Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 454 Discussing the plan

Chapter 454 Discussing the plan
Lin Tian asked again: "If you think about it carefully, who else might know this formula and leak it?"

Huo Zun thought about it carefully, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I know who it is, it must be Huang Yu! Apart from me, he is the only one who knows this recipe best!"

"He graduated from a top medical school abroad. After I recruited him, I kept him working in the R&D department. I didn't know there was a problem with the prescription at that time, so I arranged for him to lead the project. But later I found out that there was a problem. After the problem, I stopped the project."

Lin Tian nodded and said: "So that's the case. It must be that he was unwilling to stop half of the project, so he took the prescription and took refuge in Zhang's Pharmaceutical."

Huo Zun sighed and said: "When we get along with each other, I feel that he is a pretty good person! How could he do such a thing? Besides, anyone who wants to work like him will sign a non-employment agreement, and he cannot go to the same industry within two years of resignation. He works for the company, and I told him to keep it a secret."

Lin Tian sneered and said, "There's nothing wrong with this. The other party must have offered a price that he couldn't refuse. He came out to work to make money. Who would be against money! If this medicine is okay, it will be epoch-making. At that time, he will be rich and famous, hehe!"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Huo Zun was furious: "The problem is that I didn't hide it from him. I told him that there is something wrong with this medicine and it will be harmful to the patient's body. For the sake of money and fame, he didn't take the patient's health. With his life in mind, is he still worthy of being a person in the pharmaceutical industry? What a cold-blooded and vicious guy!"

"We scold him here, it won't affect him at all." Lin Tian said lightly.

Huo Zun scratched his hair, stood up and walked back and forth anxiously: "Now that things have become like this, what should we do? Should we call the police? Or ask the reporter for a walk, let the patients stop buying Changsheng Pills?"

Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "Where is this Huang Yu now?"

"I must be working in Zhang's Pharmaceutical. I heard that the boss of this company has a strong background, and he is very good at both black and white. Many people in the industry think they are not pleasing to the eye, and they dare not say anything. We have to think about what we want to do. Be considerate." Huo Zun said.

"I'm going to investigate and get as much evidence as possible. We can't convict him just by talking about it. The most important thing now is to stop the sale of Changsheng Wan. The more people take it, the greater the social impact it will cause. " Lin Tian said seriously.

Huo Zun thinks what he said makes sense: "Okay, listen to you, but try not to get involved, I don't want to get you involved, I still haven't handled this matter well, I'm afraid that the people from Zhang's Pharmaceutical will trouble you, they Don't worry about my identity, I won't do too much."

Lin Tian asked him: "Then what do you think, do you have a plan?"

"I'll report the situation to the relevant departments with my contacts, and then I will ask my friends in the media for help, so as to let everyone know that there is a problem with this medicine as soon as possible, so as to prevent more people from being victimized." Huo Zun said.

Lin Tian tapped the table with his fingers and said, "I will also find a way to tell the people above that this matter must be brought under control as soon as possible."

"This medicine is so popular now, I'm afraid it's just the two of us, and there is no evidence. The government department will not rashly remove Changsheng Pills. While reporting the situation, try to find evidence at the same time!"

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Huo Zun especially thanked Lin Tian, ​​because he could actually ignore this matter, but he was still willing to help.

After Lin Tian and Huo Zun separated, he called Qi Mingyu and asked her to help introduce a leader of the medical system.

"His name is Xing Lin, you can call him directly, I told him, Lin Tian, ​​let's have a meal together some other day!" Qi Mingyu said.

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Xing Lin repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the matter with him, and then began to panic.

This is the big deal.

And he was involved in it. If it is true, as the leader of the medical system, he will definitely be held accountable.

Now many patients are taking Changsheng Pills, and the problem has not yet broken out. Once a mass incident occurs, it will definitely make headlines and become big news.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." Xing Lin gave Lin Tian an address while speaking: "Come here, we'll talk face to face."

Putting away the phone, Lin Tian immediately went to see Xing Lin.

In the box of a teahouse, Lin Tian said to Xing Lin: "You must immediately order to stop the sale of Changsheng Pills in the market, and stop the loss in time."

Xing Linwei: "You don't understand that we need procedures in everything we do. I can't just say a word. And Zhang's Pharmaceutical has no problems at all. Why should I order to stop the sale of this drug?"

Lin Tian nodded. He also knew a little bit about the situation in the system. Although Xing Lin's position was not low, he had to follow the rules and regulations in doing things, and Zhang's Pharmaceutical did have a background, so he was bound to do things.

Not to mention the fact that this company is also involved in gangsters. Although it is just a rumor, no one wants to risk their own lives. What if they get in a hurry and they directly send a killer to assassinate Xing Lin?
These are all issues that Xing Lin needs to consider.

Lin Tian looked solemn, thinking about how to solve it.

The two chatted casually for a few more words, and Lin Tian said, "Deputy Director Xing, thank you very much this time."

Deputy Bureau Xing waved his hand, showing a smile uglier than crying: "I have to thank you too, for telling me the matter earlier, so that I can be mentally prepared, otherwise I will know when the matter explodes, and the consequences will be worse than others." It's going to be more serious now."

"Well, go get busy! Contact me again if you need anything!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he said goodbye to Xing Lin.

Walking on the street, Lin Tian suddenly felt a pain in his head, why did such a moth appear again just after a peaceful life.

This is not a western medicine, but a Chinese patent medicine. According to the procedure, to confirm that there is a problem with a medicine, it must be sent for inspection. This process will take a long time.

The problem is that the sales volume of Changsheng Pills is very large, which means that every day of delay, many new victims will be added.

Now the patients who are taking this batch of medicine have not experienced any problems. It is too difficult to stop the sale of this medicine with just a few words of my own.

No one would believe what he said was true.

Even if the old man who was ill before was introduced, everyone would only say it was a coincidence.

Lin Tian also thought about the big men he knew, but none of them seemed to have strong connections with the medical system.

If those people forcibly come forward, it may cause more troubles, so after all considerations, Lin Tian can only wait quietly for news from Xing Lin, hoping that he can find a way.

Longevity Pills are sold very well. Patients will see results soon after taking them. They will find that the liver disease that has plagued them for many years is slowly recovering. The kidneys put a heavy burden on them.

Nowadays, people only think that Changsheng Pill is the gospel for the majority of patients.

Because the developer of this drug is Huang Yu, many reporters have found him for interviews, and TV programs have also invited him to discuss. Recently, Huang Yu has been in the limelight.

(End of this chapter)

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