Urban practice

Chapter 603

Chapter 603
No wonder I have been to Yuhua Mountain so many times, but I have never seen the Red Phoenix Celestial Girl. It turns out that the little red bird is the so-called Red Phoenix Celestial Girl.

Before, he had always fallen into a misunderstanding, thinking that the little red bird was a boy, which was why there were so many misunderstandings.

When the name was mentioned, the little red bird showed obvious sadness.

"That's right, it's me, I'm the Red Phoenix Celestial Girl. The ancient-level boss that everyone calls. The only strong man who has embarked on the road to immortality. Am I useless? They expect me to make a move so much , I hope I can save them and save this world, but I have only cultivated to five steps up to the sky until now."

"The road to eternal life and combat strength are two different concepts." Ye Rong touched her head and said.

Little Red Bird's way of immortality is similar to Tian'anhua, but it is qualitatively different. What wakes up is still herself, and what disappears is only the memory. These memories can also be opened selectively.

This way of longevity, concentration and longevity are very powerful, even far surpassing Ximen Sword Immortal, but it does not focus on improving strength.Because every time, the re-accumulation of Little Red Bird's memory brings the possibility of discarding past memories.Just like if a person really has a past life, he is given the opportunity to have the memory of the past life, but will he choose to have it?The accumulation of too many memories is also a burden. Sometimes, it may be more relaxing to walk away after abandoning a section of the road ahead.

In this way, each rebirth represents the lack of cultivation, various theoretical knowledge, and some combat abilities. Just like the little red bird at the beginning can only peck people without thinking, the natural progress of cultivation will be Not fast.It is still strong, but now, obviously, it has not caught up with the time to be strong.

"Think about it, if you haven't chosen rebirth and reshuffled memories for so many years, can I still meet you? Can I still touch your head with my hand like now? When the time comes , How high do you want to be! Your mentality instantly becomes a super old, super old old man."

The little red bird snorted softly. She didn't want to encounter that kind of situation.Although my body is still young, my heart has aged so much in an instant!

"However, that guy, even the Sword Immortal who climbed to the Immortal Mansion is no match for him."

"The world is impermanent. This is a crisis for the entire human race. It is like the ancient ice age, the big explosion of the planet, and some natural disasters are normal. If you can't carry them all on your shoulders, you will peck and peck, even if you are male or female. You silly bird who doesn't even know, can you move your back?"

The little red bird glanced at Ye Rong, this guy is really hateful, he kept bullying himself while he was crying, if he regained his memory in an instant, with so many years of memory, he would definitely not be able to scold him!

But listening to his words, I really felt a lot more comfortable in my heart.

"When a car reaches the mountain, there must be a road, and when a boat reaches the bridge, it will naturally go straight. Disasters are like being possessed by evil spirits in cultivation. If you survive, you will have to go against the sky a little more. If you fail, you will be destroyed. It is not the time to be destroyed yet, so don't worry," he said. Maybe, within these two months, someone will be able to deal with him?"

Ye Rong showed a slight smile, the human mind has reached a certain level, after having a kind of consciousness, when it comes to chicken soup, it's all the same!

"Have you ever played rafting?" He blinked at the little red bird.


Little Red Bird was taken aback.

"Take you adrift."

Ye Rong laughed, and jumped into the lonely river with his arms around the little red bird's waist. Suddenly, a black lotus flower appeared on the river surface. He pulled the other party to sit down in the black lotus, and then said, "Let's go!"

The black lotus followed the water potential and turned straight down, with spiral acceleration. The oncoming waves, wind and waves, and the continuous bumping of the lotus hull made the little red bird scream again and again. She is now cultivated I haven't let it out, and I'm used to flying with wings. I have never experienced such a feeling, at least this time since I remember it. It's so novel, I even forget my sadness!Excited.

The two of them floated on the lotus from Guxing River to the surging river.The waves of the river became more fierce. Ye Rong quickly turned off the spiral acceleration, but the speed was still too fast to stop. It was like drifting!The two of them were just like this, tumbling among the rocks and waves. The waves were rising without oars, and they were floating without sails. They floated for who knows how long before they rushed out of a huge waterfall and fell into the sea.

In the end, the two landed steadily on the sea, drifting quietly to watch the sunrise.

That's right, before you know it, it's time for sunrise.
Where the water and the sky meet, a round sun leaps out. Warm and purple air comes from the east. The little red bird and Ye Rong can't help but take a deep breath to absorb the purple air of the rising sun.

Then, they looked at each other and smiled.

I can't help but think of the first time we met, one person and one bird met each other to compete for the purity or energy of Yuhua Mountain, and we had a series of acquaintances and mutual acquaintances.

"Are you in a good mood?"

"Not bad." The little red bird rested its head on the lotus petals and nodded.

"That's good, come on, have a smile."

Ye Rong put his arms around Little Red Bird's shoulders, and the two leisurely looked like tourists on vacation in the sea, drifting on the sea, took out their mobile phone and sent a selfie.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?" Little Red Bird blushed, she wasn't ready yet, she had to tidy up her somewhat messy hair, face, and expressions.

"Inform them that you are safe. They have been looking for you for a long time. If they can't find you again, they will probably go crazy and chase you directly into Xiao Wentian's space."

Ye Rong sent this photo to Chen Ling and the others.

"Let's take a rest here now. After drifting for so long, we finally relax. Such a beautiful scenery, don't look at it for nothing. Tell me after you rest, let's go together. During this time, you and Chen Ling come to our place as guests , didn't you say it before?"

"But, is it really okay for us to relax like this?" The little red bird nodded, showing a satisfied expression, but there was still a hint of worry in his expression.

"So, is it okay to hide in a small corner and cry like you with a sad face? Rest is also a necessary part of cultivation. If you are too chasing and forceful, you will go crazy instead. In this way...even when it is time to destroy , we can also be happier, brighter, and dignified."


The little red bird gave Ye Rong a blank look, "You're the only one who can talk nonsense! Besides, don't say that you will obediently wait to die! With your troublesome style, you will definitely not obediently be a slave!"

"That's it." Ye Rong narrowed his eyes, and a sharp, resolute light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

"Even if you fail, you will naturally want to make trouble for him."

"By the way." Ye Rong seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and secretly said to the little red bird, "I'll tell you a secret. The human form of the little blue dragon is also a girl! This wave, you two are tied!"

(End of this chapter)

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