directly hit by the blind monk's powerful kick. It was extremely dangerous, and after knocking the other four people into the air, they couldn't escape because of the burning effect of the red buff on the blind monk!
Dfbb (Blind Monk) killed please don't give up this game (Voidwalker)
Dfbb (Blind Monk) killed Tianba Dongba TUA (Mechanical Enemy)


"NCIE! So strong!" Zhu Xiaoyue, who was at a disadvantage and had a dignified and worried face, burst out of suppressed emotions instantly after seeing this scene!

After the mother of wheels uttered an angry shout, she entered the battlefield again with the help of the curly-haired bull head. The goddess of war never gives up!
(End of this chapter)

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