Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 349 Surprised

Chapter 349 Surprised
Lin Yan was a little surprised by Lan Zhengwei's quick answer, he thought he would continue to scare himself. "What's the situation, young master?"

Lan Zhengwei asked the subordinates around him. The subordinates whispered to each other and said, "The young master's situation is very bad. He will probably lose his mind soon."

Lost my mind?Lin Yan was startled, what kind of disease is the disease that will lose his mind? When he heard the news, Lin Yan stopped arguing with Lan Zhengwei, and immediately became serious.

"You said you wouldn't endanger my life." Lin Yan said seriously.

Lan Zhengwei glanced at him and said casually, "You really can't die."

Wouldn't it be life-threatening?Lin Yan's entire face turned black, what kind of guarantee is this!I have only one breath left and I am not dead.

But is this property the same?Lin Yan's whole body is not well, but he can't get off after boarding the thief ship. It is meaningless for Lin Yan to run away now, because they have already reached the door of a room.

"Go in." Perhaps because he knew what Lin Yan was going to face later, Lan Zhengwei's tone became very peaceful, without the previous aggressiveness.

But the more Lan Zhengwei acted like this, the more panicked Lin Yan became.Lin Yan slowly walked into the room. Before he heard anything, he heard a fierce chewing sound, like a wild animal devouring something.

"Your young master... are you eating?" Lin Yan asked uncertainly.

Lan Zhengwei nodded, and Lin Yan felt goosebumps all over his body instantly. Is this the sound of people eating?Their young master is not human!Like Lin Yan's uneasiness, Lan Zhengwei thoughtfully opened the door for Lin Yan.

When I opened the door, I saw a man sitting on the bed holding raw meat and gnawing there. Looking at him, he seemed to be very delicious. The blood that had not been wiped from the raw meat flowed down his chin onto the bed sheet. It looks very scary.

But his expression is like a normal person, as if there is no difference from a normal person, and there is no trace of a beast on his body. Except for the very wrong food, he seems to be normal in everything.

Lin Yan was dumbfounded, he stared at the raw meat being eaten in his hand and swallowed involuntarily.

"Is he your young master?" Lin Yan asked uncertainly. He actually hoped that the raw meat in the man's hand was their young master, but they accidentally arrived too late and failed to rescue him.

"Well, yes." Lan Zhengwei replied without hesitation: "That's the one eating raw meat."

His words broke all Lin Yan's illusions. Lin Yan looked at the man devouring raw meat with relish and asked, "Why do you think I can cure him?"

Lan Zhengwei frowned and said, "It seems to be because of blood drops."

Blood drop?This is not the first time Lin Yan has heard this name in the past few days, and people always ask him why they feel that he is connected with Blood Droplet.This made Lin Yan very puzzled.

"Because you are related to Xuedizi, and our young master needs Xuedizi's help." Lan Zhengwei said without hesitation, Lin Yan frowned, where did the news come from?He didn't tell anyone about his connection to Blooddrop.

Lin Yan looked at Lan Zhengwei and said, "Are you so sure that I can save him?"

Looking at the man like that, he didn't know how to treat him. "If you can't save him, you will die." Lan Zhengwei looked at Lin Yan with a cold light in his eyes.

Lin Yan shuddered. Lan Zhengwei's tone was too peaceful before, causing Lin Yan to almost forget that it was this man who forcibly tied him up for treatment. Judging by his behavior, Lan Zhengwei was definitely not what a character.

The two had been talking outside the door, and the sound came into the room without knowing it. The man inside heard the sound, and couldn't help but turn around to look around, until he saw Lin Yan, and his hands were full of raw flesh. Throwing away, eyes fixed on this Lin Yan.

The two outside the door also saw his reaction, and Lin Yan's back felt a little chilled: "What's going on? Is he reacting because you are here?"

"It's not me, it's because of you." Lan Zhengwei has been here many times, but men always ignore him.

It seems that they really found the right person, Lan Zhengwei secretly thought.The man looked at Lin Yan, and Lin Yan also looked at the man, and the two looked at each other, but the more Lin Yan looked at him, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he always felt that the man looked at him a little abnormally, with longing?

For a moment, Lin Yan didn't know how to describe his look. He just felt that the way he looked at her revealed desire, and he would swallow his saliva from time to time, "Wait a minute... swallow your saliva?"

Lin Yan was startled, he seemed to understand why that man was interested in him.

The man stared at Lin Yan, revealing his greedy emotions. His eyes looked at the flesh and blood on Lin Yan's body inch by inch, as if it was such a delicious delicacy that he couldn't stop swallowing and made Lin Yan's scalp numb.

Anyone who is looked at like food will not remain calm. "Your young master looks like he wants to eat me."

Lin Yan immediately went to Lan Zhengwei's side and said, "What?" Lan Zhengwei frowned, the young master had never done such a thing since he became obsessed.

"Don't talk nonsense, the young master has been ill for so long and hasn't done anything like cannibalism." Lan Zhengwei was very dissatisfied with Lin Yan's behavior of belittling his young master. Lin Yan looked at the man who kept swallowing his saliva , the chills stood on end.

It's all like this, who would believe that he can't eat people!Lin Yan really wanted to slap Lan Zhengwei a few times, so that he could see clearly what his young master looked like now.

The man's eyes became more and more longing, just at the moment when Lin Yan was thinking about something.

Suddenly he rushed up and was about to bite Lin Yan's neck. Lin Yan was prepared and pushed the man away. Lan Zhengwei was shocked. He didn't expect that the young master actually wanted to eat Lin Yan!

If Lin Yan has nothing to do with Xue Dizi, he can safely let the young master eat Lin Yan, it's just a matter of life.But Lin Yan couldn't die now.

Lan Zhengwei immediately went up to stop the man, for fear that he would really bite Lin Yan's neck and kill Lin Yan. "Didn't you say he doesn't eat people?"

Lin Yan avoided the man, and shouted at Lan Zhengwei angrily, "He really didn't eat people before, it must be because of something wrong with you that he became like this." Lan Zhengwei frowned and stopped the man, Don't let him touch Lin Yan.

Lin Yan was almost pissed off, and he still loves his young master after all this!
If the man really wanted to eat him up, Lan Zhengwei didn't even have time to cry!Lin Yan thought viciously, ran to hide behind the bodyguard while cursing angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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