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Chapter 521 So This Is Spending Money

Chapter 521 So This Is Spending Money

"If you want to get rich, you must first build the road. I already saw the road when I came here. Now let's go see the school first."

"I heard from the side that this is the only school in the village." Liu San looked at Dong Zhi sincerely.

Dong Zhi nodded: "Well, the village is too poor. The school was actually a relatively large open space before, and everyone raised funds to barely build it."

"But the equipment is too simple. And the house is not very stable. In the event of a typhoon, it doesn't matter even if it doesn't reach the warning level."

"I will also let the students go back first. Just follow up with the course at that time."

"Life is more important after all."

Liu San said, "Why don't you take us to the school?"

Dong Zhi glanced at his bicycle, and said with some embarrassment: "Well, how about I walk with you."

Liu San glanced at Zimo.

Zimo said he had no objection.

The three of them walked together.

Talk while walking.

"Have you eaten yet?" Liu San asked.

Dong Zhi said: "Don't worry, don't worry. You won't die if you skip a meal. Let's go and see the school first."

He is very concerned about this.Sometimes I want to change the village, but I can't do anything.

When I came to the school, the school area is quite large, after all, the countryside is not like the city.The land is clearly priced.

In some rural areas, there are no special regulations on land.

A fence fence of ragged timbers surrounds the school.Tall and short are very ugly.

The school house is a simple wooden house, which is made of wooden boards.Not even cement was used.

The main reason is that because of the large area, it is really impossible to make up the money with cement.Simply let everyone produce wood.

Build together.

There is a tarpaulin on top of the wooden house. Dong Zhi said that it was because of water leakage, so the tarpaulin was used.

As long as it is not a typhoon, even if it is raining, these people will be here.

Due to the limited conditions, there are not many teachers in the school.Usually a teacher has to teach several subjects.And because of salary issues, not many came from outside.

Almost all the people in the village are willing to make some contributions and stay.

Immediately afterwards, the two turned the entire school around.The lights are all old and dim.Classrooms are not air-conditioned.

Some are swinging fans.

after school.

"Is the principal there?" Zimo asked.

To invest in this kind of thing, you need to discuss it with the principal.

Teacher Dong said: "The principal should be busy now. I'll take you there."

The two went to the principal.The principal is an old man, a very thin person.When I went there, I happened to meet him sewing clothes.

The clothes I sew are not my own, but the students'.

He said it was because some children had difficulties in their families, some had no parents, and they relied on the village's subsistence allowances.

If it weren't for this school, I might not even be able to afford school.

Compulsory education also needs to have a process. It is very complicated for such a small child to have no one to help him.Therefore, people in the village took the initiative to help these vulnerable groups.

The principal called in advance to ask the teachers to come over, saying that someone wanted to invest.

Everyone is very excited.

Hurry to school.

It turned out that it was two such young people.

Many people showed disappointed expressions.

"Principal, I thought you were telling the truth."

"So you were joking."

"I think the conditions of the children are too poor. It would be great if the environment can be improved. I didn't expect it to be two young people."

Facing the teacher's babbling words, the principal smiled wryly: "I was the same as you at the beginning. But, they really have this ability."

"Do you know the Golden City?" the principal said.

The crowd shook their heads.

"A few days ago, when I was out, I went to Sabai Village. It has begun to prosper there. Many tourists go there."

"This young man is the funder."

The voice fell.

Everyone was stunned.

They took out their mobile phones to search for news about the Golden City in Shabai Village.

After reading it, everyone's eyes widened!
"Qian, I will call you soon. Thank you for your hard work and contact the construction team. Then I will also send some construction teams here."

"You monitor whether they cut corners. I don't want to spend money to build a tofu."

Liu San looked at Zimo and smiled lightly.

The teachers all cheered!

"Now we need to build roads. You continue to teach the courses here. Once the roads are repaired, everything will be easy."

the next day.

After class, many students also joined in the road construction process.

We ask these children not to participate in it.But the child just wants to shout and do his part.

No way, let the children do something lighter.

Until the day of completion, it began to rain lightly.

The light rain fell and fell, passing by with the wind.

There is indeed a kind of happiness in everyone's face.

Zimo and Liu San are also very fulfilling.

After the rain is a rainbow.

Everyone looked at the rainbow and smiled.

From this day on, the village changed this road to Liu Mo Road to thank the two investors.

After finishing all this, many convoys began to come.

Many of these convoys are engineering vehicles called by Liu San.

There are also some designers.

Designers come from all over the world.

They took out a set of exquisite designs for Liu San to choose from.

Liu San has a lot of money, money is not an issue!

Zimo looked like he was smiling when he saw Liu San.

"What are you laughing at? It's making flowers tremble." Liu San approached Zimo.

Zimo smiled and said nothing.

I have been busy here for two months.The entire project will take half a year to complete.

Before I knew it, it was September [-]th.

"School starts on September [-]th. It's almost time to go back." Liu San said.

Zimo nodded.

The two bid farewell to the principal.

The principal said: "Let's do this. You leave later. After class today, there will be a farewell party."

Liu San waved his hand: "There is no need for this kind of ceremony. I didn't do it for any reason."

Zimo responded with a smile: "That's right. We didn't plan anything. It's fine like this."

When Liu San and Zimo left, I don't know why people from Dongjia Village and children from the school came here one after another.Some of them were carrying a chicken.

Some carried radishes.

Some carried celery.

All kinds of farm dishes, no one has them all in their hands.

"I have a chicken that I raise myself. I have nothing to give you. This chicken is for you."

"This radish I grew by myself is very sweet. You can take it back."

Zimo looked at the scene in front of him, so many people watched him and came to see him off, his eyes were twinkling.

Liu San waved his hand: "No need. Thank you for your kindness."

The two walked the road they built, with a smile on their lips.

It turns out that money spent in the right place will make people very happy.

I am not changing a village.

It wasn't a school I changed either.

I just did what I was supposed to do.

The back figure became the last figure in everyone's memory.

The two gradually drifted away in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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