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Chapter 696 The Mysterious Case

Chapter 696 The Mysterious Case
Eunuch Zhang said: "The Huguogong's analysis is very correct, and this old slave feels that the truth is not much different from the Huguogong's reasoning."

Zhao Renhe followed Guo Qishui's instructions and quickly called all the villagers to the burning rack.

"Guo Hu Gong, all the villagers have been called to the stake, from the elderly in their [-]s to the children as young as three years old. Please check with the Hu Guo Gong."

"Have you ever advertised that the murderer is silver-haired?"

"More than a dozen village security guards went door-to-door and they all heard."

"very good."

Lin Butou also came to report that they had caught three people who wanted to escape at the entrance of the village, but none of them were silver-haired people. The reason why the three escaped was that they stole chickens from Zhao Qiuling's house three days ago. .

Guo Qishuai smiled and said, "Butou Lin, you see, this Zhao Qiuling is not lying, her chicken is really lost."

Lin Catcher scratched his head with a smile and said, "I am ashamed of my humble job."

"Okay, everyone, come with me to find the murderer."

When we got to the stake, there were already many people around.Many people are talking about it, especially those with silver hair have become the focus of discussion.

Those silver-haired people also defended themselves by saying that they were not the murderers.

Many villagers wanted to know who the real murderer was.

After a while, when Guo Qishuai came, Zhao Renhe told them to be quiet, saying that Lord Protector knew who the murderer of those four people was.

Under the burning frame, it suddenly became extremely quiet, and even the sound of a needle being dropped could be heard.

However, soon those people whispered again.

Guo Qishuai walked to a high platform in front of the burning frame and said to the common people, "Do you all want to know who the real murderer is?"

"Think!" All the villagers said loudly.

"The murderer is a person with silver hair. Now please come out to all the people with silver hair, and our country will check them one by one."

Zhao Renhe continued: "Everyone, don't be afraid, as long as you are not murderers, Duke Protector will definitely give you justice."

A dozen people with silver hair walked up to Guo Qishuai. Guo Qishuai just glanced at them and said that none of them were murderers.

Catcher Lin was confused, and said: "Guo Hu Gong, you didn't even look carefully, how do you know that there is no murderer among these people?"

"Because I already know who the murderer is."

"Oh, Lord Protector, who is the murderer?"

Guo Qishuai stretched out his hand and used the siphon power to suck a man with shiny black hair in front of him.

As soon as Guo Qishuai withdrew his skills, that person fell in front of Guo Qishuai.

"The murderer is him!"

Many villagers doubted their own eyes, and some people even said: "Guo Hu Gong, this man's hair is black, not silver, how could he be a murderer?"

"Although his hair is black, his blackness is different from other people's blackness."

The square-faced man said: "I don't understand what Duke Protector is talking about. What's the difference between my hair and other people's hair?"

"There's something wrong with your hair. Someone, go get the water I asked you to prepare."

Soon, a village guard came over with a basin of clear water.

The square-faced man saw the basin of clear water, smiled, and said, "Duke Protector wants to wash my face?"

"Wash your face? This water is not for your face, but for your hair."

"Are you kidding? My hair is not dirty. I just washed it at home, so I don't need to wash it."

"Are you guilty?"

Guo Qishuai asked the square-faced man to wash his hair in water.

The square-faced man disagreed, Guo Qishuai grabbed his head directly, and pressed his head into the basin.

The water in the basin was originally crystal clear, but when the square-faced man's head was pushed in, the water in the basin immediately turned black.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

"Ah, this man actually dyed his hair white. It's so strange. Why did he dye his own hair?"

"Yes, I also find it strange."

"The one who dyed his white hair black must be the murderer."

Guo Qishuai let go of the square-faced man's neck, and when he raised his head, the black ink on his hair flowed down his clothes to his clothes, and his black hair also turned white.

Guo Qishuai tore his face with his hands, and Guo Qishuai grabbed a mask in his hand.

This person's hair was dyed black with ink, and even his face was disguised. No wonder, many villagers didn't recognize him.

Guo Qishuai held the mask, waved it in front of the man twice, and said, "Don't you want to explain? What's going on?"

"What do you want me to explain?"

"Why did you dye your hair black? And why did you use disguise to change your appearance?"

"What's the matter with you? Let me get out of here."

"Don't think about it! Tell me, why did you kill those four gangsters with a hidden weapon?"

"Whoever killed, I am wronged."

"Then tell me, why did you dye your hair black?"

"I don't like white hair, so I dyed it black, why? Is it weird?"

Lin Butou came up and said: "Guo Hugong, this person must be the murderer, please entrust this person to the humble official, and the humble official can let him speak."

"You want to be beaten into a trick?"

"We will speak with evidence."

"Okay, then tell me, what was my motive for killing those four gangsters?"

Lin Butou said: "What is the motive, I have to ask you."

Guo Qishuai said: "If you want to find out the relationship between him and those four gangsters, you have to ask the people in Zhaojia Village what his identity is."

The village chief Zhao Renhe came up and said to Guo Qishuai: "Mr. Hu, he is from the eighth group of our Zhaojia Village. His name is Zhao Feihu. He is a good friend with my son Zhao Guangjin. They often play together. , Zhao Feihu failed the exam."

Guo Qishuai asked the man, "Is the village chief telling the truth?"

Zhao Feihu nodded and said, "Xiaomin's name is Zhao Feihu. I took the talent test together with Zhao Guangjin before, but what does this mean?"

Zhao Guangjin also came over at this time, he stared at Zhao Feihu and said: "I remembered, a month ago, when you were reading in my study, you saw a jade pendant on my desk, and you asked me if that jade pendant was Not my amulet? I said that the jade pendant was given to me by my mother when I was born. You looked at it and put it back. However, three days later, when I suddenly wanted to find the jade pendant, I couldn’t find it. Now, half of the jade pendant appeared at the scene of the crime today, but the other half appeared behind my study, don't tell me, it's just a coincidence."

"You suspect that I stole your jade pendant? Then let me ask you, why did I blame you for killing those four bastards? There is no hatred between us?"

(End of this chapter)

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