Urban practice

Chapter 602 Little Red Bird Runs Away

Chapter 602 Little Red Bird Runs Away

This decision made many people's hearts flutter, but was quickly rejected.

"It's okay to defeat them together, but the premise is to step into the realm of ascending the immortal mansion together! Now the immortal mansion is not enough in his eyes. No matter how many of us are in the heaven realm, how can we fight with others?"

Indeed, there is a difference in realm between the Immortal Mansion Realm and the opponent, not to mention the Heaven Stepping Realm, separated by two big realms, this is no longer a level that can be made up by quantity!Just like what Xiao Wentian said that day, if no one stood up, he would kill everyone present!

The battle with Ximen Jianxian later proved that he has that strength!

"Perhaps, we can only hope that those ancient powerful men will come forward."

Chen Ling called Ye Rong.

"Is Little Red Bird at your place?"

"Little Red Bird? No?" Ye Rong was taken aback for a moment, "Didn't you say to come together? Why? Little Red Bird is not with you?"

Chen Ling sighed.

"No, because what happened next was the Emperor Wentian, so we temporarily canceled the trip. But today, the little red bird disappeared."

"You wait, I'll go right over."

Ye Rong frowned, and hung up the phone before waiting for the other party to reply.

At this time, he didn't want anything to happen to anyone.

Opening the window, Ye Rong stepped directly on the lotus and flew towards Yuhua Mountain.

Yuhua Mountain is relatively far away, and it was not until the afternoon that Ye Rong flew to Yuhua Mountain.

"In the past few days, the king's mood has been a bit off. Yesterday morning we found out that we were missing. We didn't think much about it at first, but we still haven't come back until the evening. The only people the king knows well outside are you. Unexpectedly, you are not here either. You guys."

The fox and the dog spoke with anxious faces.

"It's troublesome now, your Majesty can't have any trouble!"

"Don't worry, we'll keep looking for more. If he has shown emotional problems before, then he may be hiding something of his own. It's not necessarily that he's dealing with it now. Let's keep looking for more."

Ye Rong comforted.

"That's the only way to go." The fox sighed, with a serious worry on his face.Obviously, Xiao Wentian's beheading of Ximen Sword Immortal caused too much shock, causing everyone to feel insecure.It would be fine if Little Red Bird met other things, but it would be dangerous if she met Xiao Wentian.

Not much nonsense, several people split up and searched.

"Where will you go at this time?"

Ye Rong sighed softly and looked at the surrounding mountains and rivers, the small villages and towns in the distance, and even the tall buildings further away.

In the end, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked in one direction.

On the other side of the Yuhua Mountain Range, there are higher layers of mountains.The further inside, the more precipitous it becomes, with countless strange peaks and cliffs. Further inside, there is a rushing river blocking the mountains. This river is wide, long, and flows far away to the sea.

Because of the precipitousness of the mountain and the obstruction of the big river, few people come to this place, and it exudes a bit of ancient atmosphere.

In the steep mountain peak, there is a crack-like cliff with a narrow mouth and a wide inside. It is suspected to be a strange terrain formed by a ground crack caused by an earthquake. In the depths of this cliff, a lonely small river flows in it. The vegetation is lush and there are many medicinal materials, but with the improvement of living conditions, few people come here to collect herbs. Because of the lush vegetation and the view of the cliff above, this small river is called the Lonely River.

In the invisible cracks, walking alone, flowing alone to the big river, to the sea.

"Hey, girl, are you also here to collect medicine? Why are you squatting there alone, did you encounter any trouble?"

A somewhat old voice sounded by the Lonely River.

Not far away, a woman in red huddled by the river trembled, wiped her face with the back of her hand, turned her face slightly, and said in a warm voice with uneven breathing, "It's okay, I, I'm right here Squat for a while and you'll be fine."


The voice responded, and shortly thereafter, it suddenly appeared in her ear again, and it was the voice of a young boy.

"How long are you going to cry here? I'll accompany you."


The body of the woman in red flicked to the side, and with a "plop", she sat down on the ground, looking at the visitor with a look of grievance in her bright red eyes.

"You, why are you here?"

The Lonely River is called the Lonely River precisely because of its concealment. She did not expect to be discovered.

"Me, who am I? How do you know me?" Ye Rong showed a sly smile, reached out and wiped the tears on her face, "Unexpectedly, wandering around with me every day, and crying when seeing girls The little red bird with a nosebleed is actually a girl, a lovely girl with a good figure."

Hearing this sentence, the red and swollen eye sockets of the woman who were already crying became even redder, and the cheeks on both sides were also flushed, connecting with the eye sockets, like a new race with pink and bright red skin.

Thinking of what happened in the world of Bi Lingshi that day, her face turned red.

She always thought that she was a man, but she didn't expect that she was too excited to get drunk and turned into a woman, without any clothes on, completely exposed in front of Ye Rong.It's okay to think that I'm a man before, but now when I think of that period of history, there are signs of madness. It's a completely dark history!

Ye Rong smiled and looked at the little red bird in front of him.Even if it was necessary, he felt that Little Red Bird would definitely contact him. After all, the two of them were a trouble-making duo even though no one else said anything!He can see Ye Rong's ability to make troubles. If he has the idea of ​​making troubles, he will not hide it from himself.And if it's just an ordinary matter, he won't hide it from the fox and the dog.

Therefore, he guessed that most likely the little red bird was in a bad mood because of certain things, and wanted to be alone (a bird?) for a while.

The blue ball is not big, not as vast as the world of cultivation, and the technology and society are developed, and there are traces of people everywhere, especially in Huaguo, a country with a large population. If you want to find a completely quiet place, there is no need for a person to shout or cry. Where people hear, it is really not easy.If you want to vent in your own room, others are not only willing to listen, but also willing to comment. After all, this is an era when the walls of the hotel room have ears, and when you jump from the top of the building, someone persuades you to jump off quickly.

Therefore, if Little Red Bird wanted to be alone, she had to find a place that was not too far away, not too close to Yuhua Mountain, and not easy to find.

So, after thinking for a long time, Ye Rong came to the Lonely River.

"I never expected that the little red bird that has been with me all this time is my mother, the legendary Red Phoenix Goddess."

(End of this chapter)

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