Chapter 5

Ren Zhipeng said: "Dad, you don't know, Guo Qishuai is nothing, shameless, and secretly in love with my girlfriend, what kind of guy is he?"

"Slap!" Ren Yonghao was so angry that he slapped Ren Zhipeng again.

"Dad, why are you beating me? I'm talking about Guo Qishuai."

"Usually, how did your father teach you? To be a man, you must have the measure of being able to hold a boat in the belly of a prime minister. Fortunately, you can't even accommodate a handsome Guo Qi. What's wrong with him? Isn't he just more handsome than you, making you jealous?" ?”

"Dad, how do you know Guo Qishuai is handsome?"

"Not handsome, can he be called Guo Qishuai? Alright, son, I don't want to say anything more about what happened tonight. There are two points, you should remember clearly. One, get rid of the ugly Zhu Xiuzhen quickly. If I Seeing you with her again, be careful of your dog legs. Second, after you go back, apologize to Guo Qishuai properly. He forgives you, that’s okay, if you don’t forgive you, you will kneel in front of him until Until he forgives you."

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Your face..."

"What's wrong with my face?" Ren Yonghao felt that he was about to show his original shape, and he thought, this tone has already come out, he has to find an excuse to leave quickly, if Ren Zhipeng knows that he is Guo Qishuai, then he will definitely get rid of me.

"Why did you suddenly become handsome like Guo Qi?"

"Shut up! I'm already handsome. How can Guo Qishuai be as handsome as me? That's all right, you guys clean up the banquet here. Your mother and I need to discuss something."

Ren Yonghao's face changed several times, Guo Qishuai, which made Ren Zhipeng a little doubt whether this Ren Yonghao was his father.

After Ren Yonghao left, Zhu Xiuzhen took Ren Zhipeng's arm, shook it, and said, "Zhipeng, don't you want me? I really like you."

Ren Zhipeng pushed Zhu Xiuzhen away, his eyes lit up, his head became clearer, and he said, "Why do I think this Ren Yonghao is a bit strange tonight?"

Zhu Xiuzhen said, "What's wrong? Isn't he your father?"

"My dad never beat me since I was a child. Even if I burn down my villa, he won't beat me, so it's impossible for my dad to beat me for today's banquet."

"You mean that person just now is a fake?"

"Impossible? Isn't this incredible?"

"Just now I thought my eyes were dazzled, but I actually saw Guo Qishuai's face."

"That person is Guo Qishuai? Impossible, impossible, even if he is super good at disguise, why does his voice sound like your father's?"

"No, I have to call my dad to confirm."

Just when Ren Zhipeng took out his mobile phone, four security guards rushed in from the door. Among them was a tall and thin security guard with half of his face swollen from beating. He ran to Ren Zhipeng and said, "Master Ren, this what's going on?"

"I suspect that someone pretended to be my dad and beat me. Quickly see where the person pretending to be my dad is?"

"I'm looking for that bastard? He pretended to be Mr. Ren and slapped me at the door. Mr. Ren asked me to take someone to find that fake Mr. Ren."

"What's going on? Who made this conference room stink?"

When Ren Zhipeng saw Ren Yonghao walking in, he stepped forward and slapped Ren Yonghao without saying a word.

"Bastard, pretending to be my father, you hit me, what kind of onion are you?"

Ren Yonghao hasn't realized what's going on?The thin and tall security guard rushed over, grabbed Ren Yonghao's clothes, lifted him up, slapped him on the right side of the face, and said angrily: "Bastard, how dare you pretend to be Mr. Ren? How dare you hit me?" ? See if I don't slap you to death."

The tall and thin security guard "slapped" several times, until Ren Yonghao's face was swollen like a pig's head.

At this time, three security guards beat and kicked Ren Yonghao.

At this time, the general manager pushed the door open and rushed in. He hurriedly pulled those people away and said, "What are you doing? How dare you beat the president even once?"

Ren Zhipeng looked at the general manager and said angrily, "Uncle Qin, don't stop me, I'm going to kill him. He's not my father, he's Guo Qishuai pretending to be."

"You bastard!" Ren Yonghao slapped Ren Zhipeng on the face after he caught his breath, and said, "You see clearly, I am your father, your own father! Little bastard, how dare you even hit me? "

Ren Zhipeng felt that this Ren Yonghao was a bit different from the previous ones, and said, "Dad, are you really my dad?"

Ren Yonghao wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "You were born on July [-]th, and you have a red moon birthmark on your back. Since childhood, you like to eat braised pork ribs, but you especially dislike fish. You only eat spinach as green vegetables, and you have heard of green onions. No smell, did your dad say something wrong?"

Ren Zhipeng immediately lowered his head and said, "Dad, I was wrong. I took you as the person who pretended to be you."

"People who pretend to be me? Who dares to pretend to be me? What's going on? Tell me about it?"

After Ren Zhipeng explained what happened tonight in detail, Ren Yonghao immediately asked General Manager Qin Led to go to the monitoring room to investigate and monitor. At the same time, he told the four security guards that if they couldn't find the person pretending to be him within three days Man, all four of them can fuck off.

It was supposed to be a very nice birthday party, but it was ruined by a shit cake in the end.

When Ren Zhipeng and Ren Yonghao confronted each other, they found out about the fake Ren Yonghao.

Ren Yonghao also personally told Zhu Xiuzhen that he had never objected to her and Zhipeng's affairs, as long as Zhipeng was happy, he could marry whoever he wanted. Only then did Zhu Xiuzhen's injured heart heal.

In the end, Qin led the surveillance and locked the target on Guo Qishuai. He felt that he was very suspicious. Ren Yonghao told the four security guards not to act rashly.

When Guo Qishuai pretended to be Ren Yonghao, when the mana of the monkey hair was about to run out, his person changed Guo Qishuai's original appearance many times. In order to avoid his identity being exposed, he found a reason to leave the door of the banquet. When he walked to the hall on the first floor At that time, I happened to meet the real Ren Yonghao.

Guo Qishuai used Ren Yonghao's identity to tell the tall and thin security guard who was beaten that someone pretended to be himself and taught his son a lesson, and asked the tall and thin security guard to take a few people up quickly.

When the thin and tall security guard heard that the person who beat him was a fake Ren Yonghao, he immediately called four people to rush to the banquet scene.

At this time, it happened that Ren Zhipeng slapped Ren Yonghao, and the tall and thin security guard was more sure that Ren Yonghao was a fake, so he also slapped the real Ren Yonghao.

This revenge was finally avenged. Guo Qishuai felt very happy tonight, but he soon became worried. After all, Ren Zhipeng and Ren Yonghao are not easy-going lamps. If I tease them like this, they will definitely take revenge.

what to do?You can't sit still, can you?

(End of this chapter)

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