Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 599 You dare to lie to me

Chapter 599 You dare to lie to me
Cheng Dang said: "Oh, maybe I took the wrong bottle, what should I do?"

Guo Qingchuan angrily poured the remaining half bottle of beauty lotion on Cheng Dang's face, and said angrily, "Bastard, how dare you lie to me?"

"Ah...ah..." Cheng Dang did not avoid it, his face was covered with beauty lotion.

"You... you... why did you spill poisonous beauty lotion on my face?"

"If you want to harm me, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"I'm so uncomfortable. I want to find the boss of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. to detoxify. If you want to detoxify, come with me."

"What? Looking for the boss of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.? I won't go, I'll go to the doctor."

Cheng Dang took a taxi to the gate of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and told the security guard at the gate that he was looking for Guo Qishuai. The security guard checked with Guo Qishuai before letting Cheng Dang in.

Cheng Dang covered his face with a towel, and said to Guo Qishuai: "Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, please save me, my face is disfigured."

Guo Qishui asked him to take away the towel. When he saw Cheng Dang with red spots all over his face, he was surprised and said: "What's going on with you? Didn't I ask you to apply beauty lotion on that person? You yourself Why did you rub it on?"

"Mr. Guo, I have completed the task you gave me, but after the grandson's face was disfigured, he poured half a bottle of beauty lotion on my face. I was disfigured, Mr. Guo, you can save me ah!"

After Guo Qishuai wiped the bottle of antidote for him, Cheng Dang's face recovered.

"Thank you Mr. Guo, thank you Mr. Guo."

"Okay, you can go back. I don't have to pursue the matter of you framing Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., but please remember, don't do bad things in the future. Next time, I won't go back and save you like this. "

"I know, I know Mr. Guo, next time I won't dare to harm anyone."

Guo Qingchuan went to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor prescribed some anti-allergic medicine for him. After he returned, he took the medicine and applied ointment, but as a result, his face was still very itchy.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, and his face was bleeding from scratching with his hands.

Guo Qingchuan couldn't bear it anymore, so he called Cheng Dang and asked if Cheng Dang's face was healed.

Cheng Dang said that his face was healed, and advised Guo Qingchuan to find Guo Qishuai.

Guo Qingchuan cursed, but finally decided to go to Guo Qishuai.

When he went downstairs to look for a taxi, many taxi drivers saw red spots all over his face and thought he had some infectious disease, so they drove away.

"Hey, don't go! Believe it or not, I will sue you."

Guo Qingchuan couldn't stop the car, so he had no choice but to buy a shared bicycle and ride to Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

When he got to the door, the security guard stopped him.

Guo Qingchuan said that he came to see their boss for medical treatment. The security guard called Guo Qishui's office and asked him about the situation. Guo Qishui let him in.

Guo Qingchuan was led by a security guard to Guo Qishuai's office.

"Go in, this is our boss' office."

Guo Qingchuan lowered his head and said, "Thank you, thank you."

After Guo Qingchuan entered, he looked down at Guo Qishuai and said, "Guo...Mr. Guo, my name is Guo Qingchuan, please help Mr. Guo to get rid of the red spots on my face!"

Guo Qishui looked at his phone and drank tea. He didn't even look at Guo Qingchuan and said, "What's wrong with you? Why do you have red spots on your face?"

"Mr. Guo, my face has an allergic reaction after applying beauty lotion. It stands to reason that the company should be responsible, right?"

"I don't want to give you nonsense, if you still want to restore your appearance, just tell the truth."

Guo Qingchuan was scared, and said: "Mr. Guo, to be honest, I poisoned this poison. I bought a bottle of beauty lotion at your cosmetics store at 09:30 this morning. I brought the beauty lotion back. Later, I added mercury and lead to it, and then I asked Cheng Dang's wife to exchange this bottle of beauty lotion with Yang Xirong's beauty lotion for 1 yuan."

"Tell me your purpose."

"I just want to expose your beauty problems so that you can't open the market."

"Why did you choose Yang Xirong?"

"This is also because Yang Xirong is the only one who is easier to attack. In addition, Yang Xirong's husband Lin Jie has a hot temper, and he can make things big."

"You're right, he really has a hot temper. If I don't have an antidote, Lin Jie will really make a big mess. Let me ask you another question, who ordered you to do this?"

"No one asked me to do it, I wanted to do it myself."

"You don't have that motive. You're just a foreman at Hongguang Supermarket. My company has nothing to do with you. If you don't tell the truth, I can find out who is behind the scenes, but your face may be ruined." Disfigured."

"Mr. Guo, you have to save me. If you don't save me, I will say that I became like this because I used your beauty lotion."

"You can try it. You prepared this medicine yourself. As long as you're not afraid of making a big fuss, you can go to the street."

"Mr. Guo, please forgive me, I will never dare again."

Guo Qishuai said: "Tell me the mastermind behind you."

"I said, yes... our boss Chen Hongguang asked me to do this."

"Chen Hongguang, who is Chen Hongguang instigated by?"

"I don't know that."

Guo Qishuai poured a drop of the antidote to Guo Qingchuan, and said to him: "This is the antidote. After you rub it, the erythema on your face will be reduced, and the itching will be relieved, but after an hour, your face will be fine. It will swell again, I want you to let Chen Hongguang apply your unique beauty lotion within this hour."

"Mr. Guo, aren't you embarrassing me? I don't have the ability to ask Boss Chen to apply this beauty lotion."

"That's your business."

Guo Qingchuan had no choice. After he wiped off the drop of antidote, he looked at the mirror he carried with him and said in surprise: "My face is much better. Okay, Mr. Guo, I will find a way to get Boss Chen to remove the problem." I applied the beauty lotion."

Guo Qingchuan bought a bottle of beauty lotion from Guo Qishuai. After returning home, he added mercury and lead, shook the bottle a few times, and said, "Boss Chen, I'm sorry, but I also wanted to save myself. Although you gave me 2 yuan, but there is no way, the matter is exposed, and I can only protect myself."

After Guo Qingchuan came to Chen Hongguang's office with the bottle of beauty lotion, Chen Hongguang leaned on the boss's chair and said to Guo Qingchuan, "How is it? Have you completed the task I gave you?"

Guo Qingchuan nodded and said, "I've done everything according to your instructions."

"Done? Then why hasn't anyone checked Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. until now?"

"This may be a matter of time. Lin Jie has already taken his wife to the cosmetics sales site, and has already alarmed the boss of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. The reason why Lin Jie didn't go any further is because Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. The boss promised him that he would find out the problem and give them an explanation."

(End of this chapter)

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