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Chapter 600 Can I Trust You

Chapter 600 Can I Trust You
"Does Lin Jie accept this adjustment?"

"Lin Jie has no intention of making a fuss for the time being. In the evening, I'll go to his house to add more firewood. Boss Chen will just wait and see their good show!"

"Well, okay, then I'll just wait and see. Oh, by the way, I heard that the beauty lotion is really good. Many employees of our Hongguang Supermarket also bought the beauty lotion. They work in the supermarket At that time, several people were talking about it, saying that this beauty lotion can quickly remove freckles, and the beauty effect is 100 times that of a fairy smile. A bottle of 5000ml is not expensive at [-] yuan. Do you think this beauty lotion is really that good? ?”

"Boss Chen, I have seen the beauty effect of this beauty lotion with my own eyes. You also know that my wife's face has a lot of spots on her face, like stars all over the sky. If she hadn't been kind-hearted back then, I don't even want to marry her. However, since she used this beauty lotion, all the spots on her face have disappeared, and even her skin is very white. Hey, Boss Chen, this beauty lotion is not only good for women It works wonders on a man's face, and it does wonders on a man's face."

"Is this beauty lotion really so magical? Hey, bring me that bottle of beauty lotion from your house."

"Boss Chen, I'm taking it with me."

Guo Qingchuan had already handed the bottle of beauty lotion to Chen Hongguang while speaking.

Chen Hongguang looked at the bottle of beauty lotion, looked at it seriously, and said: "This bottle is exquisitely made, but the color of this beauty lotion is so bright, it seems a bit unusual."

"The formula of the beauty lotion is amazing, the bright color may have something to do with the formula."

"I think so too. Hey, have you wiped it?"

"Must, I wiped it at home, look at my face..."

Chen Hongguang stared at Guo Qingchuan's face carefully, and said, "What's the matter with so many red spots on your face? Could it be an allergy?"

"It's not an allergy. Boss Chen, in fact, this beauty lotion first removes the stains on the face, and then it falls off bit by bit like dust."

"Oh, I understand when you say that. It seems that the beauty method of this beauty lotion is really unique."

"That's right, Boss Chen, you actually don't have many freckles on your face, and this beauty lotion can get rid of them."

"If you want to say that, then I really have to try. Oh, you said that the yellow-faced woman in my family doesn't look very good, but she still dislikes me every day, saying that the freckles on my face are too ugly like the stars in the sky Now, if I use this beauty lotion to get rid of freckles, how happy will my wife be?"

"Boss Chen, if your freckles are removed, my sister-in-law will definitely see you more pleasing to the eye."

"That's right, I'll try it first, and if the beauty effect is good, I'll buy one for my family too."

Chen Hongguang poured out half a bottle, rubbed it on his hands, and rubbed it on his face.

Guo Qingchuan was particularly worried, and said: "Hey, Boss Chen, this... this beauty lotion has a particularly good beautifying effect. You rub it so much, I'm afraid..."

"You're afraid of a ball! I'll rub you some beauty lotion to make you sad."

"No, Boss Chen, this beauty lotion, it...it..."

Guo Qingchuan had already seen red spots on Boss Chen's face, and red spots on his hands.

Chen Hongguang was still very happy, smiled happily, and said: "Hey, look, isn't this erythema coming out? If you rub it a lot, the effect will be different. Let me tell you, if you rub it a little, the erythema will disappear. can come out."

"Yes, yes, Boss Chen is right. Hey, Boss Chen, don't you feel any discomfort?"

"Yes, I feel very itchy when I sleep. It's so itchy that I want to scratch it with my hands. Do you think this is normal?"

"I don't know, maybe it's normal! Boss Chen, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."

Chen Hongguang couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to scratch his face with his hands.

"Ah! I can't take it anymore, why do I feel something is wrong? How could this beauty lotion have such a strong reaction?"

"Oh, Boss Chen, you don't seem to be allergic, it seems to be poisoned."

"Poisoned? What do you mean?"

"Boss Chen, I seem to be poisoned too, and now my face is itching uncomfortably."

Chen Hongguang's hands were trembling, and he said, "Bastard, you dare to poison me?"

Guo Qingchuan said: "Boss Chen, I'm sorry, I fell for Guo Qishuai's tricks. In order for him to heal my face, I promised him to let you rub this problematic beauty lotion on you."

"Guo Qishuai! Well you Guo Qishuai, I can't spare you. Hurry up and arrange a car, I'm going to the hospital to see a doctor."

"Boss Chen, it's useless. The medicine in the hospital doesn't work. Only Guo Qishuai has the antidote."

"It seems that I can only ask him."

Chen Hongguang asked his driver to drive him and Guo Qingchuan to Guo Qishuai's office.

After Guo Qishuai saw the two of them, he rubbed the antidote on Guo Qingchuan. After Guo Qingchuan rubbed the antidote, he thanked Guo Qishuai, and Guo Qishuai let him go.

Chen Hongguang wanted to sit down, but Guo Qishuai said, "Did I ask you to do it?"

Chen Hongguang put the stool back in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Guo, I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore."

Guo Qishuai said: "I know the cause and effect of the matter, and I know that Boss Chen is not the ultimate mastermind of this matter, am I right?"

"Mr. Guo, in fact, I am the final instigator of this matter. I don't want Mr. Guo's products to occupy the market, so I came up with this crooked trick. If you want to punish, punish me alone."

"I'll give you another chance. If you don't say anything, then please go back. Whether your face will recover or not depends on God's will. I can pretend that this incident didn't happen."

Chen Hongguang said: "Mr. Guo, aren't you being too absolute in what you said? Could it be that my face can't be cured with the current medical conditions?"

Guo Qishuai: "You can try it. I believe that the current medical technology can completely heal your face, but it's hard to say whether it will leave any scars or sequelae. If you accept my treatment, In less than 3 minutes, your face will not only be radiant, but refreshed."

Chen Hongguang didn't dare to take the risk. He lowered his head and thought carefully, finally gritted his teeth and said, "I can tell you that Zhou Juan is the mastermind behind this."

"Zhou Juan? A clerk at Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd."

"It was her. She found me and asked me to give me 10 yuan to prevent your cosmetics from going on the market. I took the money and did it for her."

"I can give you half of the antidote. Whether you want to apply the remaining half depends on whether you can let Zhou Juan apply the problematic beauty lotion."

Chen Hongguang was so itchy that he couldn't take it anymore, and said, "Mr. Guo, I promise you your terms. I'll go back and ask Zhou Juan to apply the problematic beauty lotion."

"Can I trust you?" Guo Qishuai poured a drop of antidote on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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