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Chapter 25 Retirement

Chapter 25 Retirement

Yang Jianping said worriedly: "Doctor, how is it? Is my wife out of danger?"

Director Wang said with surprise: "The blood pressure is normal, the heart rate is normal, and all the indicators have returned to the standard. How could this be? What did you feed her?"

"It's just a pill!" Yang Yifan said easily.

Director Wang said: "Where did you get that pill and how much is it? Our hospital is willing to buy it at a high price."

Yang Yifan said: "I'm sorry, I only have one pill of that medicine."

When Director Wang asked again, Yang Yifan didn't want to answer anymore.

They took a taxi, and when they got home, Yang Yifan said that the less people knew about him saving his mother, the better. Yang Jianping knew that Yang Yifan had a secret, but he didn't ask any more questions, and promised that Yang Yifan would meet him. Keep it a secret for him.

After Liu Xuelian returned home, she only said that the hospital rescued her in time, which saved her life. For a while, people also looked at the Lingnan Township Health Center with poor medical technology. The patient was rescued successfully.

Yang Yifan rescued Liu Xuelian and told her that it is normal to experience dizziness and vomiting within a year. Liu Xuelian believed in Yang Yifan, so she stopped worrying too much, and she felt that her heart was beating more and more powerfully, and her whole body was full of strength. The whole person also feels very spiritual.

Yang Jianping was happier than anyone else when Yang Yifan cured Liu Xuelian's illness. When Yang Yifan proposed to use 1 yuan to renovate the school, Yang Jianping agreed very much, and decided to give Yang Yifan the money from Zhao Xueyan's divorce.

Yang Yifan was very grateful at the time and said that his school would definitely make money soon.

Zhao Xueyan called Yang Yifan on the morning of the seventh day, saying that she had prepared the money for the divorce and asked Yang Yifan to go and get it.

Because of his mother's illness, Yang Yifan said he would go on the eighth day of the lunar new year.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Yang Yifan and his uncle Yang Jianye went to Zhao Xueyan's house together.

Things are different, people are different, the former lovers are about to part ways, Yang Yifan's heart is sour.He didn't intend to hold back at all.

Yang Yifan didn't want to think about whether this relationship was right or wrong, but he just felt that Zhao Xueyan chose a path that he would regret.

Before leaving, Yang Jianye also calculated the big expenses, about 6000, as long as Zhao Xueyan can refund [-], it will be fine, if not, it will be almost enough.

Yang Yifan had been talking to Zhao Xueyan for more than half a year. He had fantasized many times about where he and Zhao Xueyan would take their wedding photos, and how they would spend the wedding night. He never thought that he would break up with her.

However, since the matter has come to this point, it should be terminated.

Yang Jianye rode his electric tricycle and brought Yang Yifan to Zhao Xueyan's home.

The meeting between Zhao Xueyan and Yang Yifan was very embarrassing. The topic they talked about always revolved around the issue of refunding the money.

Zhao Xueyan calculated 7000 yuan for Yang Yifan, which was already within Yang Yifan's acceptable range. Although he usually spent a lot of small money with Zhao Xueyan, that money didn't count, any boy would not spend money to pick up girls ah?

The negotiation between the two was considered smooth. In the end, Yang Yifan wished Zhao Xueyan to find her ideal partner as soon as possible, and Zhao Xueyan also wished Yang Yifan's Ziyun Academy a prosperous future.

Yang Yifan took 7000 yuan, and when he got home, he kept 5000 yuan for himself, and gave [-] yuan to his father.

In the ninth day of junior high school, Yang Yifan found Wang Yasheng and asked him to give some ideas for the decoration of his Ziyun Academy. Wang Yasheng was very enthusiastic and gave Yang Yifan a lot of ideas, which saved Yang Yifan at least more than 1000 yuan.

After three days of renovation, Ziyun Academy is finally finished.

Yang Yifan walked into that Ziyun Academy, sat on a table behind the podium, looked at the six tables under the stage, and felt extremely excited.

It was still the last link, Yang Yifan came to the Education Bureau under the leadership of Meng Qiming. When the people in the Education Bureau heard that Yang Yifan wanted to open Ziyun Academy, they all agreed with it, and all the school-running procedures were quickly completed.

That night, Yang Yifan called Wang Yasheng, Meng Qiming, and He Jia to the Red Light Hotel for a gathering.

After the food was served, Yang Yifan stood up, picked up a glass of wine, and said, "Today is the completion day of Ziyun Academy, and we can start enrolling students tomorrow. Ziyun Academy is able to come to this day, thanks to everyone sitting here, if my academy If I make money in the future, I will never forget you. Come, everyone, drink this cup to the brim!"

He Jia raised his wine glass and said, "Come here, cheers! We wish Ziyun Academy a happy and prosperous opening in advance!"

Meng Qiming said: "I wish Ziyun Academy blossoms like sesame seeds!"

Wang Yasheng said: "Oh, you have finished all these good things. I wish Ziyun Academy all the best and prosperity! It will accept [-] students in the first semester."

After the four people clinked glasses, they drank it all in one gulp.

Meng Qiming said seriously: "Yifan, this training school has training content. What do you plan to train? Reading? Or composition?"

Yang Yifan said: "I'm good at writing compositions, but I'm not good at teaching them. I think I'd better give reading lessons first!"

"Start reading, is there any content? "Rhyme of Li Weng", "Disciple Regulations", "Three Character Classic", "Thousand Character Classic" are all acceptable. Of these four courses, you take two in the morning and two in the afternoon." Meng Meng Qiming introduced it to Yang Yifan methodically.

He Jia shook his head and said, "I don't think I can even recruit a single student for the recitation class. Now Qizhi Group's most powerful course is the recitation class. Like "Three Character Classics" and "Disciple Rules", Qizhi Group invented a A set of dance moves, the students memorize the content while dancing, and it is not easy to forget. There are 800 classes in a semester, and the tuition fee is [-] yuan. In this way, many parents can’t grab the position. No, Qizhi this year The group has opened another branch, and it is estimated that those redundant students have places to go."

Wang Yasheng sweated for Yang Yifan and said, "I think you, Ziyun Academy, can just help students with their homework. It's really hard to recruit people when classes start."

Meng Qiming finally set his eyes on Yang Yifan and said, "Yifan, what do you think?"

Yang Yifan didn't know what the system would ask him to do, so he didn't know the specific plan, and said: "My idea is to start with a recitation class of [-] Tang poems. As for the specific teaching objectives and teaching methods, I'm still working on it." .”

He Jia stared and said, "What? You're going to start school tomorrow, and you still don't have teaching methods and teaching goals, so how do you go about your classes?"

Wang Yasheng said: "There is no rush to start the training class. I believe that Teacher Yifan will be able to teach the students well. As long as the first batch of students have learned it well, the following students will continue to flow. Come on, let's toast first and congratulate Yifan The teacher will succeed immediately!"

"Come on, come on, cheers!"

Both Meng Qiming and Wang Yasheng said they would help Yang Yifan to do publicity, and He Jia also said that he has not found a suitable job so far, and he can help at any time.

Yang Yifan is very grateful to them.

After the party ended, Yang Yifan was dragged back to his home by Wang Yasheng. The two slept on the same bed and talked about relationship issues.

Yang Yifan asked tentatively: "Hey! How are you and Xiaoyan doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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