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Chapter 678 I don't know anything

Chapter 678 I don't know anything

"Father, don't blame me. I know my father's methods. In the past few years, although I have been sitting on the position of prince, I live in fear every day. I am afraid that my elder brother will assassinate me. I I am also afraid that my father will depose me one day, so I can only feel at ease if I ascend the throne. What do you think?"

"You can't wait too?" Emperor Qingping spat out blood in anger.

"Father, your body is really too much to bear, and it's not easy to work too much. Now, everyone who knows my true identity is dead, and everyone in the world knows that I am your own flesh and blood. Throne."

Emperor Qingping said: "Yes, you are my son, you should indeed sit on the throne, and I will issue an edict for the Zen throne tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow, but now."

"Are you so anxious to ascend the throne?"

"Father said that even if it is one step away, it is still thousands of miles away. I must be careful to avoid any changes."

"That's fine, but you have to send an imperial doctor to cure my illness?"

"I didn't intend to harm you either. After all, you are a righteous emperor. I am your son. I still want to use your authority to control the entire court. I can't let you die easily. However, I have one condition, your The disease will not be cured until after I ascend the throne."

"What if I don't make it through tomorrow?"

"That's God's will. If God wants to kill you, I can't help it."

"You are much more ruthless than Zhao Zhen, but I like it. As an emperor, if you don't have the means to act vigorously, you will be controlled by others everywhere."

"Thank you, Father, for your teaching."

"Nowadays, the plague is everywhere in the capital, do you have an antidote?"

"My child has already researched a prescription to relieve the plague in Yangmei County, please don't worry, Father."

"What about the Beimang clan? Zhao Zhen took great pains to ascend to the throne. He said that he asked the third prince of the Beimang clan to bring [-] troops to attack your Yangmei County. How is the situation now?"

"The third prince of Beimang has been captured by me, and his army has been killed by me. The remaining 3000 people have fled back to the Beimang tribe. However, those troops have plagues on them. Father should know that the Beimang tribe is a A savage nation that has not yet been trained, their people do not know herbal medicine, and they can only rely on the sky to survive when they are sick. Therefore, this plague may kill half of their Beimang people. The border is stable, and there will be no problem for 30 years. "

"You are ruthless enough!"

"This move was not made by me, but by Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen didn't tell the Beiman people that there was a plague in Yangmei County. After Zhao Zhen opened the border, the Beiman people drove straight into Yangmei County. Zhao Zhen's plan is Let the Beiman people kill me, and let the Beiman people get sick, so that he can control the domestic situation without any effort, and make the Beiman people paralyzed from now on, but he didn't expect to make a wedding dress for me in the end .”

"It seems that Zhao Zhen is not useless, and his strategy is quite clever. His collusion with Su Bu is already half successful, and it is very easy to kill you with [-] Beiman troops. He succeeded in infecting me in the palace. Plague, every step he took was very safe, why do you think he failed in the end?"

"Father, this time the boy was able to get to this point, it's all because of the boy's good luck. After the boy was infected with the plague in Yangmei County, he was about to die, but at this time, the boy met the noble person in his life, Guo Qishuai. He was the one who cured my illness, he was the one who helped me find a solution to the plague, and he was the one who helped me escape from the secret passage, and in the end he killed Su Bu, so, without Mr. Guo, the child would have died long ago .”

"It seems that your Mr. Guo is really your savior."

"That's right, so, after the child ascends the throne, he will be named the Duke Protector."

"This man's martial arts are strong and difficult to control. My son is still young. I'm afraid that his high martial arts will threaten your throne. Therefore, after you inherit the throne, the first thing you should do is to shock those martial arts. The Lord's people find a reason to kill."

"Isn't that what the father did back then?"

"If I don't do that, I'm afraid my country has already changed its name and surname."

"Father, that's your idea. My son will never follow your old path. I will not kill Mr. Guo."

"If you don't kill, there will always be a day when you regret it."

"You don't need to worry about this. Right now, you should get someone to draft the edict for the Zen position as soon as possible!"

The crown prince returned to Beijing, the emperor was rescued, His Royal Highness' conspiracy was revealed, and many people surrendered to His Highness the Crown Prince.

The prince announced the prescription for treating the plague to the public, and asked the sick to take the medicine at home. Soon, the plague in the capital was also brought under control.

In the evening, after dinner, Guo Qishuai approached the prince and asked him to help him find a man named Zou Haiping.

The prince agreed on the spot, and immediately handed over the matter to Eunuch Zhang.

Guo Qishuai said that he would go to pick up his sister. The prince said at that time that he would send a team of 500 people to bring Guo Pingping back with eight sedan chairs.

Guo Qishui was also very happy after hearing this. He decided that this would make his sister very happy.

Guo Qishuai personally led 500 people out of the capital, walked south for more than 20 miles, and finally came to a small village.

When Guo Qishui walked into the small village, he smelled the smell of blood.

After Duan Renpeng checked, he said to Guo Qishuai: "General, my subordinates went down to check. Everyone in this village is dead."

"What a cruel method!"

"Yes, General."

"Have you ever found my sister?"

"No, no one was found alive. More than 500 people were all killed."

Guo Qishuai clenched his fists tightly and choked out a few words, "Who did it?"

Duan Renpeng said: "General, according to my guess, it may be someone from His Highness."

"Now that His Majesty has been arrested and thrown into prison, don't these people still want to make trouble?"

"General, maybe they don't know that His Highness has been arrested. Or, they want to arrest your sister and threaten you to do something."

"No matter who they are, as long as I find them, I want them all to die. If they dare to touch my sister's finger, I will smash them to pieces!"

"General, we found a crazy woman in the cellar in the south of the city."

"Bring her here."

The woman curled up all over, trembling all over, said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Duan Renpeng said: "General, let me ask her a few words."

"Okay, you go there, you have to ask her carefully, don't threaten her."

"Understood, General."

After Duan Renpeng passed by, he also knelt down and asked the disheveled woman, "Little girl, what's your name?"

"I... My name is... I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything, don't kill me, don't kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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