Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 405 Revenge

Chapter 405 Revenge
Seeing Wang Youming like this, Lin Yan was almost pissed off. After all, Wang Youming's demeanor was too embarrassing for him, and since you were reluctant, why did you insist on coming?Isn't he slapping him in the face?
Just when Lin Yan was about to kick Wang Youming down, the whole car suddenly jolted. Lin Yan accidentally fell down, but he quickly reacted and immediately stabilized himself. .

But the place they passed was more dangerous, because the car had already driven to the side of the cliff, and almost fell under the cliff due to the bumps, but Lin Yan and the others quickly stabilized themselves.

So the car didn't fall down, but they had to be careful, otherwise they would fall completely under the cliff if they didn't pay attention, so Lin Yan and the others inside the car were suddenly frightened and didn't even dare to move.

However, this was not an option, because they had to return the car quickly, otherwise the car would fall down if they were not careful. Therefore, Lin Yan took a breath and finally decided to get out of the car first.

Because it is too dangerous to stay in the car now, it is better to stay outside the car for safety. Thinking of this, Lin Yan took the lead to climb out of the car. His speed was not fast, but now he was stable enough, but when he got out At that moment, the car still bumped, frightening the other two people in the car.

Lin Yan naturally felt that they were all afraid, but now is not the time to talk about it. After he climbed out of the car, he quickly grabbed a rope and said to Wang Youming and the two inside the car: "Hurry up and catch this contestant!" , so that I can pull you out, remember, you must hold on firmly, otherwise I will not be responsible for falling."

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Wang Youming and the two immediately nodded, expressing their understanding. After all, this time it was about their lives and deaths, so they naturally dared not be careless, so after Lin Yan handed over the rope, both of them firmly grasped the rope. Stop it, for fear that they will fall if they are not careful.

Seeing their performance, Lin Yan was very satisfied, so he quickly said: "Okay, have you grasped it firmly now? I will pull it after I finish grasping it."

"Hold on, you can start."

Hearing Lin Yan's words, both Wang Youming and Wang Youming nodded, expressing great urgency, because now the entire car body was shaking, and Wang Youming and Wang Youming were both very scared, for fear that the whole car would fall down if they were not careful.

Therefore, they naturally didn't want to stay in the car anymore and just wanted to get out quickly, so they very much hoped that Lin Yan would let them pull him over. After all, staying in the car was really a test for them.

Lin Yan naturally sensed their urgency, so he satisfied Wang Youming and the others, saying: "Okay, since you have grasped it firmly, then I am strong now, you must not let go, otherwise you will be responsible for all consequences! "

"Don't worry, we will definitely not let go, you just pull us over quickly, we feel that this car is about to fall, so don't waste your time."

After hearing what the two of them said, Lin Yan nodded and quickly pulled them out. After pulling them out, Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. At least even if the car fell down, they would still be here. There will be no personal safety.

As for the car, Lin Yan wouldn't feel bad even if it fell. After all, no one's life was important in the car. Of course, although the car was bumpy now, at least it didn't completely roll down the cliff, so it also gave Lin Yan and the others a chance to observe. .

"Lin Yan, what's going on? Why did the car suddenly bump to the cliff? What should we do now?"

Both Wang Youming and Wang Youming were scared out of their wits just now. After all, no one thought that such a thing would happen, and they almost died under the cliff. If Lin Yan was not strong enough, otherwise the situation would definitely become Another situation.

But everyone has experience, so after a lot of fear, everyone calmed down and began to check the condition of the car. They didn't believe that this matter would be so simple, it must be man-made, So the three of them immediately went to the car tires.

Then it was discovered that the entire tire had blown out, and they still had a row of steel nails on the ground. Obviously, someone put it here on purpose, which caused their tire to blow out, and they almost died. After realizing this After that, the three of Lin Yan were very angry.

Especially Wang Youming, after he realized that he was almost killed by someone, he immediately said angrily: "Which bastard did it, let me know, I must make him look good!"

"Who else could it be? It must have been done by the grandson of Gusubei. Only he would have come up with such an insidious trick. Fortunately, we were lucky today, otherwise the three of us would all be killed here. This guy is so vicious. It is too hateful to want our lives!"

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Wang Youming and the two were a little surprised, but they immediately realized that, yes, Lin Yan was right, it must have been the grandson from Gusu North who did it, although they had not had much contact with him.

But Gusubei has always given him a very insidious feeling, with his character, he can really do such insidious things, and they didn't expect Gusu himself to be so bold, to dare to plot against them blatantly, and also Not afraid of being investigated.

"But this time we were careless and forgot about the dangers of Gusu Bei. We should have taken precautions before, otherwise we wouldn't have almost died today. But we must be careful in the future and we must not let him do it again. Calculate our chances the second time, otherwise we may not have such good luck next time.”

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Wang Youming and Wang Youming also nodded in agreement: "Yes, we must be careful next time, and we must never suffer from that grandson again. By the way, how can we get revenge this time? We After suffering such a big loss, we must not just let him go!"

Wang Youming was not one who was willing to suffer losses since he was a child. This time they almost died in Huangquan, so naturally he would not let it go so easily, and the same is true for Lin Yan and the others.

And this time they almost suffered such a big loss, they must take revenge to go back, but how to retaliate needs a long-term plan, after all, Gusubei is not just one person, but represents the entire Gusu family.

Even if they wanted to take revenge on him, they definitely couldn't do it on the bright side, but had to plot against him secretly. After all, their current energy can't match that of the entire Gusu family, so they still need to find a way to take revenge. OK.

(End of this chapter)

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