city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 513 Situation

Chapter 513 Situation
"Yes." Fang Tian nodded and said, "The Druid told me that he felt the breath of the devil, and I hope Archbishop Mia can make preparations early."

"So that's the case." Princess Anya whispered: "No wonder Archbishop Mia proposed the idea of ​​alliance with the elves a month ago. At that time, I thought they had other plans..."

Fang Tian looked secretly at Princess Anya's expression, and when she saw her raise her head, she quickly looked away, and said nonchalantly, "You seem to be on guard against the Church of the Holy Cross."

Princess Anya made no secret of her fear of the Holy Cross Church. She said: "No one can tolerate the existence of a second voice under the imperial power. In addition, the penetration of the Holy Cross Church into the empire has reached a terrible level over the years. To such an extent, he has directly threatened the very foundation of the empire.”

Fang Tian shrugged. The Church of the Holy Cross is an extremely large force on every continent. The same is true for the continent where Fang Tian lived for more than ten years. In terms of strength, it can even be said to have surpassed the empire itself. In this continent, the strength of the Church of the Holy Cross seems to be a little weaker, and it has not yet reached the point where it can completely challenge the empire.

Wait, Fang Tian suddenly had a chill behind him. If the Holy Cross Church takes this opportunity to attack the empire, it will also be irresistible according to the current situation of the empire...

But the strange thing is that the Church of the Holy Cross does not seem to show this tendency. Is it because the royal family is too wary?Or does the Holy Cross Church just have another agenda?
Princess Anya suddenly reached out and held Fang Tian's hand.

Fang Tian, ​​who was thinking about it, couldn't help but be stunned when he was suddenly held by Princess Anya's soft hand.

Princess Anya didn't have any taboos. She stared at Fang Tian and asked, "You're not from the Holy Cross Church, are you?"

Fang Tian looked at the princess in surprise, her right hand was holding his hand, and her left hand was holding the purple gemstone on the gemstone necklace.

Princess Anya asked, "Really?"

Fang Tian shook his head and said, "No."

Princess Anya breathed a sigh of relief. She put down Fang Tian's hand and showed a sincere smile for the first time on her face. "Hehe, I'm sorry. I was rude."

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, Princess Anya's brisk tone made him seem to think that this was Princess Anya's original character, and all the previous nobility and elegance were just a disguise in front of outsiders.

When answering the question before, Fang Tian clearly saw a faint light flashing from the purple gemstone hanging on Princess Anya's chest.

Princess Anya put away the smirk on her face, and said seriously: "Fang Tian, ​​General Haina told me that I can trust you, but I still want to confirm it myself. It is very important to the empire, and we must be extremely careful about the people from the Holy Cross Church."

Fang Tian hummed and asked, "People from Holy Cross Church, you mean Hesna?"

"It's her." Princess Anya said convincingly, "They must have some purpose, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted so much time fighting for control of this trip."

Fang Tian nodded. He faintly felt that the relationship between Princess Anya and General Haina seemed to be extraordinary, but today is different. In the face of a huge crisis, the empire and the military seem to have put aside their past differences and cooperated temporarily. The Church of the Holy Cross faintly stood on the opposite side of them.

What Fang Tian was curious about was, what is the purpose of the Church of the Holy Cross, and what are they going to do in the Elven Empire?To prevent an alliance from happening?Wouldn’t it be better not to propose an alliance at all?
Moreover, Princess Anya also said before that the empire is now riddled with holes, and the Church of the Holy Cross has become so strong that it is not difficult for them to compete for imperial power.

So, what do they want?

Time passed quickly, and the owl beasts would eat three times a day, and they couldn't fly overnight, so everyone would spend the first night in the border city of the empire, so there was no danger.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and the next afternoon, after stopping at the foot of a mountain to feed the owlbeasts for lunch, the team took off again.

The days on the back of the owl beast were difficult, and Fang Tian could only pass the time by chatting with Princess Anya.

Fang Tian has already noticed that Princess Anya has two completely different performances in front of her and behind her.

What Princess Anya didn't expect was that Fang Tian, ​​as an alien player, understood the world so well, and the creatures in the outside world he described were lifelike. This was what Princess Anya longed for, having lived in the Holy Capital for a long time.

Princess Anya didn't know that Fang Tian was a veritable adventurer. Not to mention living in games since he was a child, he was forced to accept missions in the mercenary group to earn living expenses while receiving assassin training.

In this world, mercenaries can be said to be a group of knowledgeable people, and most of them like to brag. The more Fang Tian listened, the more knowledge he gained.

Ever since Fang Tian introduced the beautiful and powerful dream dragon to Princess Anya, Princess Anya has been completely fascinated by this creature, and has become more curious about Fang Tian's story, pestering him to tell him some things he has seen and heard on the mainland.

Just when Fang Tian was telling about the assassination of the Holy Dragon by the number one assassin in the mainland, he suddenly stopped. Fang Tian felt an indescribable feeling of uneasiness in his heart, and he couldn't help but raise his head and look into the distance.

The story was cut off halfway through. Princess Anya was like a little girl, looking forward to the follow-up plot. She grabbed Fang Tian's shoulder and asked urgently, "Then what? Then what happened?"

Fang Tian didn't speak, he narrowed his eyes, pointed to the front of the owl beast team, "Look, what is that?"

Princess Anya raised her head and looked in front of what Fang Tian was pointing at.

In the sky far ahead, there seemed to be a mass of black objects floating there. Because the distance was too far, Princess Anya couldn't see clearly for a while.

Is it a black cloud?

Princess Anya was a little suspicious. She picked up the map at hand and looked down. At this time, the owl beast team had already left the territory of the empire. Their current location was probably among high mountains, and this area did not belong to them for the time being.

Perhaps because of the altitude of the flight, they may also encounter dangerous weather.

If this is the case, they can only urgently find a landing point nearby to land temporarily to avoid the storm.

Fang Tian suddenly frowned, his expression became extremely serious, and he said, "Be careful."

Princess Anya raised her head, a trace of fear could not help showing in her pupils.

The black cloud is not a thundercloud, but a large dense harpies!
The harpies roared and rushed towards the owlbeast team.

It's an enemy unit!
Fang Tian's brain reflected the general situation of the harpy.

(End of this chapter)

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