Chapter 453

"Anyway, all the people I know who have liver disease are taking it. This medicine is really effective!" The old man still doesn't think there is any problem with this medicine: "What's the matter, young man, does anyone in your family have liver disease?"

Lin Tian shook his head and continued to ask: "Grandpa, think about it carefully, has your body started to experience some discomfort since taking Changsheng Pill?"

"Well, it seems to be. But the problem is very small, so I don't care about it, because the most serious liver disease has been cured." The old man waved his hand and said, "There will always be some side effects when taking medicine, are you right?"

"Hey, old man, when you communicate with other patients, will they also have the same side effects as you?" Lin Tian was almost sure, but asked again.

The old man thought carefully for a while before answering: "It seems that there will be side effects. We asked the people who sell the medicine, and they reassured us that these symptoms will disappear after a while."

Lin Tian sighed again: "Grandpa, if you believe me, throw away the Changsheng Pill immediately and don't take it anymore. Next, take the medicine I prescribed for you, so as to relieve your kidney problems."

"Why? I haven't finished this course of medicine yet!" The old man hesitated: "My liver disease has been cured. I will be completely cured after taking this course of medicine. Why don't you young man let me take this medicine?" ?”

Qi Yunhao was listening by the side, and couldn't help but said: "He is Lin Tian, ​​you have heard his name! The media has reported many times that the genius doctor is him, you can do whatever he tells you to do, can he still harm you? ?”

Even though Qi Yunhao still has some opinions on Lin Tian in his heart, he is really convinced of his medical skills.

"Ah, you are Lin Tiantian! I have heard of your name, but you, why do you have to let me stop?
medicine..." The old man frowned, and had to ask clearly: "My liver disease is cured, do I have another terminal illness? "

Lin Tian looked at him with pity and said, "You mainly have kidney problems. Just listen to me and you will recover, but it will take a little longer."

"This Changsheng Pill has strong side effects. Taking it to cure liver disease is not worth the candle. Tell your patients that you must never take it again."

"I think this medicine has some side effects, but it's not as serious as you said!" The old man was still a little reluctant, because he always thought that Changsheng Pill was a very good medicine.

Lin Tian said in a deep voice: "Don't ask, just listen to me. Throw away the medicine. If you continue to take it, I really can't save you."

The old man thought for a while, then made up his mind and said: "You are Dr. Lin, I believe what you say, I will throw away the leftover medicine when I get home, and I will tell other patients, but if they listen or not, I will not listen to you." I no longer know."

"Because taking this medicine, the burden on your kidneys is already very heavy, so you must not take it again." Lin Tian emphasized again.

After parting from the old man, Lin Tian said to Qi Yunhao, "Want to learn Qigong? Now do something for me first, go buy that longevity pill, I want to see the true face of this medicine."

Qi Yunhao nodded, turned around and ran out, and came back within a few minutes: "This longevity pill is really popular. The pharmacy I went to said that there was only one box left, and if I go later, it will be gone. And this medicine Very expensive, 1000 yuan per box, what a steal! Sure enough, the patient’s money is the best money.”

Lin Tian didn't speak, took the medicine from his hand, opened it and looked carefully, took a pill and smelled it, licked it again, and found that there were many deceptive things added to the longevity pill, so he couldn't use it in the pill. A specific formula can be deduced in a short time.

He thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and called Huo Zun.

"Doctor Lin, why did you remember to call me? Did you encounter any difficulties? Just tell me!" Huo Zun was very polite and enthusiastic to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian asked directly: "This matter needs to be discussed in person. Mr. Huo, are you free now?"

Huo Zun asked strangely: "What's the matter? I'm in the company office, you can come directly."

Lin Tian said in an anxious tone: "It's a very serious matter. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. Mr. Huo, I'll be there later."


Lin Tian came to Huo's Pharmaceutical Company as quickly as possible, and he took the president's special elevator directly up under the leadership of the young lady at the front desk.

Huo Zun received a call from the front desk and stood at the door of the office to welcome Lin Tian. When he came in, he poured him a cup of coffee himself: "A rare visitor, Dr. Lin, come, sit down and have a cup of coffee!"

Lin Tian gave him the longevity pill in his hand and asked, "Didn't I say last time that this medicine cannot be produced? Why is it still on the market?"

"Ah? I haven't seen this medicine, but I've heard of it. It's another company's product. It's a new drug developed by Zhang's Pharmaceutical Company. I heard it has a miraculous effect on liver diseases."

Huo Zun still didn't understand what happened, he frowned and explained to Lin Tian.

"Zhang's medicine is against us, what happened to this medicine?" Huo Zun looked at Lin Tian and asked again.

"This is what was produced by your prescription. I saw the problem with the prescription at the time, and you agreed to give up this project." Lin Tian took a deep breath and said.

Huo Zun also carefully looked at the formula of the longevity pill, and shook his head again and again: "How is this possible? It is indeed my prescription, but why did it fall into the hands of Zhang's medicine?"

"Take the pill to the laboratory and analyze the ingredients! Now I'm [-]% sure that this pill was made by you with the prescription, but there are still some dispensable additives in the pill, which are blurred I can't judge the real formula." Lin Tian said.

"Well, I'll take Changsheng Pill to the laboratory now." Huo Zun also thought of the seriousness of the matter, and immediately listened to Lin Tian's advice to find researchers.

Without wasting any time, he asked the people in the laboratory to put down their work and analyze the composition of the pill first.

Soon, the results came out. Lin Tian took a look at the checklist and realized that someone must have leaked the prescription.

"Except for those unnecessary things, this longevity pill is made according to that prescription!" Lin Tianzhu said loudly.

Huo Zun was dumbfounded: "No, no way! When I returned to the company, I immediately went to the research room and threw away all the materials!"

Lin Tian pointed to the Changsheng Pill and said: "You must have missed something. If the land is really destroyed, why is there such a medicine on the market? Just now I saw an old man who cured his liver disease with Changsheng Pill, but he You will soon find out that something is wrong with your kidneys."

"...I, I still can't figure it out." Huo Zun felt that his mind was a mess. At that time, he had burned all the information to ashes. Is there anything he missed?


"Okay, I'll find someone to do it right away." Li Zhenhua hurried out with the medicine.

This matter was very serious, and it took Li Zhenhua an hour to give Su Beichen the test results.

Sure enough, as Su Beichen expected, the ingredients of this medicine were exactly the prescription that Li Zhenhua had shown him before.

It's just that a few supplementary sucrose and preservatives were added to it. Other than that, the prescription was exactly the same as the one Li Zhenhua showed him before.

Li Zhenhua was stunned, and said in a daze: "This... this is impossible, I have already destroyed all the materials."

Su Beichen shook his head and said, "But this drug is already on the market, and today I have discovered the side effects of the drug. An old man already had signs of uremia because of taking this drug."

"This...what the hell is going on here?" Li Zhenhua couldn't help being stunned, he didn't expect that the medicine had already had such a side effect.

Su Beichen asked: "This prescription must have come from you. Think about it, apart from you, has anyone else come into contact with this prescription?"

Li Zhenhua thought for a while and said, "Yes, Sun Hao was our company's product consultant before."

"He is a talented student who graduated from Harvard Medical University. He was the one who studied this drug in the early stage. Later, you said that this drug has side effects, so I destroyed all the materials."

Su Beichen patted the table and said, "That's the problem. Where is that Sun Hao now?"

Li Zhenhua said: "He has resigned from the company now, but he probably wouldn't do that. He signed a confidentiality agreement when he resigned. Besides, this matter is of great importance. I have already warned him."

Su Beichen sighed, and said: "Man dies for money, birds die for food, what's the point of warning. What's more, if this medicine can really cure hepatitis B, he will gain a very high reputation, and he will gain both fame and fortune. What he wanted."

Hearing what Su Beichen said, Li Zhenhua said angrily: "I told him that this medicine is unstable and may cause serious consequences."

"I didn't expect him to do such a thing for fame and fortune. Does he disregard the patient's life and death? If something happens to the patient, can he afford it?"

"At this point, it's useless to say anything." Su Beichen replied.

Li Zhenhua said with a complicated expression: "What should I do now? How about I go to court to sue and ask the media to expose this matter?"

Su Beichen asked, "Where is he now?"

"It's this pharmaceutical company, but their boss Xu Fei is from the underworld, and the current company is half black and half white. I'm afraid we will be in trouble if we are too direct." Li Zhenhua sighed.

"Well, let me find out the problem first and say that this drug must be removed from the shelves, otherwise it will harm many people." Su Beichen said after a moment of pondering.

Li Zhenhua shook his head and said: "Let's leave it to me. This matter is caused by me. Besides, Xu Fei's background is gangsters. This is not the first time I have dealt with him. I have a way to deal with him."

Su Beichen asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I asked someone to go to the Health Bureau to talk about it, and then create negative news. This matter must be exposed." Li Zhenhua said.

Su Beichen nodded and replied, "Alright, I know someone from the Health Bureau, I'll go and say hello to him."

"Now we don't have evidence. It may be difficult to take the medicine off the shelves. We have to try your method first. I will try my best to help you. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Dr. Su." Li Zhenhua said gratefully.

Coming out of Li Zhenhua's company, Su Beichen found Wang Haibo directly and told him about the matter.

Wang Haibo was also taken aback when he heard about this matter. Although the relevant procedures for this medicine were not handled by him, the matter is not trivial after all.

Moreover, this drug is very popular in the market now, and there are no side effects for the time being. If what Su Beichen said is true, then things will become very serious.

"I'll contact the drug supervision department right away, you wait for my news." Wang Haibo couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Can you stop selling this drug first, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." Su Beichen said.

Wang Haibo said hesitantly: "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. Although Xu's group has some businesses with improper origins, but his business certificates are complete, and he is not fully sure. It is best not to startle the snake."

Su Beichen understood Wang Haibo's difficulties. Although he was the top leader of the Food and Drug Administration, there were some things they couldn't control at all. If Xu's Pharmaceutical was just an ordinary pharmaceutical company, it might be easier to handle.

It's just that Xu Fei has a background of the underworld and is involved in many underground industries. If he is forced to do something, Wang Haibo's life may be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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