Chapter 19

"Ka Ka Ka..." Just when Yang Yifan was wondering, the system gave a line of words: Since the host sacrificed his life to save others, and his spirit is commendable, a special reward of 100 teacher morality points. (Shide points can be exchanged for any product in the point mall, and can also be used for lottery draws. Do you want to receive it?)

"A lottery draw?"


Yang Yifan was afraid of getting the "Pig One Day Experience Card", so he gave up the lottery draw. As for the Shouyuan Pill, it doesn't seem to be of much use to Yang Yifan now, so the Shouyuan Pill in the lottery is not very attractive to him.

Yang Yifan checked his treasure chest again, and when he opened it, he saw that there were still a lot of props in it, including the essence of [-] poems of Tang Dynasty, the essence of [-] poems of Song Dynasty, [-] teachers' morality points, and [-] capsules of marrow washing pills.

With these things, will it be difficult to stand out in the future?

Yang Yifan was lying under the quilt, thinking about a better life in the future. He thought that he would earn a lot of money in the future. After he had money, he planned to buy a villa in the urban area, and then take over his parents and grandma. Hire a few nannies to let parents and grandma live a good life.

As for the training school, he plans to build a world-class institution and will hire many famous teachers, preferably beautiful female teachers.

After thinking about women, Yang Yifan felt a little headache, he didn't know where his other half was, as for Zhao Xueyan, he didn't plan to turn around, and Qin Rushuang was too open, he didn't seem suitable to be a wife either.

If Yang Yifan didn't have the god teaching system, his thoughts could only be daydreams, but with the help of the god teaching system, it would be nothing short of little K's thinking to realize those goals.

Next, just complete every task issued by the system step by step.

Yang Yifan fell asleep after thinking about it, and when he opened his eyes again, it was almost dawn.

He looked at an electronic watch on the table, it was already five forty.

This is the best time for morning jogging, Yang Yifan opened the system, clicked on mine, found the treasure chest, ordered a marrow washing pill from it, and swallowed it in one gulp.

With the experience of the first time, he guided the Xisui Dan to slowly enter the heat vortex in the dantian for the second time.

The thermal vortex is like a blooming flower, with a petal open, and that petal is like a mother's hand, gently holding the marrow washing pill into the center of the thermal vortex.

It was another heart-wrenching process, and Yang Yifan endured it all the time without making any sound, because he knew that this process was indispensable if he wanted to be reborn, and the Xisui Pill was reshaping his powerful tendons, the degree of pain No less than a woman giving birth.

It's impossible to say that Yang Yifan didn't yell during the whole process, but his yelling was so low that no one could hear it.

After the Xisui Dan washed Yang Yifan's mortal body again, he felt free to breathe and feel at ease. He put on his clothes, and jumped forward lightly, unexpectedly jumping [-] meters.

During Yang Yifan's college entrance examination, he used all his strength to jump 3000 meters. Now he jumps [-] meters with a light jump. He is so awesome. Immediately afterwards, he went to run [-] meters.

Last night, he ran 3000 meters for the first time. After running, he spent more than 20 minutes and felt very tired. After running 3000 meters this morning, he looked at the electronic watch, and it took only [-] minutes.

However, Yang Yifan felt that his speed could be a little faster.

Seeing his progress, Yang Yifan was very excited. He knew that if he didn't take the marrow washing pill, he could reach this result in a month.

When walking home, there were already many people on both sides of the road. Many people who knew Yang Yifan even asked him what he was doing. In front of Yang Yifan, those people said that Yang Yifan had a good habit of waking up early to exercise, but once Yang Yifan left , They said, this child must have been hit by a broken relationship, and now his head is out of order.

Country people, you have to be convinced by the speed at which gossip spreads. It hasn't been a day, and the whole village knows about Yang Yifan and his girlfriend's bragging.

Yang Yifan didn't care. When he returned home, his mother had already prepared the meal.

After breakfast, Yang Yifan led Qin Rushuang off the small path on a bicycle, avoiding the eyes and ears of many villagers, and rode towards Lingtong City.

Qin Rushuang sat on the bumpy bicycle, slapped Yang Yifan's back with his hands, and said, "Hey, you ride slowly, hurrying to reincarnate? I'm about to freeze to death?"

"It's fine to freeze to death, so you don't have to think of other ways to commit suicide."

"Shut up, how many times have I told you that it's not suicide, it's an accident."

"Okay, I believe you. Hey, let me ask you, after the new year, will you still go to Qizhi Group?"

"That's a place that makes me sad. I don't plan to go, and I don't plan to find a job for the time being. What kind of job do you do? Why don't I hang out with you in the future."

"Fuck with me? I don't even have a penny now. I just got fired from the school. After the new year, I will be self-reliant."

"Hey! Otherwise, how about the two of us opening a training school together?"

Yang Yifan said: "Forget it, I've already found a place, and I'll just wait until the Chinese New Year to open."

"Not bad!" Excited, Qin Rushuang slapped Yang Yifan's waist hard, and said, "How much did you spend to open that training school, and how about my shareholding? [-] to [-] percent."

Yang Yifan shook his head and said, "I want to be the primary shareholder, and I won't cooperate with anyone."

"I'll go! Others want to ask me to cooperate, but I don't want to, I take the initiative to ask you to cooperate, you still don't want to? Do you know that I am the best composition training teacher in Qizhi Group, how many public school principals are there? Please, I didn't go, you are so poor that you can't even afford an electric car, so you still refuse to cooperate with me?"

"Yes, you are a great god, I am a small shrimp, I can't afford to climb high."

"You don't need to climb high, I'll do as long as I can. How about we open a Zhuangyuan building opposite Qizhi Group?" Qin Rushuang became more excited as she spoke, as if she had long planned to open the Zhuangyuan building.

Yang Yifan sneered, and said, "Just you? Go to open a Zhuangyuan Building opposite Qizhi Group. You can only teach composition, but Qizhi Group provides one-stop service and can teach everything. At that time, as long as Qizhi Group Zhi Group issued a message saying that those who study composition in the Zhuangyuan Building are not allowed to apply for other courses of Qizhi Group, and I guarantee that your Zhuangyuan Building will soon be deserted."

"Hey, I said why are you so worthless? You didn't even try, how do you know I can't recruit people? I just want to fight against the Qizhi Group, and I want to destroy them. Do you want to join me? Zhuangyuan Building? I will give you a salary of [-] a month."

"Forget it, I have my own business, and I plan to open a Ziyun Academy, so I won't go to your place."

"It's up to you, but when you can't get along, you can go to me, you are my savior, and the position of vice principal is reserved for you at any time." Qin Rushuang fantasized like this, unconsciously revealing a smile on his face. Sweet smile.

Yang Yifan shook his head and said: "You are too naive, let's open your Zhuangyuan building first!"

"A woman as smart and capable as me, who is definitely a genius in the training industry, how could she not be able to continue driving? My goal is to eat Qizhi Group."

(End of this chapter)

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