Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 68 Quiet One Point

Chapter 68 Be Quiet

Yang Renjie said: "Lin Yilou can be said to have done bad things. He often bullied ordinary people, robbed other people's women, and killed many people who opposed him for no reason. We dare not speak out against him. Today , He set people on fire again, it was beyond our tolerance, so we beat him to death with sticks."

"The most important point is that his father is dead, and no one supports him. If he doesn't die, it's God's will!" An old man said with righteous indignation.

Guo Qishuai said: "Lin Yilou set fire to execute without an execution order. He committed a capital crime and should be sentenced to beheading. Lin Yilou killed Yang Zhao without any reason. He committed the crime of intentional homicide and should be sentenced to beheading. Lin Yilou Lou oppresses goodness and does many evils, so he should be sentenced to beheading. If he is punished for several crimes, he should be sentenced to beheading three times. Master, you can write what I said and report it to the court. However, now that Lin Yilou has been beaten to death, the punishment is also It's free."

The master said: "Mr. Guo's words are very true. I must report the truth to my humble position."

After Chen Wanting contained her father's body, she thanked Guo Qishuai for saving her life.

Guo Qishuai had nothing to do in that plane, so the system sent him to the real plane.

In the real plane, he was still trapped in the iron cage, unable to move.

He checked the time on his phone, it was already past three in the morning.

It's almost dawn, and Ren Zhipeng will definitely come again to force him to buy his run-down hotel with 7 million yuan.

How can this be good?

Guo Qishuai crossed three times and received three red envelopes, one is Chen Wanting's family treasure "Book of Luban".The second is the death-free gold medal.The third is the wishful sword technique that Li Xunhuan taught him.

Although "Book of Luban" is very powerful and a treasure that everyone dreams of, it cannot be used to pick locks.

The death-preventing gold medal can also be used to sell antiques in real life, and it cannot be used to open doors.

As for the Ruyi sword technique, there is no sword here. Even if there was a sword, Guo Qishui would not be able to break such a thick steel cage.

The only way is to open the lock above the iron cage.

But where is the way to unlock it?

Guo Qishuai really had no choice.

Yijie Taobao system did not help him at this time.

It seems that we can only put "Luban Book" on the shelves, maybe we can find a way to unlock it.

Guo Qishuai saw that the phone's battery was low, only 5%, and he asked the system: "What should I do if my phone runs out of battery?"

[If your mobile phone runs out of power in the billion plane, you can only stay in that plane until you die. 】

"After I die, can I come back?"

[You are so naive, if you run out of electricity in that plane, you can only spend your whole life in that plane. 】

"I'll go, who will deliver the goods at Yijie Taobao Store?"

[You don't have to worry about this.It's hard to find a toad with eight legs, but can't you find a toad with two legs? 】

Guo Qishuai said: "Isn't this too tricky?"

[You didn't discuss it! 】

Guo Qishuai decided to take a gamble. After he put "Book of Luban" on the shelves, he quickly placed an order.

[You ask the host, do you want to deliver? 】

"deliver goods!"

[The plane transfer function has been activated, ten, nine, eight, seven...]

With a flash of white light, Guo Qishuai disappeared from the iron cage.

When Guo Qishui opened his eyes, he saw a gambling house.

Hook Casino!

The people in the gambling house were yelling and shouting, their voices were chaotic.

Now, the weather is hot, and the smell of sweat from many men makes the whole gambling hall smelly.

Several beautiful women were walking among them with a colorful plate.

Will any of these gamblers decide Luban's book?

Could it be that some gambler touched the order button when placing a bet?
After Guo Qishuai walked in, no one cared about him, and they all bet desperately.

"Buy big, buy small, buy and leave!"

Guo Qishuai asked many people, and they all said that his head was abnormal.

“Friend, have you ever heard of Yijie Taobao store?”

"Are you sick? How unlucky! My ten taels of silver are gone again."

"Have you placed an order?"

"What egg? I'm not a chicken, so you lay eggs?"

Although Guo Qishuai spoke loudly, he couldn't suppress the voices of those gamblers. He thought that the person who placed the order was really in trouble.

"Stop arguing!" There was a man standing on the second floor, holding onto the railing with both hands, looking at the gamblers, and said, "It's so annoying!"

"Who are you?"

That man was handsome, with handsome eyes and nose, no different from ordinary people, but his four eyebrows were different.

He is Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows?

This is actually the plane that Lu Xiaofeng is in?

Guo Qishuai was a little excited.

The four-browed Lu Xiaofeng thought those people were too noisy, but those people just looked up and soon started arguing again.

"Beat, bet, bet, bet!"

"I bet big!"

"I bet small!"

Lu Xiaofeng was like a big white bird. After flying around the pillar in the air, he quickly flew down. He quickly placed 1 taels of silver on each gaming table.

After the game started, Lu Xiaofeng won 9 taels of silver at nine gaming tables.

All nine dealers lost.

After Lu Xiaofeng took away the 9 taels of silver, he flew up to the second floor like a white bird. He stood at the railing and threw it into the air, saying: "Take the 9 taels of silver, and whoever makes a fuss When my son sleeps, I will gag his mouth."

The gamblers on the first floor fought over each other, those who got the money kissed a few times excitedly, and those who didn't get the money wanted to beat them up.

Everyone is robbing money, but there is one person who is indifferent, and this person is Guo Qishuai.

Lu Xiaofeng really admired Guo Qishuai's calmness.

After everyone finished grabbing the money, they all left the casino, and the whole casino was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling could be heard.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Guo Qishuai in modern attire, and Guo Qishuai also looked at Lu Xiaofeng.

Suddenly, Lu Xiaofeng said: "Others are stealing money, why not you?"

Guo Qishuai said: "A gentleman does something, and he doesn't. Things like this kind of money grabbing are not done by a gentleman."

"A gentleman also has a mouth, and a gentleman also needs to eat. If he has no money, he will starve to death."

"A gentleman takes it wisely, uses it wisely, and makes money wisely. Just like Daxia Lu, he can earn 9 yuan in the blink of an eye. It is easy for one person to make money, and it is natural to spend money generously. My own I think I am the one who makes money easily and spends money quickly.”

"Do you know who is next?"

"It's hard to recognize people with two eyebrows. Don't you recognize people with four eyebrows?"

"Under Lu Xiaofeng, don't you know your honorable name?"

"Guo Qishai, a nobody."

Lu Xiaofeng reached out and grabbed a jar of wine on the table next to her, and threw it at Guo Qishai...

(End of this chapter)

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