Chapter 348
After staying in the dark for too long, Lin Yan couldn't help squinting his eyes when he suddenly saw the light. The light was particularly dazzling.Lin Yan was tied up suddenly, his head was still ignorant, and he didn't react for a while.

When Lin Yan was still in a daze, he heard an unquestionable voice: "Get up, save people."

"What?" Lin Yan raised his head in confusion. He was thrown to the ground at this moment, his whole body was covered with dust, and he looked very embarrassed.

Facing Lin Yan's unconscious question, the man said again: "I told you to get up and save people." Lin Yan was stunned for a while before he could react, and his head finally came to his senses.

"You tied me here, and then asked me to help you save people?" Lin Yan laughed angrily.

"I came here for you because the matter is really urgent and there is no other way." Lin Yan finally saw clearly the appearance of the person who had been talking to him. a blind man.

Lin Yan stretched his hands and feet and found that he was not tied up. He sneered and said, "Isn't it supposed to be begging me to save someone? Why did you come here? It's kidnapping."

Lin Yan is in a very bad mood now, and his dissatisfaction with the man in sunglasses has reached the extreme.

He got up and patted the dust off his body. It looked like he was thrown to the ground when he was unconscious. This kind of begging attitude made Lin Yan even more dissatisfied.The man in sunglasses looked at Lin Yan, and seemed to be getting impatient: "Save me."

Although they all talked about asking Lin Yan to come and save people, there was no trace of respect in their tone. All the words were commanding, which made Lin Yan feel very uncomfortable, as if he was insignificant in their eyes. .

Like a slave, he can throw it away whenever he wants to use it, without considering his own opinion at all.

Lin Yan stood up straight and looked down at the man in the sunglasses, saying, "Beg for help with a begging attitude. You tied me here and expect me to save you. Are you crazy, or am I too kind?"

The man in the sunglasses looked up at Lin Yan, Lin Yan couldn't see the eyes covered by the sunglasses, but Lin Yan could feel the surprise and anger of the man in the sunglasses, as if it was the first time someone dared to talk to him like this, "Speaking of this, are you Don't save?" The man in the sunglasses said in a dangerous tone.

Lin Yan originally thought of agreeing not to save him, but he looked at the strong bodyguards around him, and the man in sunglasses who had murderous intent if he dared to say no to save him. Lin Yan, who had no power to fight back, felt, Whether to save yourself or not should be considered.

It doesn't matter whether you can save people or not, the important thing is whether you can get out of here safe and sound.

The tone of the man in the sunglasses was that if he dared to say no, he would directly attack himself.Lin Yan coughed a few times: "This... I am kind-hearted, I will consider it."

The man in sunglasses seemed not to have expected this answer, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer him.

It was the first time he saw a thick-skinned person like Lin Yan, "How long do you have to think about it? We don't have much time." The man in sunglasses replied slowly after a while.

It may be because Lin Yan didn't refuse immediately, but his attitude was more relaxed, and the tone of the man in the sunglasses was not so indifferent to Lin Yan.If you were talking to your slaves before, you are now talking to your subordinates. These two differences are a qualitative change.

Lin Yan also noticed this, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. The person who has feelings is that you listen to him, so he should relax a little. If you don't obey, you will be silenced directly.How is it like keeping a pet? This was Lin Yan's first thought.

"If you had been very calm at the beginning, and followed the normal procedure to go to my clinic to see me for treatment, maybe that person has been cured by me now, and he wouldn't be like this now." Hearing the tone of the man in sunglasses softened, Lin Yan tactfully expressed his dissatisfaction.

The man in sunglasses raised his eyebrows, and his tone changed again: "You mean, it's all my problem?"

"Who brought the doctor here to cure the disease?" Lin Yan said boldly, as if he had forgotten how he was treated before.

"Heh," the man in the sunglasses sneered, "Tie it up and take it away. Give it some color and put it on your face."

Lin Yan was shocked, and before he could say anything, he was framed by two bodyguards.This temper can change no matter how you say it, Lin Yan is miserable.

Lin Yan did not just wait to be tied up and taken away. Instead, he struggled violently. Perhaps he did not expect that Lin Yan would resist, but he actually broke free.But with so many bodyguards around, how could Lin Yan escape?
The bodyguards quickly surrounded Lin Yan. Lin Yan couldn't escape and had to fight with those bodyguards. The man in sunglasses looked at this scene as if he was watching a play, which made Lin Yan very angry.These people... what the hell are they trying to do!
Suddenly, the mysterious man who had been here before pushed the door and entered. Seeing this scene, he didn't say anything, but yelled at the man in sunglasses who was still sitting on the seat: "Blind Lan, are you ready! Already!"

Hearing this sentence, Lan Zhengwei immediately got up and shouted at the bodyguards: "Stop, take the person over." Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, but instead of resisting, he obediently accepted the fate of being tied up.

Lin Yan remembered that on the way he was tied up, he entered the small world, and saw blood drops.He always felt that the blood drop did not happen for no reason, and it must have something to do with this matter, and it has something to do with that young master.

"What's wrong with your young master? How do you know that I can cure him?" Lin Yan was tied up, and he was still chattering all the way, which made the anxious person in his heart even more irritable. Lan Zhengwei glared He motioned for him to shut up.

"I know you when I see you, don't talk so much nonsense." Lan Zhengwei said unceremoniously, Lin Yan immediately closed his mouth, he was sure that if he said one more sentence just now, Lan Zhengwei would be offended , I will definitely be thrown to the ground immediately.

But Lin Yan is not the one who lives idle, he whispered: "It's crazy to beg for help and threaten the doctor." The corner of Lan Zhengwei's mouth twitched, did he think he couldn't hear what he was saying?He really wants to do something to Lin Yan now, but it's a pity that Lin Yan is still useful.

If he was too aggressive and broke Lin Yan, then everything they did now would become a joke.

"Shut up." Lan Zhengwei yelled again, this man's mouth was really annoying, but they were still really worried about angering Lin Yan and not treating the young master.

Lin Yan was helpless, he was very curious about what kind of disease that young master had, which made so many people so nervous.

"The last sentence, will I pay anything for your young master's recovery?" Lin Yan was really worried that he would lose his life after saving someone.

"No." Lan Zhengwei replied immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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