city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 788 Shadow Runestones

Chapter 788 Shadow Runestones
"Tip: The player triggers the task - the test of the temple."

Mission name: The test of the temple.

Mission description: In a certain ruins of the temple, you accepted the test mission of the temple. You need to obtain the blood of the descendants of the four vampire princes to activate the magic circle to obtain the temple rune fragments.

Task requirements: To obtain the blood of the descendants of the four vampire princes, the blood concentration must be above 50%.

Mission Reward: Sanctuary Rune Fragments.

this task...

Seeing the requirements of the mission, the expression on Fang Tian's face suddenly became a little stiff. When he came here before, he was a little strange as to why the assessment location left by the temple was in the Land of the Dead. Now he finally understood. The mission is related to undead vampires.

Hesna felt that this task was a bit cumbersome, and they had a lot to do, so she couldn't help looking up at Fang Tian, ​​"Fang Tian, ​​what should I do next?"

Fang Tian lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "Don't worry, just rest here for one night and talk about it after dawn."

Being in the realm of the undead, you will be attacked by wandering undead at any time outside, but you are not as safe as staying in the ruins of the temple.


After resting overnight in the ruins, the next day, Fang Tian and Hesna left the ruins of the temple and set off again.

"The mission description says that we need the blood of four descendants of vampire princes. In other words, we need to face four high-level vampires respectively." Hesna was vaguely worried about this mission, "We are now in Are we going to attack the undead territory head-on?"

Fang Tian felt that this method didn't seem to work. This kind of relying on strong frontal force to crush them seemed not enough for him and Hesna, and that was not the only problem. First, they needed to find the four major vampires. Descendants of the family.

But since he came to the territory of the undead, Fang Tian had already made plans yesterday.

Thinking of this, Fang Tian took out a dark-black runestone from his backpack.

Seeing this stone, the previous memories came to Hesna's mind, and she frowned slightly. Obviously, she didn't seem to want to see Fang Tian use the power of this stone.

The dark-black runestone was tightly held in Fang Tian's hand, gradually emitting purple light.

Fang Tian threw the talisman towards the sky, and the talisman was affected by a strange force and suspended in mid-air.

The runestones in mid-air emitted strange fluctuations all around.

"Is it Kahn?" Hesna pursed her lips. The last time Hesna and Kahn were at odds with Kahn, she didn't expect to meet him here again.

"Well, I have been developing in the city of the undead. I must have a better understanding of it. I hope he can help us."

Fang Tian looked around and saw that the rune stones had no impact on the surrounding area, so he sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

"Do you trust that shadow elf?" Hesna looked around, then sat beside Fang Tian, ​​and said in a low voice, "Actually, even if we don't rely on Kahn, we can find a way."

The corners of Fang Tian's mouth turned up, showing a smile, "It's okay, don't worry, he can be trusted."

"If there is any change in him, I will take action to get rid of him." Hesna nodded, said something seriously, and then stopped talking.

After about an hour, a figure slowly came from outside.


It's Kahn.

Kahn's clothes were still exactly the same as last time. The first impression gave the impression that he was an ordinary archer, but this time, Hesna could clearly feel that the shadow power on Kahn's body was stronger.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Seeing Fang Tian and Hesna, Kahn immediately put on a relaxed smile, and stretched out his hand to greet them: "I didn't expect to be here Seeing you, when I received your summoning message, I thought someone was trapping me, so I made a lot of preparations, and I'm really sorry that I didn't come at the first time."

Fang Tian stood up from the tombstone and said, "Long time no see, your strength seems to have increased again."

"That's right. In this kind of place, people either kill or are killed. Once they stop making progress, their lives will be lost." Kahn replied with a light smile. He said it easily, but Fang Tian could. He clearly felt the difficulty of his position.

"Huh!? Holy Inquisitor?" Kahn seemed to have discovered something and looked at Hesna in surprise, "It's amazing. The last time we met, she was still a priest, and she advanced to become a Holy Inquisitor so quickly?"

Hesna snorted softly, turned her head away, and ignored Kahn.

"It seems that you are still not very talkative like when we met last time." Kahn shrugged, he stretched out his hand, and the shadow runestone suspended in mid-air was immediately taken back by him, and he continued to look at Fang Tian, ​​"It must not be for simple things when you come to find me from such a long distance, why don't you go back with me, let's talk as we walk?"

Fang Tian nodded and said, "Okay."


Kahn snapped his fingers, and a large magic circle immediately appeared on the dead leaves in front of him.

Three undead warhorses emerged from the underground magic circle and let out a low cry.

Kahn moved nimbly and sat on one of the undead horses in the blink of an eye.

Hesna looked at the undead bone horse in front of her, and she couldn't help showing a look of disgust in her eyes.

"Beautiful and wise Miss Holy Inquisitor, don't you have a cleanliness?" Kahn teased, threw a mask at Hesna, and said, "This gift for you, take it, It can help you cover your aura, and of course your unworldly face, you must know that the undead are very jealous races."


As a result, with the mask in mid-air, Hesna frowned. Although she resisted in her heart, she saw that Fang Tian was already on the undead horse. She resisted the discomfort in her heart, put on the mask, and rode on the undead horse. war horse.

Fang Tian took a look at Hesna, and couldn't help being amazed.

Kahn's mask seemed to have the effect of isolating the breath of the Holy Light. With the mask on, the Holy Light power that had shrouded Hesna's body suddenly dissipated. Instead, a faint layer of undead death lingered around the mask. .

Leading the two behind him, Kahn quickly ran along a trail.

"Okay, tell me why you're here."

Hesna didn't want to leak any information to Kahn, so she could only leave it to Fang Tianlai to handle it personally.

(End of this chapter)

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