Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 566 What to Do Now

Chapter 566 What to Do Now

"This... is this me?" Yang Yutao in the mirror became very beautiful, and her freckles could no longer be seen if one didn't look carefully.

The proprietress said pleasantly: "It's only been less than half an hour. If it takes half an hour, those freckles will disappear completely."

Yang Yutao held the bottle of beauty lotion in surprise and said, "Can I still use it?"

Guo Qishai said: "Of course, this is for your experiment. You have the right to decide whether to keep this bottle of beauty lotion or not."

Yang Yutao held the bottle of beauty lotion tightly, and quickly rubbed it on her face. After she finished wiping, she lay down quietly for a while, and then quickly got up to look in the mirror again. After 10 minutes, she looked at the mirror for a while. Look, she seemed to see a fairy, and said: "Oh, this... is this really me? All my freckles are gone, and I will never have to wear such thick makeup again."

The landlady thought her face was white and rosy, and she looked particularly good-looking. She said, "Your face looks like a new one. It actually looks better than mine with makeup on."

"Madam proprietress, if we use this kind of cosmetics in our store, the beauty effect will definitely be a hundred times better than using fairy smiles, not a thousand times."

The proprietress said: "Isn't the price of this bottle of beauty lotion not cheap?"

"A bottle of 100ml costs 1 yuan. If the proprietress wants to buy from us, I can give you a [-]% discount. Once this cosmetic is on the market, the market price will definitely be [-] yuan, and the price will not be reduced. Because I don't have so many materials to make this kind of cosmetics."

The landlady had an intoxicating smile on her face and said, "Are you really willing to sell such a good lotion to us at a [-]% discount?"

"Of course, I keep my word. I am the new boss of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd."

"Mr. Guo, hello, since you have agreed to this matter, I naturally have no objections, but when will we sign the contract."

Guo Qishai said: "As for signing the contract, you can just talk to Mr. Tang directly."

"That's good, that's good."

Yang Yutao was still looking in the mirror. Her face had already made many people envious and jealous, but she was still not satisfied, and said, "It would be great if the bumps on my face could be eliminated."

Guo Qishuai knew that, in fact, it was like the potholes on her face. As long as she rubbed it once with a high-purity beauty cream, her potholes could be eliminated in one night. It's revealed that this product worth 100 million is not something that anyone can get if they want it.

Guo Qishai said: "If you want your face to become completely beautiful, you need to use twelve bottles of beauty lotion, one bottle a month, and apply it every day. After a year, the cells in the pits on your face will remove those pits." Fill the depressions."

"One bottle is 1 yuan, and 120 bottles is [-] million. My salary is less than [-] yuan a month. How can I afford this kind of cosmetics?"

Yang Yutao wanted to cry in pain.

She looked at Guo Qishuai with expectant eyes and said: "Mr. Guo, can you let me be an experimental product of your product and fill in the potholes on my face for free?"

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "Do you think we need people to experiment with products like ours that can be effective in half an hour?"

The landlady said: "Yang Yutao, it's okay. You have already spent 1 yuan on makeup, and your face has become much more beautiful than before. In the future, even if you don't wear makeup, you will be more beautiful than when you were most successful with makeup. Okay, you can go out. , I still have something to talk to Mr. Guo."

Yang Yutao walked out reluctantly.

At this time, the landlady received a call.

"Hey, lady boss, I'm Chen Jiani. I've tried my best, but I can only lower the price to 10% off. They only give us [-] minutes to think about it. If we don't agree, in the future, the fairy smiles in their company will not sell you Sell ​​it to us at a [-]% discount, what should we do? Sign or not?"

The proprietress said: "Do you think it is better to sign or not?"

Chen Jiani said: "Mrs. Boss, I think it's better for us to sign it. After signing this contract, we still have a profit of 1000 yuan for each bottle of Fairy Laughter. If we don't sign it, we can only buy it from the market for 1 yuan." Price purchase. In the past, there was Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. that could compete with Kangmei. Now, Huarong has withdrawn from the market, and we can only buy goods from Kangmei. Otherwise, if we use inferior cosmetics, we will lose customers."

"Of course I know this truth. I also know that even if we use the [-]% discount to win Fairy Smile, our monthly profit is limited."

"Then what shall we do now, Ma'am?"

"Tell Kangmei's negotiator, [-]% discount, if you don't give it, you will withdraw it immediately."

"[-]% off? No, lady boss, how is this possible? Now Kangmei is the only one, if we offend them, how will we deal with them in the future?"

"I want them to know that we are the customer, and the customer is God. They must understand this truth in Kangmei."

"What if they don't understand?"

"If they don't understand, it doesn't matter, the market will let them understand this truth soon, just do what I say, [-]% off, don't give it, you withdraw immediately, don't talk nonsense with them, don't look at their faces, It's time for them to look at our face."

"Miss Boss, have you found new cosmetics?"

"That's not the question you should be asking."

After the proprietress hung up the phone, she said with a smile: "Mr. Guo, let's cooperate happily. I will send someone to discuss cooperation with Mr. Tang as soon as possible."

Guo Qishuai nodded and said, "Very good. Ma'am, who did you call just now?"

"My salesperson, she was negotiating with Kangmei today, but Kangmei was too arrogant and insisted on selling me Fairy Smile at [-]% off. I offered [-]% off, but they refused. I have Mr. Guo's beauty lotion, and I also What do you want her fairy smile for? So my salesman turned him down."

Guo Qishuai said: "Miss Boss, I have a question, is there an employee named Pei Shanshan in your shop?"

The proprietress said: "No. There are [-] employees in our store. I know the name of each employee. There is no one named Pei Shanshan. Mr. Guo, I don't know why you are looking for this Pei Shanshan? Who told you that she works here of?"

"Oh, Pei Shanshan is in a relationship with a friend of mine, but my friend recently found out that she was lying. She said she was working in Juyuan Clothing City, but there was no such person there. Finally, after a series of investigations, we found out that she is a beauty As an employee of the beauty salon, I thought I could find her here, but the proprietress didn't know about Pei Shanshan."

The landlady said: "Mr. Guo, since Pei Shanshan doesn't want to fall in love with your friend, why do you go to her again? Did she cheat your friend's money? If so, you can just call the police. Why bother to go to the police yourself? Go find her? She doesn’t deserve it.”

(End of this chapter)

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