Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 479 Auditory Hallucinations

Chapter 479 Auditory Hallucinations
Time and space twisted rapidly, and when Lin Yan woke up again, he appeared in a forest again.

Lin Yan hurriedly checked the wound on his body, the scar had disappeared, but the red mark was still there.

Lin Yan can be sure that he didn't have a dream just now, it really happened to him.

"What the hell is going on, am I already dead, why do I appear here again?"

Lin Yan looked at Zhu Donghan very curiously.

He clearly remembered that he had stepped into the Palace of the King of Hades, why?What was it that pulled him back like this?

This thing is so powerful that it can directly break the life-threatening chain of black and white impermanence.

Zhu Donghan directly hugged Lin Yan tightly, the good brother finally woke up, and he was completely at ease.

"It's okay, you're finally okay."

Zhu Donghan cried bitterly and said goodbye to Lin Yan. He finally understood the importance of Lin Yan as a friend.

Only then did Zhu Donghan make preparations. If Lin Yan really went like this, he would also be buried with Lin Yan.

"Tell me what's going on first, why am I able to come back to life?"

Lin Yan pushed Zhu Donghan away, now is not the time to be sensational, he must find out who saved this life.

Zhu Donghan wiped away the tears on his face, "Just now, it was really close to death, that female ghost was willing to sacrifice her thousand years of Taoism to save you for some reason."

Mentioning this incident, Zhu Donghan himself was very surprised.

The person who wanted Lin Yan's life was a female ghost, and the person who finally sacrificed himself to save Lin Yan was also a female ghost.


Lin Yan felt that this was simply unbelievable.

This female ghost is just using him as a tool to vent her desires. How could she have such a spirit of sacrifice?

Could it be that he misunderstood this female ghost? The 3000-year love story is not just made up, but actually exists?

"When she was dying, the female ghost used thousands of years of Taoism to block this catastrophe for you, and only then did you save your life."

Regardless of whether Lin Yan resisted him or not, Zhu Donghan still stepped forward and hugged Lin Yan tightly.

The feeling of getting it back is so good, he must cherish it.

"Please explain this to me clearly. This is not just a joke. How can life be such a joke."

Lin Yan directly pulled Zhu Donghan to sit aside.

The reversal was too sudden, like a dream, Lin Yan would not have believed it if he hadn't actually gone to the Palace of the King of Hades.

"The female ghost's sharp claws pierced your heart. When you were dying, the female ghost emerged, turned into a ghost, and burrowed into your heart, and then you woke up."

Zhu Donghan told Lin Yan everything he saw.

Regarding the problem, Zhu Donghan himself didn't know what it was.

The female ghost didn't have any doubts when she rescued Lin Yan.

Not every ghost can possess the thousand-year Taoism.

If the female ghost cultivates well, maybe after thousands of years, she will be able to go to heaven and become a god.

But she sacrificed her morality at the last critical moment, just to save Lin Yan, a "hearted man".

Lin Yan carefully recalled the previous events, he felt a little dazed.

What happened to all this, and why did he feel like he couldn't put it together at all?
My own memory has not been lost, every piece of memory is clear, but I just can't stitch these memories together.

"It's too simple to say that. I feel that life is not so fragile."

Lin Yan suddenly burst out laughing, now that he has solved the trouble of the female ghost, and pulled himself back from the gate of hell, this is a perfect combination of both.

"Lin Yan, are you mentally normal, why are you laughing so suddenly?"

Zhu Donghan looked at Lin Yan in a panic, and after finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to check the temperature of Lin Yan's forehead.

"Fuck you, isn't such a happy thing worth celebrating, my lord, I finally escaped death and got rid of such a big trouble."

Lin Yan hummed softly, took out his storage bag, and took out the pills from it.

"Take the pill, you and I can recover a lot, so take it quickly."

Lin Yan swallowed the pill in one gulp, and then handed the other pill to Zhu Donghan.

"After such a big event happened, you can still be so calm. You are really a person who can see it."

Zhu Donghan expressed his admiration.

This Lin Yan is a person who has died once, so his mentality is really open.

If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid that he would have been agitated and insane by now.

"I don't think about it, what can I do, is it possible to cry for my dead soul?" Lin Yan snorted.

After all, how can someone who has the inheritance of a medical immortal be so fragile?

"By the way, how do you feel now, how about I diagnose it for you?"

Zhu Ronghan was still a little uneasy.

He and Lin Yan depended on each other for life. If something happened to Lin Yan, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

"No problem, I feel much better."

Lin Yan smiled, he knew his physical condition very well.

Lin Yan still remembers the pain when the female ghost's nails pierced her heart.

Under the rapid treatment of this pill, the wounds in his body slowly healed, and Lin Yan felt much more comfortable.

"Lin Yan, it's good that your body can recover."

A woman's questioning voice came suddenly.

Lin Yan subconsciously looked around, but apart from him and Zhu Donghan, there was no one else around.

"Lin Yan, what's wrong with you, is there any danger around here?"

Zhu Donghan looked very nervous. He had already tightly grasped the mahogany sword in his hand. This journey can be said to be a slashing and breaking through many dangers.

"No... nothing."

Lin Yan shook his head, he always felt that someone was watching him all the time, but he couldn't find out who it was.

Under such circumstances, he didn't want to play tricks and say some unnecessary things to intimidate Zhu Donghan.

The two have experienced enough things, and it is time to rest.

The woman's laughter came from all directions again, Lin Yan turned around to check again, but there was still no movement.

His frequent turning movements made Zhu Donghan more flustered, and Zhu Donghan subconsciously stood behind Lin Yan.

"Lin Yan, just tell me what happened. Don't scare me here. I'm timid."

Zhu Donghan didn't look good this time.

Anyway, Lin Yan has experienced life and death together, and Lin Yan also knows what kind of character he is.

They are all ordinary people, there is no time when they are not greedy for life and afraid of death.

"It's nothing, I guess I have an illusion, let's go on."

Lin Yan smiled helplessly, he thought he had some auditory hallucinations.

After all, there is nothing around here, how could there be a woman's laughter.

"Let's go meet the Liang family now."

Zhu Donghan walked in front, and Lin Yan followed closely behind.

(End of this chapter)

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