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Chapter 677 One Reason

A reason

"I said a long time ago that the position of the Ninth Five Lord is not so easy to sit in. Even if it is one step away, it is still thousands of miles away."

Zhao Ming knelt in front of Emperor Qingping and said, "Father, please forgive me, this is what my uncle Su Bu asked me to do."

Emperor Qingping said: "No matter who told you to do this, you should know a truth."

"What's the point?"

"Successful, you are the future emperor, you can write this history as you want, but if you fail, you will die. If you don't even have the courage to die, you are not worthy of celebrating your birthday son."

"Father, please forgive me. You can demote me to a commoner. I don't want to die."

Zhao Ming helped Qingshou who was lying on the ground up, and said: "Father, my child only found out your identity today, but you are leaving me."

Qing Shou shed tears, and he wiped Zhao Ming's face vigorously, saying: "Ming'er, if you can be the emperor, you must be a kind and kind emperor, not a fool."

"Father, my son knows, father, my son will definitely make the people of the world live a good life."

"In this way, dad can rest assured. Dad can still see you before he dies, and I will rest in peace for the rest of my life. Tomorrow, dad... dad is leaving."

Qingshou's hand hangs down from Zhao Ming's back...

Zhao Ming glared at Zhao Zhen angrily and said, "Come here, put Zhao Zhen in death row and wait for his punishment."


Two imperial guards came over and pulled Zhao Zhen down.

When Zhao Zhen left, he shouted loudly: "Father, please forgive me, please forgive me, the child is wrong, please give me another chance!"

Zhao Mingdao: "Zhao Zhen, it's not that my father didn't give you a chance, but how did you do it? During the day, you pretended to be confused, as if nothing happened. Others don't know what you are doing, but I do. , You are secretly buying people's hearts. Including this time, I went to Yangmei County, which was also planned by you, and the plague in Yangmei County was also released by you, right?"

"How can I have such a great ability, this plague is naturally born, but I know that in Yangmei County, there will be an outbreak every ten years or so, and I just took advantage of this rule."

"Then what happened to the plague in the capital?"

"The plague in the capital city was caused by my sending people to arrest those who had the plague in Yangmei County. I sent those people to the capital city to spread the plague."

"And how did the emperor get the plague?"

"It's very simple, as long as those who have the plague cough a few times outside his study, facing the window, and the father enters again, they will definitely be infected with the plague. The imperial doctor in the palace can't prescribe a cure. If you don’t have the medicine, father can only be quarantined.”

"You are so despicable. For the sake of the throne, you let innocent people get sick. Aren't you afraid of being infected?"

"Scared, of course I am afraid. Before I got the antidote, I must have been afraid, but after I drink the antidote, I am not afraid anymore."

"The antidote? Where did you get the antidote?"

"Naturally, it was researched by the imperial physician in the palace. An imperial physician named Cao Ren had been researching the plague in Yangmei County as early as 20 years ago, but there was no result. Just the year before last, he finally succeeded in his research. When he put this When the news came to me, I knew that my chance had come. At the beginning, I discussed with him, asking him not to tell his father, and I would give him 10 taels of silver. However, Cao Ren didn't do it, he wanted his father to The emperor knew it, and said that the emperor would reward him as a third-rank imperial doctor."

"I know that I can't promise him anything, but I also know very well that the plague prescription is indeed the best thing I can do to turn things around. I have no choice but to send someone to take Cao Ren's wife, children, and parents to me. In Prince Qi's Mansion, I entertained them with delicious food and drinks, and sent people to take them around the capital every day. Cao Ren knew what I meant, so he gave up the decision to hand over the prescription to the royal father, and at the same time he was willing to use it for me. I have a cure for the plague, so I don't have to be afraid of the plague in Yangmei County."

"Last month, when I sent someone to investigate in Yangmei County, I found that many people had already contracted the plague. Since then, I have been in contact with the ministers in the court, and asked them to use various reasons to persuade Father to send you to Yangmei County. My purpose is very simple, it is to make you sick and die in Yangmei County. In the capital, I will let the people get sick, let the father get sick, find a reason to isolate the father, and then ask the father for the military power of the imperial army. In this way, the royal father has no one to trust, and can only rely on me, and sure enough, everything went so smoothly, and soon, I took the military power in the capital, and quickly emptied the royal father."

"The matter of my getting the plague was also planned by one hand, right?"

"That's right, Yang Ye, the county magistrate of Yangmei County, made a plan with me a long time ago. As soon as you arrive in Yangmei County, he will let you know the most beautiful woman. Of course, that woman must be infected with the plague. You didn't Hold on, so you got the plague. In those few days, I also hoped that you would die soon, but you still came back alive."

"The reason why your plan failed is entirely because the prince has a mysterious assistant."

Zhao Zhen smiled wryly and said, "You mean him? Isn't Guo Qi handsome?"

"It is my general who suppressed the chaos."

"He is indeed very powerful. My uncle Su Bu's Cloud and Flowing Water Sword was pinched by him with two fingers. In order to kill him, we worked hard. We made an iron cage in a secret passage in the palace. We wanted to We tied you up and set you on fire, but we didn’t expect that even the thick-armed iron cages didn’t trap you to death.”

"Mr. Guo, martial arts are unrivaled in the world. His palm not only broke your iron cage, but also knocked out the fire outside and flew out of the secret passage."

"Your general is really powerful. If my uncle is also so powerful, then I have succeeded by now."

"It's just a pity, you don't have a chance, come and put him on death row."

After Zhao Zhen was escorted away, the crown prince walked up to Emperor Qingping's Dragon Tower and said, "Father, how do you feel now?"

"I'm afraid it will be only a few days. Zhao Zhen, a rebellious son, didn't even give me medicine after I got sick. He only gave me a bowl of gruel every day."

"Father, I don't even know what to call you now. You have indeed done a lot of bad things for the throne. Although you have blocked everyone's mouths, as long as you have done things, it is impossible for no one to I know. My elder brother can know it, and I know it too, but I don't know that you are not my biological father. My biological father is the person you have always wanted to kill."

"Tomorrow, I don't have a few more days to live. You are the prince, and the throne will be yours sooner or later."

"I don't know whether I should trust you now, my son, and I don't know if you will kill me again if you are cured, so, just to be on the safe side, I decided to ascend the throne tomorrow. Any comments?"

"You...you also want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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