Chapter 695
Captain Lin took a closer look. In order to get a closer look, he even turned his head and looked at the silver hair from different angles. He shook his head and said, "Duke Guo Guo, this hair is in this hidden weapon box. It’s really strange. This hair doesn’t have any effect at all.”

Eunuch Zhang also looked at it seriously, and said: "This old slave really can't guess what is going on with this hair of this color. This hidden weapon box is very delicately made, and there is no need for any hair at all."

"That's right." Guo Qishuai said affirmatively: "Such an exquisite hidden weapon box, a little more things will affect the firing of the hidden weapon. This silver hair is likely to make the hidden weapon malfunction. Therefore, the maker of the hidden weapon is absolutely impossible. Put a silver hair in this box."

Lin Butou couldn't stop nodding and said: "The Huguo Gong's analysis is absolutely right. This hair is definitely not put in by the person who made the hidden weapon box."

Eunuch Zhang was very puzzled, he blinked his eyes, and said: "Since the maker of this hidden weapon box will not put silver hair in it with his own hands, then this old slave wants to ask Duke Hu, what is this silver hair? Who put it in?"

Catcher Lin also asked curiously: "Yes, Lord Protector, this silver hair is really puzzling."

"Actually, it's not difficult to understand. You see, this hidden weapon is very well-made. If you want to put the black poison needle into the slot, you have to stand it up and raise it to the height of your shoulder. The shoulder is the easiest place to touch it. Hair, if the person who took the poisonous needle didn’t notice his own hair, then the cover of the hidden weapon could easily get caught in the hair of the person who put the poisonous needle in. Look again, Zhao Guangjin’s hair is black and shiny, and the hair inside the hidden weapon But his hair is silver, which means that the person who owns this hidden weapon is someone else."

Lin Butou hummed, and said: "Mr. Hu Guo's analysis is very logical. I think the person who fired the hidden weapon must have silver hair. Zhao Renhe, you should immediately send someone to hunt down all the silver-haired people in the village." Find it."

Zhao Renhe was about to take care of this matter immediately, and Guo Qishui suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

Lin Butou said: "Does the Lord Protector have any orders?"

"You have to call all the villagers to the place where the fire is fired. The reason is that the imperial court will announce the latest regulations on the fire. The villagers are required to participate. Those who do not participate will be fined ten taels of silver."

Zhao Renhe said, "Duke Protector, isn't ten taels too much?"

"Huh? Ten taels of silver?"

Eunuch Zhang said: "Where is more than ten taels of silver? Not much."

Catcher Lin also said, "Not much, not much."

"However, people in our village can't earn ten taels of silver a year."

Lin Butou said: "That's right, if the punishment is too small, those people will not take it seriously."

Zhao Renhe said: "Mr. Protector, why don't you just arrest those silver-haired people and come to examine them?"

"There are too many silver-haired people here. If you directly say that you want to arrest the silver-haired person, the real murderer will definitely notice it when he hears it. If he is on guard, I'm afraid... "

Lin Butou nodded again, and said, "Well, not bad, not bad, it's still the Lord Protector who has considered it thoroughly."

Guo Qishuai thought of this, and suddenly he had a good idea, rolled his eyes, and said: "Mr. Zhao, immediately notify all the people with silver hair in the village to go to the burning frame in the village, and say that we have found it." Kill the murderer."

Village head Zhao didn't understand, he was stunned for a while, and said: "Mr. Protector, didn't you say that you should keep it quiet, and you can't startle the snake?"

Catcher Lin's head also grew bigger, and he said, "Yes, Lord Protector, I don't understand either. Doesn't this make the real murderer escape?"

"So, Catcher Lin, Village Chief Zhao, you must tell your people to guard the main roads at the entrance of the village and not let anyone go. In addition, you must inform all the villagers that as long as you report a fleeing villager, you will be rewarded with silver." Twelve."

Zhao Renhe said: "Mr. Protector, it's okay to guard the main road in the village. But, in this case, can we find the murderer?"

"Village Chief Zhao, we must tell all the villagers this news. We must repeat that all the villagers with hair will be inspected at the stake. The murderer is a man with silvery white hair."

"Okay, I'll give orders now."

Lin Butou also took people to guard the entrance of the village.

Eunuch Zhang said: "Mr. Huguo, can this work? There are more than 500 villagers in this village, 180 of them are old people, and all of them have silver hair. There are more than 200 young people, and each of them has more or less hair on their heads." They all have silver hair. If we believe that anyone with silver hair is a murderer, then we are undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. What's more, the murderer may not be from Zhaojia Village. If it is from Wangjia Village, then we are not fighting Is the water empty?"

"What you said is also reasonable, but I think it is more likely that the murderer is from Zhaojia Village."

"Probability? What is probability?"

Guo Qishuai forgot that Eunuch Zhang doesn't know what probability means.

"The probability is what you usually say, which is similar to this meaning."

"Oh, it's a few percent, I understand. Then, Lord Protector, why do you continue to say why the people from Zhaojia Village have the highest chance?"

"I have a few reasons. First, when we came to Zhaojia Village, we happened to see that Zhao Xiaojuan had been tied to the stake and was about to be executed. If Zhao Xiaojuan was burned to death, then there was no need for the murderer A killer was sent to threaten Zhao Xiaojuan's parents."

"Makes sense."

"However, our sudden appearance disrupted the murderer's plan, so the murderer immediately found the four killers and asked them to capture Zhao Daxiong's wife and use Zhao Daxiong's wife to threaten Zhao Daxiong's family. Let Zhao Daxiong's family drive Zhao Xiaojuan out of the house, the ultimate goal is to force Zhao Xiaojuan to death."

Eunuch Zhang was stunned when he heard this, and said: "But why did the murderer insist on Zhao Xiaojuan's death? The only person who let Zhao Xiaojuan die should be Zhao Renhe! Only when Zhao Xiaojuan dies can Zhao Renhe have a chance to get rid of any relationship with Zhao Xiaojuan .”

"" That's right, Zhao Renhe hasn't completely cleared himself of his crimes until now.The purpose of the murderer looking for the killer is to force Zhao Xiaojuan to death, and the purpose of the murderer killing the four killers is to kill people and silence them.Because the four murderers must have known the murderer. "

"But, Lord Protector, what does the half jade pendant on the murderer mean?"

"This shows that the murderer was too impatient. If he didn't put the half of the jade pendant, we might have suspected the person who got Zhao Xiaojuan pregnant. However, the person put half of the jade pendant on the murderer. This just shows that they framed the blame. . However, these are all my guesses. We will wait until the murderer is caught to find out what happened."

(End of this chapter)

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