Chapter 6

He definitely couldn't go back to the dormitory. After Ren Zhipeng returned to school, he would definitely question him. If he was wrong, it would be troublesome.

Guo Qishuai felt that if he wanted not to be bullied by those people, he had to become stronger. To become stronger, he had to have money, martial arts, and cultivation.

Money, martial arts and cultivation can all be disassembled in the red envelope. He feels that since his shop is called Yijie Taobao Store, it should be easy to receive orders. As long as the items are on the shelves, they can be sold immediately.

Guo Qishuai's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, it seems that he doesn't need to sleep tonight, he has to complete the task again and open a few red envelopes, or he will be beaten.

What items should be uploaded?Half of the shops on this street are closed, but there is a water vending machine open 24 hours a day.

Guo Qishui walked over, scanned the QR code and paid five yuan for a bottle of Xuedi brand mineral water.

Take a photo, upload it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully uploading the items. Please wait patiently for the customer to place an order."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the order was finally placed, and Guo Qishui was excited and overjoyed.

[The customer has placed an order, do you want to enable plane delivery? 】

"Turn it on! Only fools wouldn't turn it on." Guo Qishui immediately clicked the turn on button. However, this time, the plane transfer function was not turned on. Instead, a prompt box popped up.

"The merit value of the host is zero, and the plane transmission function cannot be activated. If it is forced to be activated, the merit value of 10 needs to be deducted."

"What? What exactly is merit value?"

[The merit point is not something, it is something that allows you to travel through the billion planes, and it consumes ten merit points each time.If the merit value is between 0 and 100, you are a commoner; if the merit value is between 101 and 1000, you are a good person.Above good people are great good people, good people of ten generations, and supreme good people. 】

[If the merit value is less than 0 and greater than minus 99, you are a bad person, if it is less than minus 1000, and greater than minus [-], you are a big villain.On top of the great villain, there are ten villains, super villains, full of evil. 】

After Guo Qishuai understood the role of merit points, he thought that this merit point would definitely have a great effect on his future growth, so he had to find a way to get some merit points.

"How can I get merit points?"

[Do good deeds, according to the good deeds you do, Yijie Taobao system will automatically judge the merit value for you, and the merit value you get will be displayed in your personal center. In addition to being used for plane transfer, the merit value can also be used to Exchange for any item in Yijie Taobao store. 】

"Can it be exchanged for other items? Why haven't I seen other Taobao stores before?"

[The merit value of the host is too low to exchange for any items. The viewing function has been turned off in this system. 】

"What? There is this kind of operation?"

【have! 】The system is cold and arrogant.

Guo Qishuai clicked on the personal center and saw that his merit value was zero. Above the zero was a gray and white heart. If the gray and white heart turned black, he would be a villain.

Now that he is a commoner, it doesn't matter if he is a good person or a bad person.

"Where can I get merit points in the middle of the night?"

Guo Qishui saw several shared bicycles lying crookedly in the middle of the road, hindering the safety of others. He stepped forward and put the two shared bicycles where they should park.

After putting it away, there is only a "ding" sound, followed by a notification tone in the phone.

"Congratulations to the host for gaining two merit points!"

"Getting two merit points so easily? Isn't this too easy?"

Next, Guo Qishuai helped two shared bicycles and put up a sign in a place without a manhole cover. After doing this, he was so tired that he was exhausted, but seeing the five additional merit points, he was still very happy. happy.

Where else can I get merit points?
There didn't seem to be a single part of the street he needed to deal with.

Guo Qishuai is still five merit points short.

At this time, a strong wind blew in the sky, followed by lightning and thunder.

It is going to rain.

heavy rain!

There are a few sporadic people riding electric bicycles roaring past on the street.

Suddenly, a speeding electric car fell in front of Guo Qishuai.

The cyclist fell three meters from the car.

The heavy rain was coming, and the old man vomited all over the floor. His nose and mouth seemed to be still firmly attached to the ground. It could be seen that he drank a lot of wine and was now in a daze.

When Guo Qishuai saw this situation, he didn't think about anything, he rushed over and helped the old man up from the ground.

The wind is blowing fiercely, and soon there will be heavy rain.

Guo Qishuai helped the old man to a shop on the side of the road.

There is a canopy above the shop, even if it rains here, it doesn't matter.

Guo Qishuai called "Old Man" a few times, and the old man woke up.

"Old man, it's good that you're fine."

The old man coughed twice and said, "Young man, you are so kind. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get up. Thank you very much."

Guo Qishuai said: "Old man, you're welcome, this is what I should do. Otherwise, anyone who sees someone falling will help them up."

At this time, the old man's mobile phone rang, the old man took out the mobile phone, connected the phone, and said: "Hey, Su Hu, your father and I drank too much and fell on the road, but don't worry, I'm fine. I was rescued by a kind lad."

"Dad, please send me your location and I will drive over right away to pick you up."

"Okay! Be careful on the road, I'm fine."

In less than 10 minutes, a white car pulled to the side of the road.

After the car door was opened, a burly man got out of the car, looked at Guo Qishuai, and said gratefully: "Oh, young man, thank you so much, I don't even know what to say."

Guo Qishuai said: "Brother, you don't have to thank me, this is what I should do. Quickly see if your dad is hurt."

Su Hu checked his father and found nothing, so he said he wanted his father to go back first.

In order to thank Guo Qishuai, the old man had to let him go to his house together.

Guo Qishuai also agreed.

A bolt of lightning pierced the dark clouds in the sky. In an instant, thunder roared and raindrops fell like soybeans.

The heavy rain soaked the old man's hair. When he got into the car, Su Hu had already started the car.

Su Hu said: "Dad, you sit down, it's raining heavily outside, I'll try to drive as slowly as possible."

"Don't drive too fast, I'm fine, it's raining too much, drive slowly."

"Got it, Dad. Dad, what do you think you're doing with so much wine tonight?"

"Oh, Xiaohu, you also know that those friends of mine had dinner together. When they were happy, you would drink a glass of wine and I would drink a glass of wine, and they drank too much without knowing it. To be honest, I'd better drink less wine. Well, drinking too much will not only hurt your own body, but also hurt others. But I remember that I seemed to have hit something on the road..."

(End of this chapter)

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