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Chapter 508 Signing a Contract

Chapter 508 Signing a Contract
Yang Minghao said: "Of course, it is definitely your luck that you can find such a buyer today."

"When will the buyer that Lawyer Yang said arrive?"

"He's here."

Tang Yurong stood on tiptoe and looked outside the door, and said, "Lawyer Yang, you really know how to joke, why can't I see the buyer you mentioned?"

Guo Pingping said: "Auntie, the buyer you are looking for is my brother."

Only at this time did Tang Yurong take a serious look at Guo Qishuai, and said, "Little girl, so you can joke, your brother is only less than 30 years old this year, right?"

Guo Qishuai smiled wryly, "Am I that old?"

"You are indeed very young, your face is so tender, I suspect that you are only three years old, no, younger than three years old."

"Actually, I am 22 years old this year. I have scored 740 points in the college entrance examination. I will go to Qingyun University to study in September this year."

"It turned out that I was a high school student with no experience in the world. How dare such a person say that he wants to buy my company? Do you know how much it costs to buy a company?"

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "I don't know, but my lawyer knows."

Tang Yurong was speechless, she was taken aback, looked at Yang Minghao seriously, and said, "Is he really your client?"


"Please ask for at least 10 yuan at a time, can he afford it?"

"The money he gave was enough, 50."

"He gave you 50 to come and talk to me about acquiring the company?"

"Exactly. Time is money, let's hurry up and get started."

"He doesn't look like a rich man at all."

Guo Qishuai said: "There are many people who seem to have no money, but they are actually richer than anyone else. If they dress a little more upscale today, Mr. Tang might not say that."

Tang Yurong said: "I was wrong, please, please go to the conference room to discuss."

When Tang Yurong was about to leave, many people rushed over at the door led by Zheng Juan. Zheng Juan said loudly, "Mr. Tang, when will we pay our wages? If you don't give an answer, maybe someone will Got pissed off."

Tang Yurong hurried inside and told the security guards to stop those people from outside.

Yang Minghao said: "Those people are poor people. They just want to get back their wages. You should treat them well?"

"Do you think I don't want to have a good talk with them? But they need money when negotiating. Those people are white-eyed wolf. When I opened the company, I bought them five insurances and three housing funds, and their wages were double that of other factories. Times, now I have difficulties, the funds cannot be turned over, I asked them to sign an agreement to reduce wages, those people are not willing, they are really unfamiliar white-eyed wolves."

Yang Minghao said: "A contract is a contract, how can the contract be changed casually? It is reasonable for employees to disagree."

"But my company can't go on, why can't they think about me?"

"Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has many problems. Your products have added things that shouldn't be added. Poor quality is an important reason for your bankruptcy."

"Okay, Lawyer Yang, I won't say much, just follow me back to the conference room."

When he arrived at the door of the meeting room, Guo Qishuai heard that the meeting room was too noisy.Some said that the company could support it for a while longer, and asked them to pool their money to pay the wages of the workers and continue to keep the company running.

Tang Yurong's total shares accounted for 30% of the shares, and she had the absolute right to speak. After she walked into the conference room, many shareholders turned their attention to him.

An older shareholder asked: "Mr. Tang, you have to say something, should the company be sold or continue to operate?"

Tang Yurong let Yang Minghao and Guo Qishuai into the conference room, and he said to those shareholders, "I decided to work hard on the company."

"I don't agree. The company is my life. I founded it all by myself. I will continue to operate the company even if I sell it."

Some shareholders sneered and said, "I'm afraid you've invested all the money you've made in these years into real estate. Now that your money is locked up, how much money can you spend? Your money even pays wages to workers. It’s not enough. If you don’t sell it, you will lose it all.”

"I think Mr. Tang is right. It is true that Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. will never stand up again. I agree to sell the company."

"I also agree not to sell it again, those employees are afraid they will throw stones at my house."

"I'm not afraid of throwing stones. I'm afraid they will kidnap my grandson. I only have one grandson."

"You're pushing those employees into a hurry, they can do anything."

"Since the company can't continue to operate, I will sell it. I won't say anything else. I just hope that the selling price will not be lower than 1000 million."

Tang Yurong said: "Those who are willing to sell the company raise their hands, let's vote for the last time." "

Tang Yurong alone represented five votes. In the end, although five people were unwilling to sell the company, fifteen people approved.

Tang Yurong said: "20 to 5, the sale of the company has passed, and the next thing we need to discuss is how much the company will sell."

An old man looked at Guo Qishuai and said, "Is he the buyer you found?"

Tang Yurong said: "Exactly."

"How much can he pay for a child?"

"That's not something you should worry about."

Guo Qishuai told Yang Minghao that he must own all the shares of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., regardless of the price.

Yang Minghao put the two contracts on the table, and said: "Based on my evaluation of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., I have drawn up a contract for my client. You can take a look first."

After reading the contract, those shareholders said they had no opinion, but they also put forward their own request, that is, they would not assume the company's debts.

An old man also said that his company would not sell less than 5000 million yuan.

Yang Minghao calculated the accounts carefully for him. In the end, the total value of their company could not even be sold for 1000 million, and those shareholders had nothing to say.

Yang Minghao also said, "A company like yours can be sold for 1000 million, which is a high price. My client is willing to pay 200 million to buy the shares of all the owners of your company. As for all the debts of this company, it will no longer be needed." Everyone who sits bears the burden."

Many shareholders felt a lot more comfortable when they heard that the company had sold an additional 200 million yuan.

Tang Yurong showed joy on his face, and said: "1200 million, which is much higher than the price offered by Hongfeng Group. I am willing to sell all the shares of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. to Mr. Guo. If you have no opinions, Everyone sign this contract, and from now on, this Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. will have nothing to do with you."

Many shareholders happily signed the contract.

Yang Minghao put away the contract and looked at it, and said: "My client will transfer the money to your company's account within an hour, and Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. will be officially included in my client's name in an hour. Everyone, it's nothing After one hour, all shareholders, please leave this office building."

(End of this chapter)

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