Yijie Taobao store

Chapter 565 Surprise 1

Chapter 565 Surprised

The proprietress said: "I'm only interested in Fairy Smile from Kangmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. If you can get Fairy Smile to sell to me at a [-]% discount, I might consider your company's cosmetics."

"The business of your beauty salon is so good, do you also care about the money you spend on cosmetics?"

"Do you think the current business is so easy to do? Fairy smile is too expensive. A bottle of 1000ml sells for 10000 yuan, but I can only do one beauty treatment for ten people with 10000ml of fairy smile. One person is 1200 yuan at a time. Earn 200 yuan. For this 200 yuan, I have to pay labor costs, rent, water and electricity, so I can only earn [-] yuan for a bottle of fairy smile. If this continues, within half a year, my beauty salon will be closed. gone."

"Since the cost of the proprietress is so high, why don't you raise the service fee?"

"The service fee was paid by those old customers years ago. They are applying for an annual card. I have no right to add more money. Even if it is blood, I have to swallow it. Otherwise, I am afraid that no one will be with me next year. signed up."

"The proprietress operates with integrity, which is admirable. But I have a question, I want to ask the proprietress."

"what is the problem?"

"Everyone knows that Kangmei Cosmetics' Fairy Smile sells for 10000 yuan a bottle in the market. Didn't the boss lady take this relationship into consideration when she set the service price?"

"Of course the price is transparent, that's why those customers are willing to do beauty treatments with me, because they feel that what they pay is the price of a real fairy smile, and they don't feel that they are at a disadvantage."

"Since you used to get [-]% off the goods before, why can't you get the goods this time?"

"Because of the support of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., Kangmei didn't dare to raise the price casually. Now, Huarong's products have disappeared from the market, and Kangmei is the only one. That's why they are so arrogant and want us to buy at the original price."

"It seems that Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. still has a great influence in the market."

"Tell me about your company's products."

"I am the representative of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and I want to promote a new product, beauty lotion, recently developed by Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd."

"Beauty lotion? I haven't heard of it. Huarong's products have a bad reputation in the market. Even if I pay you 1000 yuan for one, my beauty salon will probably close down, so you don't have to Having said that, I dare not take the risk.”

Guo Qishuai said: "I heard that the beauty lotion developed by Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is priced at 100 yuan for 1ml. Beauty treatment, calculated in this way, not only does the proprietress not lose money, but she also earns 100 people's money."

"You think I'm stupid. The beauty effect of fairy smile is top-notch. No cosmetics can surpass fairy smile. Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is a company that is about to close down. If they want to develop cosmetics that are better than fairy smile, Unless the sun comes out from the west."

"The proprietress's words are too absolute, otherwise, how about we make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

"You find an employee with a face full of freckles to apply the beauty lotion I brought you. If the freckles on your employee's face disappear within 10 minutes, you will buy the beauty lotion from our Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Beauty lotion, what do you think?"

"Mr. Guo, are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious. You look so cute when you are serious. You should know that freckles are not easy to remove. If inappropriate chemicals are used, it will not be a beauty treatment, but a disfigurement."

"I know, so Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to the quality of products. External use of beauty lotion can remove freckles and moles, and internal use can prolong life."

"The more you brag, the more amazing you are. I don't listen to what you say. You should bring the product over and let's try it first."


Guo Qishuai called Tang Yurong and asked her to take a 100ml bottle of beauty lotion to Jiali Beauty Salon.

Tang Yurong immediately put down her work and let the company's car take her to the Beauty Beauty Salon.

The boss lady also found a female employee with the most freckles to do the experiment.

When the female employee first came, her face was rosy and she looked very beautiful.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that her face is painted with a thick layer of makeup, and the outside of the makeup is a layer of pink paint. Overall, she is indeed a handsome woman among beauties.

However, after the girl removed the makeup on her face with makeup remover, it was as if the river had dried up, revealing the stones on the river bed. An ant with very high crawling skills would probably break ten of its legs if it crawled around her face.

Seeing such a face, Tang Yurong said, "Mr. Guo, isn't her face too terrifying? I gave her a bottle of our beauty lotion, and I'm afraid it can't even remove her freckles."

Guo Qishai said: "You have to try anything. If you don't try it, you will never know how effective this beauty lotion is."

The proprietress smiled and said: "Her face was even more terrifying before. After using Fairy Smile for a year, it is much better now. The freckles on her face have been reduced by half, and the potholes have been flattened a lot. The effect of your beauty lotion is even better. No matter how good it is, if you don’t have a year, I’m afraid you won’t be able to see any effect.”

Guo Qishuai said: "She used Fairy Smile before, that would be even better, and I can make a comparison in half an hour."

The female employee was Yang Yutao. She looked at the bottle of beauty lotion in a very ordinary packaging and asked, "Will this thing disfigure me?"

The proprietress said: "The manufacturer said that this bottle of beauty lotion has 100ml and is worth 10000 yuan. It can make your freckles disappear within half an hour. I don't know what the ingredients of this beauty lotion are, so try this This kind of beauty lotion is risky, if you don't want to, I won't force you, but once you use it, if something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with the beauty salon."

"This... If this is the case, I won't try it. Although my face is ugly, I don't want to make myself ugly."

Guo Qishuai said: "If you become ugly, I will pay you 100 million yuan."

"Is what you said true?"

"It's absolutely true. Because I am very confident in my products, 100 million is enough for you to change your face."

Yang Yutao asked Guo Qishuai to express what he said in words and sign it, otherwise he would not try.

Guo Qishuai was naturally not afraid, and soon signed a contract for her.

Yang Yutao put a part of the contract in her pocket, lay down on the chair, and rubbed beauty water on her face bit by bit.

She used up half a bottle of Esthetician, and when she was about to reapply, she looked in the mirror and was horrified...

(End of this chapter)

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