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Chapter 18 Moved to Tears

Chapter 18 Moved to Tears

Yang Yifan boiled the water and poured it for Qin Rushuang. Qin Rushuang's shadow was swaying on the light-proof glass, looking very slender.

"Hey, let me tell you why your family is so poor? What age is it, and you don't even have a solar energy installed. This is really uncomfortable."

"Okay, it would be nice to have a place for you to wash. According to my idea, I will find you a piece of clothing, and you can just change it."

"Hey, I said, can the glass in your house block the light? Why do I feel like there are two eyes staring at me when you stand there?"

"Don't worry, the glass blocks the light. I'm getting you a change of clothes. Don't worry, these clothes are all newly bought by my sister and haven't been worn yet."

"It doesn't matter what you wear."

"What about the close fitting?"

"let it go!"

Yang Yifan put the clothes away for her and was about to go out. Suddenly, Qin Rushuang shouted: "Hey, don't go. If something happens to me, don't I have to ask you for help?"

"Let's talk about it when you have something to do. I'm here, aren't you afraid that I'll take advantage of you?"

"If you are that kind of person, you will take all my advantages."

"You wash it yourself. I went out and the clothes are on the chair outside. But you'd better hurry up, because I don't smell good either."

"Hey, why don't you come too, it can save some water for your family."

"Go! The water in my house comes from the well, so don't save it."

When Yang Yifan walked into the upper room, Liu Xuelian had already prepared a table of good meals and a bowl of ginger soup.

Yang Fangling and Yang Yifei kept asking Yang Yifan what the girl's name was and how they met.

Yang Yifan said: "The woman's name is Qin Rushuang, a composition training teacher of Qizhi Group. She came out for a night run tonight. When she was tired from running, she was blowing on the guardrail and accidentally fell into the river. It was me. Rescue the one who came ashore. My mobile phone fell into the water and I asked her to pay for my mobile phone. I was afraid that she would run away, so I took her home. When she pays for my mobile phone tomorrow, she can go wherever she wants.”

Yang Fangling smiled sweetly, and said: "Hey, I said Yifan, don't you want to talk to her?"

"Talk about what?"

"Stop pretending to me? Didn't you just break up in love today? This girl is much prettier than Zhao Xueyan. If you can catch her, the whole family will be happy."

Yang Yifan has no plans for this yet. He doesn't want to make a decision so quickly about his relationship issues. He has a god system in his body. In the future, it will not be women who pick him, but he will pick women. He said, "What are you talking about? Zhao Xueyan and I The engagement issue hasn’t been resolved yet? What if people say it’s because I found someone behind her back, and we broke our promises, in the end, more than 1 yuan will be in vain.”

Yang Jianping broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this, and said: "Yifan is right, don't find any girlfriend for Yifan until you get the money for retiring the marriage. Regarding Qin Rushuang, you have to keep it a secret and let Yifan know tomorrow." Fan quickly sent her back."

Yang Yifei was a little nervous, and said, "Don't be so careful, right? It sounds like we are doing something bad."

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. Don't tell me you're showing your mouth outside." Yang Jianping also specifically told Yang Yifei.

Qin Rushuang also washed her hair, and put on Yang Fangling's down jacket and warm pants. When she walked into the upper room, she tossed her black and beautiful hair, which made Yang Yifan's heart beat faster when he saw it.

Yang Yifei said: "So she is so beautiful! Much more beautiful than my teacher Zhao Xueyan."

Qin Rushuang was not polite, and said: "It's still my little brother, you can talk, my beauty is even worse than the four beauties."

Yang Yifan said: "You will die if you don't brag? My younger brother also sees few women, that's like me. In my eyes, you can't even rank third-rate beauties."

"I'll go, I'm not in the third class? If I don't rank in the first class, there will be no beauties in this world."

Yang Yifan himself didn't give her any more trouble, so he took a change of clothes and went to take a shower.

Liu Xuelian was afraid that Qin Rushuang would catch a cold, so she asked her to drink a bowl of ginger soup first.

After Qin Rushuang finished drinking the ginger soup, she felt very grateful, and she burst into tears. Liu Xuelian asked her why she was crying, and she said that she had never cared about her since she was a child. When she was young, she heard other children say that her mother fed her a bowl of ginger. Tang, she was very moved. In order to get her mother's love, she deliberately got wet outside in the rain one day, and when she got home, she thought her mother would care about her and made ginger soup for her, but her mother called her a fool , I didn’t even know how to hide when it rained, and even beat her hard.

From then on, Qin Rushuang no longer expected to be cared by her mother. She never thought that today at Yang Yifan's house, she would be cared for as a child. She was so moved that she shed tears at that time.

After hearing Qin Rushuang's words, Liu Xuelian hugged her head, hugged her in her arms, and said, "Ru Shuang, don't cry, it's nothing serious, isn't it just a bowl of ginger soup? You want to drink it later, auntie I'll do it for you again."

"Thank you auntie!"

Qin Rushuang looked very strong, but when her weak side was revealed, Liu Xuelian's maternal love was aroused. He unconsciously regarded Qin Rushuang as his daughter and cared for her in every possible way.

Qin Rushuang ate the food that Liu Xuelian gave her, and her heart felt warm, as if she had eaten honey.

After Yang Yifan took a bath, he and Qin Rushuang had dinner together. After the meal, they talked about some household chores. They felt that it was getting late, so they wanted to rest.

According to Liu Xuelian's intention, she wanted Yang Yifan and Qin Rushuang to share the same bed, but Yang Yifan disagreed, so Liu Xuelian discussed with Yang Fangling again, and finally let Qin Rushuang and Yang Fangling sleep in the same room.

Qin Rushuang also had no objection.

She and Yang Fangling are about the same age, both 27, and they talked very well, both of them were very happy.

Liu Xuelian asked Yang Fangling to inquire about Qin Rushuang's situation, and to test whether she had a good impression of Yang Yifan.

Yang Fangling patted her chest and said, "No problem, I'll take care of it."

Liu Xuelian also instructed Yang Yifan to work hard to catch Qin Rushuang, but now Yang Yifan didn't want to rush to find a girlfriend, so he said that he would handle his own affairs and asked them not to worry about it.

After Yang Yifan sent his mother out, he quickly checked the progress of the task.


[Task Reward]: One pill of heart protection.Teacher morality points 100 (can be collected)

Yang Yifan was very excited when he saw the progress in his task. After he saw the teachers' ethics points, he was still muttering in his heart, where did these 100 teachers' ethics points come from?Could it be that he saved Qin Rushuang and was rewarded by the system?

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(End of this chapter)

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