Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 478 On the Dying

Chapter 478 On the Dying
Zhu Donghan was lying on the side of the cliff panting heavily, and when he came to his senses, he hurriedly took out the talisman in his backpack and rushed over.

Regardless of Sanqi 28, let's fight first, this female ghost must be taken down, otherwise he will be sorry for his title of closed disciple of the Zhu family.

In order to prevent the female ghost from approaching again, Zhu Donghan took out a dispersing talisman and stuck it on his forehead.

He looks a little ridiculous like this, but it is the best way to protect himself.

With the protection of the dispelling talisman, this female ghost did not dare to approach easily.

"Lin Yan, I'll get you one too, wait a moment."

Zhu Donghan fumbled around in the backpack, and suddenly felt a thump in his heart, it's over, this dispersing talisman is the last one, and he has already used it.


Zhu Donghan looked at Lin Yan in embarrassment, and Lin Yan also looked at Zhu Donghan suspiciously.

When the two were stunned, the female ghost suddenly rushed over.

Fortunately, Lin Yan reacted quickly and pushed Zhu Donghan to one side with a slap.

It was only a millimeter away, and Zhu Donghan's heart was about to be pierced.

"Can't we sit down and talk slowly about something, why should we make such a fuss?"

Lin Yan felt a little struggling and tried to reason with the female ghost during the fight. He did not want the female ghost to continue fighting. This woman was the most unreasonable, let alone a female ghost who had lived for thousands of years.

The female ghost didn't listen to Lin Yan's explanation at all. At this moment, the female ghost's eyes were scarlet and her brows were filled with anger.

Lin Yan lied to her once, this time she will not give Lin Yan another chance, the 3000 years of waiting has come to naught, and now she only has hatred for Lin Yan.

"Since you don't want me to be together alive, then I might as well take your life directly. Then you and I will be a mandarin duck couple in the Palace of Hell."

The female ghost stretched her fingernails, like Lin Yan's side, she couldn't stop falling over.

She also didn't expect Lin Yan to find a new body for her, the female ghost only wanted to take Lin Yan's life directly.

In the future, both of them became wandering wild ghosts, and Lin Yan had no excuse to despise her anymore.

"Can you calm down, can you sit down and say something, you insist on fighting with me."

Lin Yan shouted at the top of his voice.

This female ghost is really difficult to deal with, and she doesn't listen to bad words when she says good things. If her skill is right, Lin Yan really wants to take the female ghost back directly.

"What are you talking about? If you hadn't broken your promise, you wouldn't have ended up like this today."

The female ghost exudes a dark aura, and her ghostly nature has been fully aroused.

Zhu Donghan finally recovered. Good guy, he was kicked several times by Lin Yan today, and his butt was covered with footprints.

"Lin Yan, stop trying to reason with her. Such an inhumane ghost makes no sense at all."

Zhu Donghan took out a Zombie Suppression Talisman from his bag and took it over.

Now the things in the bag are a mess, no matter what he has, as long as it can calm the ghosts, take them all out and use them together.

The mirror in Zhu Donghan's hand was particularly dazzling. Under his constant shaking and driving effect, the female ghost was directly stabbed and couldn't open her eyes.

"Lin Yan, seize the opportunity and pierce his chest directly with the peach wood sword. You can't give him any room to survive."

Zhu Donghan directly threw a sword over.

Just when Lin Yan was about to receive the sword, the female ghost suddenly turned around and slapped the mirror in Zhu Donghan's hand to the ground.

The mirror made a crisp sound when it fell to the ground, and the century-old mirror was destroyed like this.

Looking at the fragments on the ground, Zhu Donghan was furious, and went directly to the female ghost.

This mirror was the most precious treasure given to him by his master before he left, but now it was destroyed like this by a female ghost. He couldn't bear this tone.

"You kid is not my opponent at all, my defeated opponent, what qualifications do you have to come forward and fight with me?"

The female ghost looked down upon Zhu Donghan very much.

In the female ghost's mind, Zhu Donghan is just a small follower of Lin Yan, she doesn't take Lin Yan seriously, so why should she be afraid of Zhu Donghan.

Zhu Donghan raised the mahogany sword in his hand, and stabbed towards the female ghost.

Just when Zhu Donghan was about to approach, the female ghost stretched out her nails and poked towards Zhu Donghan's heart.

"do not want!"

Lin Yan shouted loudly, pushed Zhu Donghan away suddenly, and went straight to meet him.

Zhu Donghan on the ground escaped unharmed, but Lin Yan's paw fell down abruptly.

This claw is impartial, just digging at the position of the heart.

Lin Yan's eyes widened and he tried hard to get up from the ground, but his body suddenly softened. Lin Yan became very weak, his lips instantly lost color, and corpse stains began to appear on his face.

"Lin Yan, don't scare me, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

Zhu Donghan hurriedly crawled over, shaking Lin Yan's body in his arms.

Lin Yan who was buckled this time was very weak, and he didn't have the strength to speak at all.

His lips were open and harmonious, but he still couldn't make a sound.

Zhu Donghan glared at the female ghost angrily, and the female ghost who was furious just now also stopped moving.

"It's all your fault. Wouldn't it be good for you to let him live? Even if you really love him, why bother to pester him like this? One person and one ghost have different paths. Why do you do this?"

Zhu Donghan was no longer afraid, and cursed at the female ghost.

They just want to go to the tomb to spend some leisure time, looking for a quiet place, but the female ghost is always unforgiving, and now she directly pierces Lin Yan's heart, what should I do now?

"Impossible, impossible."

The female ghost kept shaking her head, tears streaming down her face.

The words that caused Lin Yan to die just now were just spoken out angrily. She protected Lin Yan for life and death, so how could Lin Yan be turned into nothingness like this.

"There are so many male ghosts accompanying you in Hades Palace, why do you want to drag a big living person over there to support you, you are not happy if you don't die, don't you?"

Zhu Donghan raised the peach wood sword in his hand. The female ghost was not in a hurry to dodge. She walked directly towards Zhu Donghan.

Lin Yan stared straight at the female ghost, no matter what the current situation is, as long as he still has breath, he will never allow the female ghost to hurt Zhu Donghan.

The female ghost approached Zhu Donghan, she suddenly squatted down, hugged Lin Yan and cried bitterly.

"Lin Yan, don't die please, as long as you can come back to life, I will never pester you again."

The voice of the female ghost was trembling. After living alone in the Palace of Hades for so long, how could she not know how miserable the ghost world is?

Lin Yan was only in her twenties, and she didn't want such a young man to really lose his life.

Zhu Donghan poured out everything in the package, trying to find a good medicine for Lin Yan to take.

But he has already come to the end of the road, so what kind of magic pill is there to come up with.

"It's hopeless, it's over, it's really over now."

Zhu Donghan couldn't stop shaking his head. He has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years and saved countless lives. Now that he can't even teach his good brother, what use is he?
Just as Lin Yan was dying, the female ghost suddenly turned into a ghost and penetrated into Lin Yan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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