Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 406 Villagers Are Not Human?

Chapter 406 Villagers Are Not Human?
Of course, now is not the time to think about these things. After all, it’s not too early now, and it will be dark soon. They can’t stay here forever. They have to find a place to stay quickly, otherwise, once it’s night, no one can guarantee Will there be any jackals or beasts on this mountain?

Especially the three of them are powerless now, so they must not stay on the mountain, and now the car can't be used, so they can only go on foot, but fortunately, the three of them are big men, and they must not have physical strength. Gotta say, so it's okay to walk.

Therefore, Lin Yan thought for a while and suggested: "Now that the car is no longer available, we can only go on foot. What do you think?"

"No problem, I remember that there seems to be a village in front of us, we can settle in the village."

Hearing Wang Youming's words, Lin Yan's eyes lit up, this is good, if there is a village, they don't have to worry about encountering wild animals, and they also have money, so it should be no problem to stay in this village, so the three of them did this After making a decision, he began to walk slowly down the mountain.

Fortunately, the village there was not too far away from them, so they finally arrived at the village before dark.

After returning to the village, Lin Yan and the others decided to find a villager's house to stay. After all, the whole village is very big, and any room should be enough for the three of them. After all, there are always many rooms in the countryside, although the whole house looks a bit Dilapidated, but there is no problem for people to live in.

Besides, the three of Lin Yan have already walked a long way, and they are already exhausted, so they don't pay much attention to this aspect, and even if they want to, they can't do it, because the whole village is like this, if they really want to If you are particular about it, there is no place to live, and the three of Lin Yan and the others don't have high requirements in this regard, so they can accept it.

So when they arrived at the village, Lin Yan and the three immediately found a villager, told the villager about their situation, and hoped that they could stay overnight for them.

"Grandpa, our car had a flat tire on the mountain, so we can't go to the city, so we want to stay at your house for one night. Is it convenient? Of course, you can rest assured that we will pay for it."

Hearing Lin Yan's current predicament, the villager thought for a while, seeing that the three of them didn't look like bad guys, so he finally agreed to let them stay for one night.Of course, the money charged is not expensive. Three people only charged 200 yuan for one night. After all, the villagers here are very simple and do not have the idea of ​​asking prices.

Lin Yan was immediately very happy after being taken in by the villager. After all, they were very tired now and just wanted to find a place to have a good rest, so they immediately followed the villager back to his house.

The villager's home is not far from here, so the three of them just walked a few steps there, and after arriving at his home, the villager arranged a room for them.

However, there are not many rooms in his house, so he only gave them two rooms, so they had to arrange for two people to squeeze together, but you don't care about this, anyway, they are three big men, so they don't care about it. It's better to be in a hurry regardless of these urgencies than to have no rest.

"Wang Youming, you can live in a room alone, and I will stay with Zhu Donghan."

The reason for this arrangement is that Wang Youming is the fattest of the three of them, so it is better to let him live in a room by himself than to squeeze with him, and he and Zhu Donghan are both very thin, so the two of them One room is barely enough.

After Wang Youming heard Lin Yan's arrangement, he was immediately very satisfied, because he also preferred to live alone in a room, so after hearing Lin Yan's arrangement, he did not object.

"That's great, thank you, Lin Yan."

Lin Yan felt helpless when he heard Wang Youming's thanks.

"Okay, hurry up and wash your face, and see how dirty you are."

Hearing Lin Yan's reminder, Wang Youming remembered that he had landed on his face when Lin Yan pulled him out of the car, so he looked a little dirty, so he quickly asked the villager about the bathroom, and then immediately called him. I got a basin of water and washed my face.

However, after Wang Youming came back after washing his face, he suddenly felt that the villagers were a little strange, because those villagers seemed to have no spirit in their eyes, and their complexions were still dark.

I didn't feel anything before, but after Wang Youming took a few more glances, he always felt that something was weird, so after washing his face, he immediately went to Lin Yan and Zhu Donghan's room, and put his own The discovery was told to them.

"Lin Yan, do you think there is something wrong with these villagers? Could it be that they don't sleep all day, and that's why they became like this?"

Hearing Wang Youming's words, Lin Yan rolled his eyes and said, "Let him stay up alone, it's impossible for everyone to stay up together, right? There must be something wrong with it, I'll check it out."

After all, they are not familiar with this village, and they are entering here for the first time, so it is generally necessary to be cautious. After all, no one knows whether the villagers in this village are good people, so Lin Yan still raised his vigilance Besides, it is not difficult for him to have a clairvoyant eye to investigate.

Hearing that Lin Yan was going to investigate, Zhu Donghan thought for a while and decided to investigate himself. After all, if the performance of these villagers is really as Wang Youming said, then they really need to investigate. After all If they really have a problem, then they are a sheep in a tiger's mouth.

"Then you're going to investigate, so let's go together."

After hearing Zhu Donghan's proposal, Lin Yan immediately vetoed it: "No, if we act together, the goal is too big. Let's separate and pretend to wander around. It shouldn't attract their attention."

After listening to Lin Yan's explanation, Zhu Donghan felt that it made sense, so he nodded and agreed to the proposal: "Okay, if that's the case, then let's explore separately, and we will meet again in half an hour."

In this way, Lin Yan and Zhu Donghan started to act separately, leaving only Wang Youming to watch in the room, so as not to let anyone enter their room to tamper with.

And after Lin Yan separated from Zhu Donghan and the others, he started to use his clairvoyance. After all, he has a great weapon of clairvoyance, which is a good help for detecting these things.

However, after he used his clairvoyant eyes, Lin Yan discovered a very shocking fact, that is, he found that these villagers did not seem to be human at all. After discovering this, Lin Yan was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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