Chapter 643 Action Squad

This energy ball turned into terrifying force and hit the four werewolves directly.

The rest of the werewolves ran away in terror.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Freya pulled the bow and arrow, snorted coldly, and pulled it suddenly!
call out!

Directly penetrate the heads of the two werewolves.

The other werewolves ran away even more frantically, but Freya wouldn't give them a chance.

A few more arrows directly took away the other party's life.

"It's done!" Sika smiled.

Freya withdrew her bow and arrow: "Well, follow the plan."

The two dragged all the werewolf corpses and forged footprints.Forgery for these people is totaled by a large number of people.

Sika's purpose in doing this is to confuse the other party.

Just as Xika and Freya were about to evacuate after finishing their work, they found someone behind them.

The two looked back, it was Brando.

"Why are you here? Have you figured it out?" Freya's tone was rather cold.

Brando shrugged: "It's nothing, I just think it's better for us to form a team. It's not bad to be in a group of three."

Xika smiled: "Actually, I think you will still come."

"How did you know I would come?" Brando looked at Sika strangely.

Sika said: "Although you say you are a selfish guy, I know you still have certain principles."

"Did you not take the wolf core before? If you were really selfish, you would definitely take it directly." Xika spoke in a more sincere tone.

Brando looked at Xika: "Don't think too much of me. I've always been like this. It's okay if they hate me. It's okay if they like me. That's how I am."

"Anyway, I've been like this since I was a child." Brando didn't want to talk more about his past.

He is not from a wealthy family, but from a distant country.

It's just that it's all destroyed there.

He was abducted here. If he hadn't encountered the guards of Waterdeep City, he might have ended up on the streets.

After being released by the guards and city watchers of Waterdeep City, the young Brando had no skills and was not old enough to work.

Because I am not a local, the subsistence allowances are also out of my reach.

It has been very difficult for him to survive until now.Therefore, for the most part, he is self-centered.

"A three-person action team." Xika gave a name.

Neither of them complained.

"What are you doing?" Brando didn't know what Sika was doing.

Sika glanced at him and replied: "We are camouflaging. They don't know how many of us there are. Using this advantage, we want to deter them."

"Let's go. There is still a patrol at the 18-foot position here. After we finish that patrol, rest. Wait for the second round tomorrow."

Sika wanted to see who could resist it first.

After dealing with this side, take advantage of the situation and collect the wolf core.

Immediately afterwards, Sika chose to evacuate.

Another 18-foot spot was chosen.

There are some hidden fog areas next to the 18-foot position.

"Let's hide in." The most dangerous place has become the hiding place of Sika and others.

"How many spells do you have left?" Xika asked.

Freya said directly: "I still have three ways."

Brando: "I have three more."

Sika was silent for a while: "Store some combat magic. Replenish it."

"When the patrol team shows up later, we will go directly," Xika said.

Brando looked at the two of them. Freya and Sika had both killed a patrol before. Now that there are three of them, there must be no big problem: "Okay."

After making an agreement, the three quietly waited for the other party to appear in their field of vision.

The patrol hasn't come yet.

Xika found a snake in this foggy area, and rolled her eyes: "Yes. I thought of it."

He grabbed the snake directly.And took out an empty box from the space ring and put the snake in it.

"You don't plan to bite them with snakes, do you? Werewolves are not afraid of snakes. This is to scare ordinary people." Brando didn't think snakes were very useful at all.

The corner of Xika's mouth raised slightly, showing a confident smile: "We are magicians. How can it be ordinary? Do you know the doubling technique?"

"I know, I know. How many kinds of magic do you have? Why do I feel that you have learned a lot?" Brando knows that learning magic requires a certain amount of energy and time, and some magic takes half a month or a month if it is slower.

There is a lot of magic, and it may take half a year or even a few years for just one magic spell.Only entry-level magic can be used in a day or two.

When I first entered the first level, I studied within two days.belong to this level.

Therefore, if you are familiar with which series of magic, you should learn that series of magic.He rarely learns magic that he is not good at.

Xika didn't know how strong her talent was. When others in the library only learned one magic, Xika had already learned three.

And far ahead in terms of proficiency.

Sandor once asked Sika some strange words, but Sika didn't pay much attention to it.

Xika still concealed something: "Oh, I was taught a long time ago. Therefore, I know more magic."

"Really?" Blanca obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say much.

The werewolf appeared, and there were several wolves in the team.

Xika chanted in her mouth with the prepared magic stone, and the chanting was almost done, and she opened the box directly.

The box clanged and fell out of the foggy area, instantly attracting the werewolf's attention.

"Something fell out?" The captain of the werewolf patrol was a little vigilant.

next moment.

A snake quickly enlarged in their eyes.

"Someone is manipulating this snake. Kill it!" the captain yelled.

Sika waved his finger, and Brando used dark magic to restrain him.

The snake attacks the werewolf directly.

Werewolves have rich experience in fighting, and they are not too afraid of big snakes.

But when they wanted to move, they found that there were skeleton soldiers beside them.

"Blow the horn!" The werewolf made a decisive decision, took out the horn on his waist, and prepared to blow it.

Freya's expression was a little unnatural. If the other party blew the horn, the plan would be ruined.

Pick up the bow and arrow and quickly pull it out, and shoot it out with a whistling sound.

Shoot the horn directly to the ground.

Xika seized the opportunity, rushed out of the foggy area, and snatched the horn.

The werewolf growled and swung his claws towards Sika, but Sika was determined not to let go.

Definitely get it to blow this horn.

Now is not the time.

Just as the werewolf's claw scratched Sika a little, it was shot through by an arrow.

crashed down.

Freya's palms were sweating: "This patrol team is much stronger than the one just now."

"Well, don't let them escape." Xika didn't intend to let them go.

Only one of the werewolves survived.

Brando used dark magic to bind the werewolf's hand: "Say. Are you working with the undead?"

"Hahahaha. Does it matter who we cooperate with? You should take care of yourself."

Instead, he showed a mocking expression.

Xika twisted her neck, showing a harmless expression: "I have a hundred ways to kill you, which one would you choose?"

The werewolf's face froze: "."

(End of this chapter)

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