Chapter 514 Harpy

The second-tier combat unit in the dungeon is average in strength, about the same level as an ordinary human archer, and generally survives in caves. The weakness is low blood volume, and the characteristic is flying.

Normally, a player mage can be easily eliminated with a fireball, but at this time, such a dense harpy in the air can be said to be a fatal blow to the Moonkin team.

The deputy commander, Xiao En, also changed his face when he saw the Harpy in the distance, and immediately commanded: "Turn around, avoid them!"

The flying speed of the harpy is very slow among all kinds of fighting creatures. Even in the state of sprinting at the limit speed, it is still slower than the moonkin.

However, the load on the Moonkin's back greatly slowed down their flight speed!

The Harpy quickly approached the Moonkin team from mid-air.


Creatures of the dungeon.

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes, the first thing he thought of was Notanos' dungeon creatures.

"Reminder: The ring mission - alliance triggers additional requirements."

Mission requirements: Princess Anya, the plot character in the game, is an important person in this mission, please ensure her safety.

Mission description: Once Princess Anya dies, the mission will fail by default.

Princess Anya also recognized this creature from the ground at first glance. She looked angrily at Hesna in the distance, and whispered: "Holy Cross Church, what do you want!"

Fang Tian also heard Princess Anya whispering to herself, and he turned to look at Hesna's position.

Isn't the harpy a dungeon creature?Why would Princess Anya think of the Church of the Holy Cross?

Not far away, facing the harpies in that area, Hesna also frowned. Standing alone on the broad back of the owl beast, Hesna slowly drew out the long sword of light.

Looking back, the entire Moonkin army had already begun to shrink the line of defense, shifting to the left.

Fang Tian could understand the combat intention of the deputy commander Xiao En. He wanted to avoid the harpies rushing in the distance by turning around, and then use the owl beast's sprint speed to shake them off.

The tactics are very good, but the problem is that the owlbeast's turning movement is too slow, Fang Tian is sure that before this tactical movement is completed, it will be surrounded by groups of harpies.

Sean gritted his teeth. He also understood the problem, but he couldn't make a better choice in an emergency. This kind of situation simply didn't allow him to land directly. He could only fight hard and shouted: "Everyone Attention! Empty all weights!"

After receiving the order, without any hesitation, the warrior standing behind the owl beast immediately threw down the food supplies behind the owl beast, including the gifts from the human empire to the elves.

In the end, even the seat fixed to the Moonkin's back was removed and thrown down the mountain.

Fang Tian didn't hesitate, pulled Princess Anya beside him to stand up, and swung the dagger to cut off the rope tied behind the owl beast.

The wooden chair tied to Moonkin's body suddenly fell off the cliff.

Fang Tian and Princess Anya took a wildkin together, and there were only three other people besides the breeder who controlled the flight of the wildkin. The load was light, and they quickly evacuated to the right after the turn was completed.

Others were not so lucky, and the charging harpy quickly hit the owl beast.

A fierce pursuit kicked off.

The densely packed harpies gathered in the sky, covering the sky, and brazenly attacked the owl beast troops.

The handover of short soldiers, the human soldiers standing on the back of the owlbeast wielded their long swords to fight back. This effect was not good. In just a few seconds, the gentle owlbeast was drawn by the harpies countless lines of blood oozing scars.

With a cry of mourning, the owl beast in the front was unable to flap its wings, fell on its head, and fell into the mountain together with the elite soldiers of the empire standing behind it.

Fang Tian frowned, Harpy's speed was not slow, and the three people standing behind the Moonkin were still carrying too much weight, and the flying speed of the Moonkin was greatly hindered.

Princess Anya frowned slightly, and her eyes were focused on the owlbeasts not far from them, those owlbeasts belonging to the holy knights of the Church of the Holy Cross.

The Harpy Legion didn't show any mercy because of their status as members of the Church of the Holy Cross, they frantically rushed forward to bite and scratch.

The elite paladins of the Church of the Holy Cross are powerful. If it were on land, it would be no problem for one person to face ten harpies head-on. The beast protects.

They can only do their best to use the gift of holy light to protect and heal the owlbeast under their feet, so as to delay the death time as much as possible.

However, the effect is not obvious, the number of harpies is too much, and their treatment is only a drop in the bucket.

One after another, the owl beasts fell down one after another, and within a short breath, the other owl beast flying troops that were fleeing separately were wiped out.

Seeing that all members of the Holy Cross Elite Group were also wiped out here, Princess Anya felt a slight doubt in her heart for the first time.

Did I misunderstand myself?This attack has nothing to do with the Church of the Holy Cross?
These Holy Cross elite paladins led by Hesna have been observed carefully, and they are definitely the elite among the elites. Even the Church of the Holy Cross will spend a lot of time and resources to train these elites.This is also one of the reasons why Princess Anya believed that the Church of the Holy Cross had conspired this time.

When they needed help from the Church of the Holy Cross, they refused to send even a single paladin. Instead, they sent the most elite Holy Cross elite paladins in the church at this time. Princess Anya absolutely did not believe that she was selfless.

But now, all these elites are buried here?
Even Hesna!

The rare genius of the Church of the Holy Cross, the next priest strongly recommended by Archbishop Mia?
Just to show yourself?

Totally unnecessary!

When Princess Anya was shocked, densely packed harpies rushed towards Fang Tian and the others who were evacuating.

Oops, now is not the time to think about this...

The owl beast that Princess Anya was riding on was the largest and fastest among its peers. The owl beasts that fell behind them had already been caught up one by one by the harpies who were chasing after them again.

it's over...

Princess Anya was in a trance.

After a fight, the owlbeasts fell headlong into the mountains, and all the owlbeasts accompanying them were buried under the attack of the harpies.

Seeing the group of harpies chasing after her getting closer and closer, Princess Anya froze in place. She only had the dead soldiers in her eyes, and only one thought in her mind.

This mission failed...

Fang Tian was extremely calm. He took two steps forward and said to the animal trainer controlling the harpies, "Speed ​​up a little more."

(End of this chapter)

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