Chapter 56
In fact, there is no suspense in the second competition, because his art is already superb, let alone a pain reliever.

"Actually, I can make a painkiller like this in one minute. I just don't know what happened to Brother Lin in front of me." A man actually started shouting openly in front of the public, which made everyone very dissatisfied. .

But after everyone saw who the target was, they felt a lot more balanced, and then many colleagues wanted to take the opportunity to suppress this rising star, so some people started this kind of provocation.

But Lin Yan didn't pay attention to this kind of fly at all, okay?In his eyes, these people are just a group of ants. What qualifications does a group of ants have to compare with others?

"Hey, you, I'm talking to you here, can't you talk to me in a nice manner? Do you know what is the order of superiority and inferiority, order of elders and younger ones?" I didn't expect this. Men are becoming more and more presumptuous.

Sure enough, he is famous for his reputation, as the ancients said, there is nothing wrong with him, but he doesn't give him a single look. After all, this kind of thing is relatively common, and there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

"Please let me go during the competition. If you don't want to participate, don't bring me, thank you." This sentence is very euphemistic, but in their eyes it has become a provocation, which is really true It's a bit embarrassing.

However, a group of security guards rushed up and took the man away, because this was a disgusting provocation in the medical field. I didn’t expect that someone would do it again. Isn’t this the behavior of a kindergarten? ?
Some people really doubt whether they are the kind of person who went to the wrong set, and they know this level, and they don't know how his medicine is developing, so they are still provocative here.

"Okay, the factory is quiet now, everyone has nothing to do, hurry up and compete, we have been delayed for 5 minutes." Regarding this seminar in the medical field, everyone is more rigorous, so it is better for a fool like this. Less.

In fact, although Pain Relief Tablets are the most common medicine, it is also a product that makes everyone more difficult, because it is really too common, and everyone has this kind of small pill at home, but how to make this kind of small pill Are pills not addictive?

Because painkillers have a certain numbing effect, it is understandable that some hallucinogenic substances are added to them. If you want to relieve the patient from pain and also want him to have this effect, So what should we do?

"The topic this time is really difficult, and the organizer is a little bit too bad. I thought there would be something more difficult to come up with this kind of topic to take such common pills as pain pills." A girl started to complain.

After all, no one really thought that the competition format of this kind of competition would be in this format, and the topic of the test was just a mere pain reliever.

"Okay, I'm not talking about you, you should suffer your temper, this is a discussion meeting, do it quickly, maybe you will come up with something in a while." A girl was also comforting, but also A little bit of chest beating.

They simply have no power to resist this topic. After all, although this topic is relatively broad, they all know what the ingredients of Pain Relief Tablets are, but the most difficult thing is here, what should be used to replace the painful What about replacements?

After another 10 minutes, Lin Yan made another pain relief tablet.This time, I asked a patient to try this tablet. After taking it for less than 5 minutes, the patient felt that the wound did not hurt so much. Everyone knows the magic of this medicine.

Even the patient himself didn't believe it. He pressed on his painful area and there was no pain as before. Is it really a wonder that the medicine is so effective?
So he became the target of public criticism again. Of course, the veritable first place also made everyone's eyes red. After all, everyone really couldn't believe why he got such good results every time.

The people next to him couldn't help but start to feel sour. "I'm afraid he either has a good master teaching him how to do these things, or else he has to communicate with the organizer. Who knows what he was talking about with the teacher named Yu just now?"

At this time, I realized what the distortion of human nature is. If you live a better life than others, people will say that you have taken some back door or something. This kind of human sophistication is really common among everyone.

But after the match this time, there were only 8 people left on the field, and they were still reluctant to stay. It can be said that the first place is Lin Yan without a doubt.

However, there is still a third competition. This third competition is to look at the patient's condition, and to make a well-founded analysis and treatment.

As a doctor, it is natural to apply what you have learned and be flexible.

In fact, treating patients is something that every person in the medical field will do. After all, the most important thing for a doctor is to heal the wounded and save lives.

Therefore, it is essential to have some clinical experience, and these clinical experiences will slowly accumulate. After sublimating to a certain level, you will become a super medical scientist.

"Okay, let's announce the third competition, and now it's officially started. Everyone knows that treating patients is not a trivial matter. Today, we invite eight asthmatic patients." The voice sounded over the loudspeaker again.

This sound can also be said to be deafening, but asthma has always been something that has no cure, how should it be treated?And asthma is just a degenerative heart disease caused by heart disease.

For a person with asthma, when he is first touched by something irritating or touched, he will start to convulse, and some even foam at the mouth and fall to the ground. Such serious things often happen.

But now no one can tell the reason why asthma should be cured, but asthma cannot be cured, and almost the entire medical community knows it.

"No, I heard the question correctly. Since it's asthma, the organizer is so irritating." The girl who spoke last time did not expect to be lucky enough to survive this round of competition.

But she is still unforgiving when it comes to her mouth.

"Actually, I think asthma is not that difficult. Isn't it just a matter of treating people's cardiovascular diseases?"

A little boy next to him said with great interest, as if he was already confident.

(End of this chapter)

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