Chapter 787
There is a tomb in the center of the cemetery.

At first glance, Fang Tian noticed the difference in this tomb. First of all, his position was in the middle of the entire cemetery, and his shape was peculiar.Secondly, there are two candles burning in front of the largest tomb, which make the tomb look even more weird.

Hesna also realized that the tomb seemed a little strange, so she looked at Fang Tian and asked, "This tomb looks a little strange, is it here?"

"I don't know, but I also think there is something wrong." Fang Tian stepped forward and tried to touch the stele with his hand.

Touching it, the stone tablet was extremely cold, exuding a hint of coldness.

There are no traces of magic and alchemy formations, so it is a mechanical mechanism?

According to this guess, Fang Tian stepped up to the top of the tomb and observed every corner of the tomb.

Soon, Fang Tian found traces of the agency in a corner of the stele.

It's just a very shallow mechanism, there is a small groove from the back of the tombstone, Fang Tian gently presses down on the opening of the groove.


There was a light sound, followed by the sound of the mechanism operating.

Hearing this voice, Fang Tian immediately backed away, and Hesna who was standing behind Fang Tian also showed a look of guard.

The stone tablet in front of the tomb slowly turned under the operation of the mechanism, revealing a passage leading to the ground.

Fang Tian and Hesna looked at each other, nodded, and said, "It should be right, be careful."

After all, Fang Tian took the lead and entered the underground passage in front of him.

This is a passage dug by hand. When the two stepped down the stairs to the ground, the ghostly candles on the walls on both sides lit up naturally.

Fang Tian looked around, the passage was very old, with a thick layer of dust on the ground, probably no one had been there for a long time.

There is only one straight path leading all the way to the deep darkness.

Continue to grope carefully.

Soon it will come to an end.

"Fang Tian, ​​look!" Hesna covered her mouth in surprise.

"Yeah." Fang Tian stood side by side next to Hesna, nodded, and said, "Good luck, it seems that we have found it."

Inscribed on the wall ahead is a runic imprint of a sanctuary.

Fang Tian had seen the same imprint in the forbidden place of the elf Capet before, and by activating this imprint, he could open a portal and teleport to another special space.

Obviously, the rune mark here also has the same effect.

That's right, this place is one of the test sites left by the church.

Fang Tian looked back at Hesna, he stretched out the back of his right hand and aimed at the temple rune on the wall.

A red light flashed, echoing the hall mark in Fang Tian's hand, and a portal appeared in front of the two of them.

"let's go."

After all, Fang Tian grabbed Hesna's hand, and the two stepped into the teleportation array together.

A dazzling light flashed, and Fang Tian opened his eyes again. Fang Tian found himself and Hesna in a strange closed room.

The room is not big, with temple runes engraved on the four walls. In the center of the room, there are five stone platforms about one meter high, arranged to form a 'cross', and the middle stone platform is obvious. It was a bit taller, and there was a wooden box on it.

Fang Tian swallowed his saliva, and his eyes first focused on the box on the middle stone platform.

There didn't seem to be any signs of damage here, and the box seemed to be closed. In other words, he was probably the first to come here to accept the test.

The heart beat involuntarily, and through the interaction of the fragments of the temple runes, Fang Tian could clearly feel that there must be fragments of the temple runes in that box!
Is it that simple?Can this mission be accomplished so easily?
Fang Tian stepped forward step by step, he reached out to touch the box, but just as he stretched out his hand, he triggered the magic cover covering the outermost layer of the box.


A gentle force bounced Fang Tian's hand aside.

"Fang Tian, ​​that." Hesna noticed something, she pointed to the small red ball next to the box.

The box had been attracting attention just now, until Hesna reminded Fang Tian that there was a red hemisphere embedded in the stone platform half exposed beside the box.

Looking at the red hemisphere, Fang Tian seemed to realize something, and stretched out his hand to touch the sphere.

A strange force slowly flowed into the ball along Fang Tian's right hand, and the holy hall mark on the back of the hand also emitted a soft light and slowly turned.

After a while, the light dissipated, and a red light beam was projected from the small red ball.

The beam of light formed an illusory image in front of Fang Tian.

"Welcome here, follower of the Holy Church." The phantom bent slightly, making a respectful gesture, and he continued: "I am the examiner of this assessment."

"You must have seen the final prize of this assessment. Yes, it is the temple rune behind me. It is very easy to get it. Have you seen the four stone platforms around the main stone platform? "

Hearing this, Fang Tian glanced over the other four stone platforms one by one.

The four stone platforms around are empty, and there is a small groove in the center, which seems to be able to hold something.

"I don't know if you have heard of the four vampire families of the undead?" The phantom changed the subject and continued: "A long time ago, the ancestor of vampires sent his four vampire princes to this continent. , They joined the war between the undead and humans, and the existence of vampires has brought great trouble to humans."

"As time goes by, the descendants of the vampire princes continue to multiply, which also makes the blood of their descendants gradually thinner and mediocre from generation to generation. Despite this, there are still many vampires who remain purebreds. Until now, the direct lineages of these four major families have their special abilities. These direct lines are also called the descendants of the four major vampire families. Now please listen to my test clearly. I need you to collect the blood of the four major vampire families One of each."

Xu Ying said and pointed to the four stone platforms beside him, "Obtain these four different bloods, put them into the stone platform one by one to activate the alchemy formation, and complete this test. Just to remind everyone, don't Use the blood of those waste vampires to fool me, once the blood concentration is not up to standard, they will not be able to successfully activate the alchemy formation, and finally, I wish you success."

After completing the mission, the light and shadow gradually faded, and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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