Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 520 Dongjia Village

Chapter 520 Dongjia Village

The helicopter soon arrived at the place Liu San wanted to go.

But Liu San is basically very low-key, just like the year before when he got along with Zimo.

If it hadn't been for graduation day, everyone might not have known that Liu San was so rich in addition to his excellent academic performance.

He is different from ordinary braggadocios.

"We're almost at that village, let me down." Liu San said hello to get off the helicopter in advance.

The driver nodded: "Okay, Mr. Liu. Call me if you need something."

Liu San said: "I have saved your number. When I need you, I will call you."

Soon, Liu San and Zimo got off the helicopter.

The two of them didn't bring many things, mainly clothes.

Zimo's dress is very simple, but it gives people a very fresh feeling.Jeans outline the beautiful line of the legs.A T-shirt supports her beauty like a lotus flower.

"Here?" Zimo asked.

Liu San said: "This is Dongjia Village. It is a relatively poor place in Hunan Province. It is not convenient for people here to go to school and transportation."

"In addition to here, we will also invest in other places to improve."

"But because of this, we need to investigate and see what the reason is. The reason for the money is easy to handle. If it is another reason, then let's talk about it."

When Liu San said this, he looked at Dongjiacun.

Dongjiacun himself had been here before, and he should have been around ten years old at that time.Came here with my grandfather.

At that time, there was a friend of my grandfather here, so I followed my grandfather.It should also be a game.But this place is too poor.

Children walk for hours to school, usually before dawn.It is also a bit difficult to drive here with a regular car.

The ground is potholed.Liu San didn't know why his grandfather knew people here.Bring yourself here.

Now that I think about it, maybe grandpa came over to do something.After all, sometimes I go out for half a day.

They all want to get rich and build roads first.The road is too difficult, with many curves and potholes.It's hard to develop.

Dongjia Village, when an outsider came, the people around knew it immediately.

After all, few outsiders usually come to this place.

"What are you doing here?" An old woman squatted on the side of the road washing clothes in a basin and asked in dialect.

The basin of water seems to be very dirty.It looks like it has been washed several times.

"Just to ask, do you know where Dong Zhi lives? It's been too long, I don't remember where he lives." Liu San asked.

The old woman could barely understand: "You mean Dong Zhi? The sixth house is the corner on the right hand side."

Zimo smiled and said to the old man, "Thank you."

"Your wife is so polite," said the old woman.

Zimo's face turned red.

Liu San swept his head, took Zimo's hand and left: "Thank you."

The two came to a wooden house. The houses here were all built with the same wall.If you haven't been to some rural areas with poor economy, you may not know it.

There are many buildings with common walls in the countryside.To give a very simple example, imagine building a house that is square.

Then, if there is a common wall, it is equivalent to sharing one side.

Even simpler, draw two squares that stick together, with one side overlapping.It's clear at a glance.

Doing so can save the cost of a wall, which is the case in many rural areas.But in this way.

The problem also came out, and the demolition of houses was even more difficult.Because there is a wall that belongs to both your home and mine.

If you want to demolish it, you must agree to the people who have passed through this row of walls. As long as one person is unwilling, you cannot demolish it.

Otherwise, the surrounding houses will be built up, and it is not agreed that the house will either collapse or lack a wall and leak air.

So the rectification work is also very difficult to carry out.It can be said that there are gains and losses.

The hut in front of Liu San was built with a common wall, with several families connected to it.

dong dong dong.

Knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, is Uncle Dong at home?"

Knocked several times but no response.

"Don't knock. He's not at home. He's at school. He'll be back in about an hour," said a peasant woman next to her.

Liu San asked in surprise, "School?"

"Yeah, don't you know? He's a teacher, and it's at school."

"This is the only elementary school in the village, and children are allowed to go outside for junior high school." The peasant woman carried a basket on her back.

Obviously just came back from down the mountain and put the basket on the ground.

Zimo and Liu San looked at each other and smiled, and they waited for an hour.

Sure enough, an hour later, I saw a 60-year-old Mo Yuewu with a lot of gray hair coming over on a bicycle.

"Old Dong, there are guests at your house." The peasant woman said enthusiastically.

Dong Zhi said, "You are?"

Liu San said: "I am Liu San. My grandpa and I came here ten years ago. My grandpa is from Wangjia Village."

Dong Zhi seemed to be trying to remember: "Ten years ago, no wonder I didn't remember it. I really didn't expect you to grow so big. I almost didn't recognize you."

"By the way, how is your grandfather?" Dong Zhi parked his bicycle.

Liu San said, "Passed away."

Dong Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "I'm sorry. I haven't been out for a long time, so I don't know."

Liu San said, "It's all right."

"By the way, Liu San, what do you want to see me for?" Dong Zhi asked.

Liu San glanced at Zimo and said, "I plan to pay for the improvement of this village."

Dong Zhi waved his hand: "Three, don't joke with Uncle Dong. This village is not easy to improve."

"And there are not many big bosses who are willing to come to this backcountry to develop."

He obviously didn't believe what Liu San said.

The peasant woman was feeding the chickens beside her, and she also smiled: "My child now speaks loudly. You are still young. If you really have such a heart, you will do it when you have money."

Liu San had a serious expression on his face: "Do you think I came all the way here just to play a joke on you?"

Dong Zhi was startled, and then looked at Zimo.

Zimo walked up to Liu San and said, "We did come all the way here. No kidding."

Seeing the serious expressions of the two, Dong Zhi was surprised.

No way.

The two young men in front of me.

Actually come to invest?
"How much do you plan to pay?" Dong Zhi asked tentatively.

Liu San stretched out five fingers.

"Fifty thousand?" Dong Zhi asked.

Liu San shook his head.

"50?" Dong Zhi was a little confused.

Still shaking his head.

"Could it be 500 million?" Dong Zhi opened his mouth wide.

Liu San said flatly: "At least [-] million."

Now Dong Zhi sat on the stool and fell down. He straightened the stool and said, "Sorry, I didn't sit firmly just now. You are not joking."

"You can check how much my pair of shoes cost. If you don't know how to check, I'll show you."

Take out your phone and check it to him, this limited edition shoe.

Dong Zhi was dumbfounded at the time.

Believe it,

I really believe it.

A pair of shoes are so expensive.

Definitely rich.

It's just that when did the Wang family have such a rich grandson?

I couldn't help being shocked in my heart.

"I don't know, what do you want to invest in?" Dong Zhi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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