Chapter 507

"Does he think he is an elephant with two green onions stuck in his trunk?"

"Does he think he can block the car by lying on the road?"

"I think he is a wolf's tail tied to a goat's tail. Do you think you are a wolf?"

Guo Qishuai ignored those people, and he said loudly again: "I will give you three ten minutes, within these three ten minutes, as long as you are willing to leave, you can leave a name with my sister, from now on, you will still be Huarong The employees of the Cosmetics Co., Ltd. are treated favorably, if you want to stay here, then you have to wait for three days to settle your salary and leave."

"Everyone, don't listen to him. He is a counterfeit. What is the purpose of coming here? We all don't know. I don't believe in anyone. I only believe in the money in my hand. If you have money, you can say anything. If you don't have money, it's all nonsense. .”

Guo Qishai asked Guo Pingping to write down the list of people who were willing to leave here, but Guo Pingping was unwilling and said: "Brother, what do you care about these people? Let them make trouble, it has nothing to do with you."

"I really want to take over the company, and it will be a matter of time before these issues are dealt with."

"But, you can't be too impatient."

"It doesn't matter. I'm giving them an opportunity. If I miss this opportunity, it will be even harder for these people to join my company in the future."

Guo Qishuai told them his promise again. At this time, there were already people talking about it below. Some people said that Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is a dead company. Can this company make a profit?

Others said that they only wanted money, and they would leave as soon as they got their wages.

The aunt who had just asked Guo Qishuai walked up to Guo Qishuai and said, "Young man, is what you said true? If I sign up with you."

"Auntie, if you believe me, after three days, you will not only get your salary, but you will live a better life than anyone else in the future."

"All right, young man, I believe you. My name is Jiang Jinhua. Girl, I'll sign here, okay?"

Guo Pingping said: "Write down your name, position, and length of service clearly, and we will check with the accountant after we go back."

"Okay, okay, this is no problem."

After Jiang Jinhua registered, she left. There was a neatly dressed woman named Zheng Juan, a clerk of Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Zheng Juan sneered, and said: "Only the silly elder sister would agree to this kind of thing. If you believe him, you will be fooled. After you go home, you won't even get a penny."

Guo Pingping repeated those words again. At this time, some people felt that three days was nothing to them. They went home and waited for three days. After three days, if they had not received the money, it would not be too late for them to come here to make trouble again.

As soon as those people discussed it, dozens of them also came up to sign up.

Zheng Juan sneered again and said: "Those idiots really believe it, they don't have brains!"

There are more than 100 people behind Zheng Juan, and they are all steadfast there, with no intention of leaving.

Guo Qishuai said: "Record a video of all these people. After the company reopens, none of them will be used."

Zheng Juan walked up to Guo Pingping and said, "Hey, you two ignorant kids, you don't know much about Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. No one dares to take over this company, unless it is Hongfeng. You two are too young, and sooner or later you will Suffer."

After the video was recorded, someone said in Zheng Juan's ear: "Zheng Juan, I think if what the two of them said is true, then our future work will be a problem."

"Actually, I really don't want to leave Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. You think of the current companies, which one has better treatment than Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd.? The basic salary of Kangmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is 2500, which is good. But there is no way to pay Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Rongbi.”

Zhou Juan said coldly: "Do you believe what those two hairy kids say? They can't save Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd."

As soon as Zhou Juan finished speaking, his eyes straightened.

"Sister Zhou, what are you looking at?"

"Did you see that Yang Minghao, the most famous lawyer in Lingtong City, is here."

"Yang Minghao's appearance fee is very expensive. Regardless of whether he wins or loses, a lawsuit costs at least [-] yuan. There are not many people who can persuade Yang Minghao. It seems that Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. will make a big move today."

"What about our salary?"

"Don't be afraid, everyone. We have signed a contract with Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd. No matter who takes over the company, he will pay our wages."

"If he doesn't marry me, I'll die here."

After Yang Minghao and his assistant arrived at the gate, the big-nosed security guard quickly came over and said, "Oh, Lawyer Yang, what kind of wind brought you here."

Yang Minghao glanced at him and said, "A client asked me to sign a contract for him."

"Oh, Lawyer Yang, your clients must be big clients. I don't know if your clients are..."

Yang Minghao's assistant said: "This is Lawyer Yang's client."

"Who? It's him..."

Yang Minghao's assistant nodded and said: "Exactly."

The security guard with the big nose didn't understand very much, and said, "Hey, Lawyer Yang, what is the origin of your two clients? There are not many people in Lingtong City who can afford 10 yuan to hire you."

Yang Minghao said: "My client, Mr. Guo Qishui, intends to acquire Huarong Cosmetics Co., Ltd., please inform the boss of Huarong Co., Ltd."

"The boss is having a meeting with dozens of shareholders in his conference room. I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to go at this time?"

"I think at this time, it is most appropriate for us to enter the meeting room. It just so happens that all the shareholders are there, and we can discuss all the issues clearly at once."

"This one……"

"You don't have to be embarrassed, you just need to bring the words I want to see your boss with you."

"Okay, I'll call our boss right now."

The big-nosed security guard called the conference room and told lawyer Yang Minghao that he wanted to see him. As expected, the boss agreed to see Yang Minghao.

When Yang Minghao brought Guo Qishuai to go in, Big Nose asked questioningly, "Lawyer Yang, is this person really your client?"

"His name is Guo Qishuai. He is my client now. Why do you still have opinions on what I said?"

"No, Lawyer Yang, this person is not mature at all, how can he have so much money to hire you?"

"I don't need to tell you this question, do I? I won't ask where my client's money comes from. I just need to do my job well."

"That is, that is."

"Hey, Lawyer Yang, you're here."

Yang Minghao looked at the boss who was dressed up in a wicked way and said coldly: "Boss Tang looks very good!"

Tang Yurong said: "What's so good about a defeated general? Lawyer Yang came to me today, but did he find a buyer?"

(End of this chapter)

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