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Chapter 180 A team battle breaks out and Lu Benwei is down!

Chapter 180 A team battle breaks out and Lu Benwei is down!
The situation has reached this point, and it is clear at a glance who is at a disadvantage in the Summoner's Canyon. The linkage between Liu Yi's blind monk and the curly-haired Niutou wild assistant has brought great pressure to the factory manager from the beginning. In addition, the online Everyone has the precedent of being a showman, and they are also restrained in fighting online, which is undoubtedly a self-defeating martial arts.

The duel between masters is not as simple as the so-called taking the head. If it is only about taking the head, Liu Yi would have won this fight long ago.

The factory directors, who are quite qualified in terms of mentality and technology, were not overwhelmed under the pressure of Liu Yi, but tried every means to bring up the rhythm of the field and give themselves room to develop. Facing this wave of coercion from Liu Yi's side, the factory manager and the others didn't have no chance at all.

"Remember, Thresh's hook is very important when I cut to the back row." At this time, everyone in the factory manager also came to the place where the blue buff was. All the eye positions were removed by Liu Yi and the others.

The factory manager looked at the Dalong Canyon covered by the fog of war, and after a few people in the channel gave instructions, he controlled the widow to run straight towards the Dalong Canyon through the path of Blue Buff.

With the widow's passive, security is undoubtedly greatly improved.

"The factory manager's widow is passive, so it's probably the widow who came to explore the way. Niutou remember to protect the mother of the wheel." In the [-]-[-] live broadcast room, [-]-[-], who knew how important this wave is to each other, watched with a serious expression. said on the screen.

After all, [-]-[-] was also a person who followed the royal family to compete for the S-series championship. Although his skills have declined sharply, his eyesight is not lacking at all. After a little deduction, [-]-[-] knows what the factory director wants to do.

At this time, Wuwukai and the others were impressively in the grass of the river, and they could see the vision of Dalong in front, and they could block the exit here, and the vision had already been removed by Liu Yi, who came first. Here, it undoubtedly occupies a great initiative.

"It should be here, Han Bing is preparing to make a big move." Under the control of the director, the widow, who was hiding in the dark, made a reconnaissance in the Dalong Canyon. When she found no one, the director had already suspected the grass After all, there is no vision here and Liu Yi's attitude just now is to fight Dalong. The suspicion here is the biggest in the director's heart!
But in the duel between masters, every skill is crucial, not to mention Han Bing's ultimate move that can be used for group control. To be on the safe side, the director still controlled the widow to slowly walk towards the grass.

At the moment of approaching the grass, 噗——

The reconnaissance guard fell instantly, and the blind monks hidden in it were instantly exposed, and the team battle broke out at this moment!

At the same time, Lu Xueqi, who had been prepared for a long time, pressed her finger on the R button fiercely, and a huge crystal arrow exuding cold air suddenly formed, and shot towards Wu Wukai and the others with a bang!

"I found a chance to make a move!"

Almost at the moment when Lu Xueqi's ice shot out the big move, the factory director's widow immediately activated the W skill, and with the sudden acceleration, she quickly approached Wuwukai and the others. In the blink of an eye, the widow Evelyn passed the extreme distance!
As the lines were read, Evelyn suddenly raised her hands high, and then pressed down hard, boom!
R skill Embrace of Pain!
Right at the feet of Lulu and Niutoujianji, a huge circle suddenly surrounded them all, and sharp thorns suddenly protruded from the normal ground, covering Lulu, Wheel Mom and others. hit!
But at the moment when the factory manager turned on his W skill and rushed forward, he saw a free eye suddenly inserted on the dry bank beside the river, and then, under the unwilling eyes of the factory manager and Lu Xueqi, the blind monk only left An afterimage suddenly left everyone's attack range!

"Don't care about him, fight!" The factory manager saw Liu Yi's blind monk avoiding the attacking range of the crowd, and he was stunned for a short time before reacting immediately. The widow, who had not accelerated, finally came in front of everyone. Then use the big move immediately!
The blind monk evacuated, Zhu Xiaoyue and Curly Xiaoxiao all gathered together, there will never be such a good output environment!
"Going forward!"

Chen He's Rambo is facing such a good output environment, even if his rank is low, he knows what to do at this time. Rambo's ultimate move is used immediately, and a row of hot rockets exuding a dangerous atmosphere forms a straight line. It exploded in that area suddenly!

"Hit him!"

Zhu Xiaoyue shouted anxiously. As for the E skill she originally planned to use to resist a key attack, she had already used it. Facing the ice that had already fallen in front of her and activated the A skill and was outputting it, she was still tied up with a chain. Sword Princess's Thresh, Zhu Xiaoyue decisively used her R skill to hunt!
The moment the big move was used, Zhu Xiaoyue, who had greatly increased her movement speed, quickly controlled the mother of the wheel and ran towards the back, in order to avoid the widow who was madly attacking her. At this time, the factory manager's goal was perfectly achieved and succeeded. Zhu Xiaoyue's wheel mother!

"Quick, quick!" Sao Nan's Kassadin was not to be outdone, the factory manager cut away the wheel mother, and Sao Nan launched a crazy attack on Lulu, who was [-]-[-]. The decline!

"The highest level of a warrior is to be able to open the shield wall without holding a shield!"

Just as the factory manager, Sao Nan, and Zhu Xiaoyue were chasing Wu Wukai and Zhu Xiaoyue madly, the angry bull-headed chief who had activated his ult roared and slammed his fist on the ground!

Q skill smashes the earth!
The Ice Widow and Kassadin were all knocked into the air at this time, which gave Zhu Xiaoyue some time to breathe. As for the [-]-[-] who was caught in the crack, she really couldn't escape, and the big move, Wild Growth, gave Zhu Xiaoyue instant relief. Wheel mother with residual blood!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhu Xiaoyue's mother's originally petite body instantly grew bigger, and her blood volume also recovered rapidly in a state visible to the naked eye!

"They won't like this~"

After finishing the final attack, the [-]-[-] Lulu couldn't escape the siege of several people after all. As a crispy mid laner, she also gave her ult to others, which made the [-]-[-] break in a very short period of time. The blood bar was emptied by the factory manager.

After a wail, she feebly shook the wizard hat on her head, and Lulu fell to the ground!
Clearlove (Widowmaker) kills someone with a lot of female fans (Fairy Witch)
"Ya'er, what do you use to hit me, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" Just as Lulu, who was half-baked, fell down, Xiaoxiao, who had been controlled by Thresh from the beginning, finally broke away from her. Thresh stepped out of a series of controls.

A green halo appeared under Jian Ji's feet with her ultimate move activated, and the Q skill piercing through the air made Jian Ji's body suddenly rush towards the ice that was constantly walking A madly output at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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