Chapter 55 Victory
But after Lin Yan got the 11th one, their mouths could be stuffed with an egg, because they really didn't expect that he would pick up the 11th plaque. Is this person really so powerful? strong?Or just pretend?

Everyone was stunned when they saw it, and looked at the people on the stage blankly.

The unsuspecting audience in the audience seemed to be watching the excitement, and the people on the stage generally looked at him like a fool, but the expressions of the judges on the stage began to change.

"Sure enough, God lured me to China. Could it be that we have another medical god?" At this time, a rash old man was leaning on a cane and excitedly tapping the floor in his seat.

He is the example of excitement, so excited.

The old man is also a relatively knowledgeable person, and he can be said to be quite prestigious in it, and the people next to him began to pick up the conversation.

"Old Wei, don't worry, let's see how much this young man can find?" Several other judges also narrowed their eyes, as if there was something dark and unclear in their eyes.

But they only have one thought in their hearts, which is to step off the stage and ask who this kid is. If his master is not good, then snatch this kid into his own sect. A test of talent.

Of course, the old stubborn people next to him are no exception. How could they not grab such a talented person and become their apprentice?Otherwise, I would be sorry for myself. Everyone had such thoughts, and their eyes looked like green lights, looking at the man on the stage.

But he was not affected by these at all, and continued to find the 15th thing.At this time, only 10 minutes have passed. Such an ability can be said to be against the sky, but he stopped the cloth in his hand.

"Move~" He didn't continue to knock on his sign, but rang the bell, which means that a person has completed.

So everyone in the audience was also curious about whether he had grown these 15 blindly or he had really grown them, but the ending was clear, because he did find out by himself, so these referee ladies also gave He passed.

"I declare that Lin Yan is our current number one." The referee's voice made everyone stare. After all, it has been a long time since such a genius came out.

The eyes of the people playing with him also widened, because they really didn't expect that the person playing with them would turn out to be such a strong opponent.

Of course, other people also had some dissatisfaction, so they started to find this item slowly, but it took the second one 2 minutes to find 40 items, but fortunately, these 10 items were all correct.

Everyone is experiencing him at the same time. Why is he so powerful? You already know that if you rely on luck alone, you will definitely not be able to find 15 things, and it is still in such a short period of time.

"It seems that this boy has some skills, Lao Wei." An old man with gray hair next to him said in a wheelchair. This old man is Academician Liu, whom everyone respects.

Of course, the old Weitou did not give in too much, "This time, this apprentice, don't rob me again. Old Liutou, your previous apprentice has already shined in this round of conferences. Why are you focusing on it again?" Is it a little fat sheep?"

That's right, the first place in the last discussion conference was a general who was recruited by the old head Liu, and his apprentice has achieved relatively good results now, at least in the medical field.

But I have to say that apart from the sharp Lin Yan this time, he was able to catch the attention of Old Liu.

So Lao Niutou had no choice but to hug his former good friend. "I can't help it. Although I like the previous apprentice, I also like the current one, so I want to take both of them with me."

But it made the old guard next to him blow his beard and stare, "I said you are too shameless, you have already snatched the previous one from me, and now you want to snatch it from me again , What do you mean? Old Liu."

But at this time, the people at the scene don't have time to observe the war between the two old men. What they are observing now is the current situation in the field, because now there is only one minute left, and several students have already found 1 kinds of war. , some people have indeed given up completely.

In fact, it is easy to give up. After all, they are really not people in this circle, so we have to see what kind of things they have. Gametes who understand medicine.

But in the medical field, which is a more research-oriented subject, people who understand art or people who really understand art will know that they must first understand the ingredients before they can prescribe medicine according to their illness.

So this is indeed a one-sidedness of some doctors, but this time the discussion conference is really quite exciting, after all, there is a small word showing blindness, and everyone can see it clearly.

After the second round, there were only 2 people left on the field, because 20 people had been wiped out by the gun, so the remaining 30 people can also be said to be hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Everyone began to rub shoulders and prepare for the next competition. The second competition is to make medicines. Make the same medicine to see who has better effects and faster effects.

So with the end of the first game, the second game began to follow.

The competition was even hotter than before, and there were exclamations from the audience, filling the surrounding area.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. Now I announce the official start of the second discussion conference. Please take your seats." The sound of arranging the game came from the distant high platform again.

Everyone showed great interest, but Lin Yan still had a flat face.Because he knew that these people in front of him were actually nothing more than ants, but the power of these ants mixed together was relatively strong.

The medicine they want to make this time is pain-relief tablets, but the general pain-relief tablets are easy to become addictive after eating. The effect is still relatively good.

Some of us have started to encounter difficulties, because pain relief tablets are often the most commonly used pills, but they are often the most frequently used pills, but in their eyes, they have become a kind of difficulty.

Since you look at the same pill every day, how can you not remember him?
(End of this chapter)

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