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Chapter 67 Fighting the Fire

Chapter 67 Fighting the Fire
"Help!" Chen Wanting shouted while struggling on the stake.

Chen Wanting's father also yelled: "Young master Guo, hero Guo, help me!"

"Not good! Put out the fire!"

Under the order of the master, those arresters quickly went to fetch water from the nearby well.

However, the fire was so fierce that Chen Wanting and her father were instantly engulfed by the fire. At this time, if those people waited for those people to carry water to fight the fire, Chen Wanting and her father would definitely be burned to ashes.

At a critical moment, Guo Qishuai picked up an arrow on the ground, flew into the air, and flew into the sea of ​​flames.

He cut through the rope on Chen Wanting's body with an arrow, and then cut off the rope on Chen Wanting's father. He grabbed one with each hand and was about to take off when suddenly the stake fell down.

Below the stake is a raging fire.

Guo Qishuai had nothing to rely on, and he couldn't fly out of the sea of ​​flames.

Although there are people outside who are pouring water to put out the fire, they are all a drop in the bucket and have no effect at all.

It was really difficult for Guo Qishuai to rescue both of them, but at this moment, Chen Wanting's father said, "Mr. Guo, don't worry about me, just save my daughter."

Guo Qishuai tried again, but he was really incapable of saving two people.

Chen Wanting's father suddenly broke free from Guo Qishuai's hand and said, "Leave me alone, you go first!"

"Father—" Chen Wanting stretched out her hand to save her father.

Guo Qishuai knew that he would not leave. When his whole body was burned by the fire, it would be too late for him to leave, so he pulled Chen Wanting over, kicked the ground hard, and flew out with the fire.

After he flew out of the sea of ​​flames, he rolled on the ground a few times to extinguish the fire on his body, and then he quickly took a bucket of water to extinguish the fire on Chen Wanting's body.

Chen Wanting called his father's name to the fire, and her father said to her: "Wanting, father is dying, you must live well."

Guo Qishuai wanted to go in to save others, but the fire was so intense that he couldn't get close at all. After the fire was extinguished, Chen Wanting's father had been burned to ashes.

Guo Qishuai looked at Chen Wanting who was kneeling and crying in front of the fire, and said, "Wanting, I'm sorry, it's my fault that I couldn't rescue your father."

Chen Wanting shook her head and said, "I don't blame you for all this, it's my father's bad luck. Mr. Guo, what should I do in the future?"

Chen Wanting lay on Guo Qishuai's shoulder, crying in grief.

Guo Qishuai said to the master next to him: "Who set the fire?"

The master said tremblingly: "Yes...it is Lin Yilou, the son of the county magistrate of Yuncheng. Guo Daxia killed his father. He couldn't get angry, so he set fire to the execution frame."

"What about others?"

"it's here!"

"Bring it up!"

"Bring it up, I'm afraid it won't work."


"It can only be lifted up."

"What? Lift it up? He has such a big air, set fire to people, is he still so big?"

"A living person, we can bring him up, but if it is a dead person, we can only bring him up."

Guo Qishuai asked strangely, "What? He died?"


"How did you die?"

"Suicide. Maybe he knew he couldn't survive, so he set a fire and burned himself to death." The master said calmly.

"Bring him up and let me see."

After the master asked someone to carry the deceased to Guo Qishuai, he saw a layer of white cloth covering the body of the deceased. He turned sideways, lifted the white cloth and said, "This man has been burned to charcoal. How do you know that he is Lin Yilou, son of Yuncheng county magistrate?"

The master said: "This person is definitely Lin Yilou. Although this person's face was burnt, the 'Yilou' jade pendant on his neck is indeed Lin Yilou's. There is also the Yilou jade pendant on his hand. There is nothing wrong with the rings either. The magistrate of Yuncheng spent a lot of money to hire the most outstanding craftsmen in Yuncheng to make these two items, so it is very difficult for others to imitate them. Besides, in such a short period of time, it is too late for others to imitate them."

"You mean that the jade pendant and the gold ring are unique, which can prove that the deceased is Lin Yilou, right?"


Guo Qishuai thought, is this Lin Yilou's body?How could it be such a coincidence?He committed suicide after setting fire to it?
If there is "DNA" verification technology, then it is not difficult to confirm the identity of this person. The key is how to confirm his identity at this time?
Would Lin Yilou really set himself on fire and burn himself to death?

Things are probably not that simple.

Chen Wanting cried and said: "This villain set fire to my father, but I didn't expect him to be burned to death too. It's retribution, retribution!"

After Guo Qishuai inspected the corpse carefully, he found that there was something wrong with this person, and said: "Master, this person is definitely not Lin Yilou."

The master stared and said in surprise, "Why did Mr. Guo say that?"

"Let me ask you, was the deceased burned to death by the fire?"

"He was burned to death, and we also found him in the burned room of a villager's house."

"No, this man was burned like this after he was beaten to death."

The master was shocked and said: "What? He was burned after he was beaten to death? This...how is this possible?"

"I just saw that in this person's mouth, three teeth were knocked out, and the mouth was severely deformed, and there was no soot in his throat. There are all signs that he is not Lin Yilou at all."

"Isn't he Lin Yilou? What about Lin Yilou?"

"Lin Yilou is here."

A group of people came in at the gate of the vegetable market. Among the group of people, there were four strong villagers carrying a door, and a person was lying on the door.

The man was covered with a white cloth.

Master hurriedly asked those people to come over. After he asked about the situation, he realized that this person was Lin Yilou.

The clothes on Lin Yilou's body were the clothes of ordinary people, but they had been beaten to tatters.

Villager Yang Renjie knelt in front of the master and said that Lin Yilou was beaten to death by him and the people nearby.

According to Yang Renjie's account, "Not long ago, when I was drinking with my good friend Yang Zhao, I went to the toilet. After I came back, Yang Zhao's house caught fire, and then I found a figure coming from Yang Zhao The room ran out."

"I went to chase the black shadow, but when I got to the alley, I lost the black shadow. Just when I was about to call someone, the black shadow held up a stick and hit me on the head. Fortunately, I I found the shadow of the stick and hid it. I grabbed the stick and fought with the black shadow. The sound of the fight alarmed the neighbors around, and they all came out to help. When they learned that the man was Lin Yilou, one by one I gritted my teeth with hatred, and just like that, we beat Lin Yilou to death with one stick."

The master confirmed again that the deceased was really Lin Yilou.

Guo Qishuai asked Yang Renjie, "Why do you hate Lin Yilou so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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