Chapter 644 Coronna

The werewolf couldn't help but look cold, and his face was a little gloomy: "Do you think that with three people, we can scare us werewolves? What can three people do?"

"What can we do, and to what extent can we do it? Don't worry about it." Xika took out a werewolf knife and put it on its neck: "It's okay if you don't say it, then I won't give it away." .”

It was bound by magic and could not move. It was too easy for the three of them to fight against the only remaining werewolf.

The knife continued to penetrate the werewolf's neck, bit by bit, and gradually began to bleed.

The werewolf felt pain and fear, and it hoped that Sika would kill him quickly so that there would be no pain.

However, Sika's movements were in slow motion, constantly breaking through its psychological defense.

The werewolf's breathing became more and more rapid, and finally his face turned pale. It knew that the other party would not let it go, but it didn't want to be in such pain: "I said. Just let me be relieved."

Sika is actually not sure whether the other party will say it or not, but what Sika does is the population base.If you don’t say it, someone will.

"Are you refining the immortal elves?" Xika Dao did not let go.

The werewolf nodded, thinking about how to bring these three people in and let other companions find out.Before you die, you can count as making a contribution to the orcs.

Freya looked at it: "Besides you werewolves and drow, are there any others involved?"

"I'm not very clear, but some of our friends from the night elves and the undead were involved."

Blanca asked a very thoughtless question: "Is there a lot?"

"It's not a lot." The werewolf said.

Sika looked at the werewolf suspiciously.

He didn't finish his sentence, so he just ended it.

The werewolf looked at Brando and felt that Brando was its entry point: "I actually know a place where there are many treasures of the wolf clan. If you are willing to let me go, I am willing to tell you."

Brando's eyes lit up: "What baby!?"

The werewolf pretended to hesitate: "That is the baby of our wolf clan, which is very important to you magicians. It can even greatly increase your magic level."

Xika picked up the knife and used force to kill it directly: "Let's go."

"Why don't you let him tell you what the treasure is and where it is before killing him?" Brando was a little dissatisfied.

Xika shook his head and said, "You have to be aware of our current situation. If you want the so-called baby, you can go. But you will be in danger because of it."

"That's the choice between baby and life."

He woke up Brando directly, and Brando patted his head: "What you said makes sense."

He found it very difficult to extract useful information from werewolves, who were orcs.

The orcs have always been united, and it is hard to imagine how difficult it is to obtain information from some united people.

"Hurry up and get a camouflage, and then evacuate. We need to keep looking for opportunities to assassinate them." Sika said.

Brando felt a little excited, but also a little scared.

After the three of them settled the layout, they quickly evacuated.When leaving, take a werewolf corpse with you.

Wolf tribe.

The Wolf King sat in the living room with a bard.

"Thanks to you this time. If it weren't for your singing, the attack would not be so smooth." The werewolf toasted a glass.

The bard is a woman, look carefully at her eyes, they are blood red.There is a sharp tooth on the left and right sides.

If Xika was here, he would definitely recognize that this is the blood-sucking race introduced in the magician course book.

Coronna sat down, held a glass of wine in her hand, and took a sip: "It's nothing, we are all working for them. Wait for the undead to come back with fear again."

"I think this world will be very interesting. At least those existences that shouldn't exist will disappear completely." Coronna said some profound words.


"Report! We found that both patrols were all killed, leaving many messy footprints on the ground. It looks like two groups of people were fighting." The werewolf reported.

The wolf king narrowed his eyes slightly: "There is still a leaking net. Go and ask those magicians. If anyone knows, I will reward you with something to eat."

"Are you going to starve them?" Coronna said with a smile.

The wolf king looked fiercely: "Those magicians think they have learned some magic, so they don't know that they are still human after all."

"Go. Then call Itan and ask him to contact the undead. Tell them that we have prepared more than 600 undead for them."

"We can start the altar." After the Wolf King finished explaining these things, he sat inside.

After Xika took the werewolf back, it was a corpse.

"What do you want the corpse for?" Blanca was puzzled.

Sika said: "I learned the Overture of the Dead before."

"You mean the four parts of the library? Controlling dead bodies?" Blanca had seen this magic before, but it was too difficult.

The content inside is very difficult to do, plus it is a series of magic, so I just gave up.

Even the library does not have a complete set, only four of them are very difficult.

Xika nodded: "I have learned all four of them."

Blanca looked at Sika in surprise, feeling a little shocked in her heart.

Freya looked at Sika with beautiful eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking, even though she rarely touched the magic of the dark series.

Much of it is theoretically involved.

Sika still hasn't realized how enchanting her talent for learning magic is. Hall and Sandor have always concealed Sika's power.

Darkness and light coexist.

Xika took out the magician, squatted down, and formed a special symbol on the ground with her hands.

The symbol is a circle, inside the circle are three conical triangles with different orientations.And around the circle are some magic words.

A magic spell.

The dead body is constantly changing in Sika's chanting, and the chanting that is not recorded in the magic book is slightly longer.

After spending some time, the werewolf came back to life.

Turned into a dead body.The body is almost the same as before, but it is filled with a dark aura.The whole body exudes a terrifying power.

Sika's magic doesn't end here, it still continues.

Prelude to the Undead: Resurrecting the dead belongs to the first volume.

The second part will restore the dead body to its original appearance.

The werewolf's body changed again, and the black aura on his body began to disappear.

Gradually becoming indistinguishable from the original werewolf.Eyes become very hollow.

As night fell, the surroundings became silent.

From time to time, many werewolves could be heard holding torches looking for Sika and the others.

Sika took the werewolf, and Freya and Brando followed.

Everyone entered a foggy area and only sat down after confirming that there was no danger within the visible range.

In fact, this is a meadow.

It's just because of the fog that I can't see the surroundings clearly.

Due to the very special terrain of the deep misty forest, the fog is patchy, not the whole place is foggy.

It thus hides many dangers, and at the same time provides a hiding place for many people.

"Brando, pay more attention to your surroundings, the foggy area, our visual range is too small." Sika blessed.

However, Blanca fell directly to the ground. He pointed forward tremblingly: "This!"

(End of this chapter)

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