city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 247 Exceptions

Chapter 247 Exceptions
For a moment, Fang Tian could see collisions of thoughts in several places in his body.

The thought in the whole body seems to have a tendency to lose control at this moment.

But the most dangerous thing at hand is not this. After many collisions, the thoughts in the body began to gradually converge, forming a large force that ran wildly in the body.

Fang Tian only felt that there were several breaths colliding with each other in his body in an instant, and he was very stuffy, and even felt like he was about to suffocate.

Seeing this sudden situation, Fang Tian turned pale with shock, the thoughts in his body were in a mess, is this okay?

But it is also the first time he has come into contact with the use of Nian, and even just observed the origin of the body yesterday, so he can't think of a solution for a while.

clam down!

Facing the crisis, Fang Tian calmed down and quickly thought about the reasons for all this.

All of this was caused by tampering with Nian's action trajectory just now, so the only thing Fang Tian could think of to do was to try to restore the previous state.

Having figured this out, Fang Tian gritted his teeth, ignored the running thoughts in his body, and pushed back the one-centimeter flow route that Nian pushed out just now, hoping that doing so would restore calm in his body.

Fortunately, after restoring the route of reading to its original state, the flow of reading has finally returned to the previous flow state, and the aura that was thrashing around in the body before also followed the original route, or gradually dispersed to various branches of the body, and finally penetrated. It escapes through the skin, or is directly swallowed by the black hole on the right wrist.

Fang Tian opened his eyes, the back of his clothes was soaked with sweat.

The feeling of suffocation just now is definitely not an illusion. If the thoughts in the body of Zhou's training in the morning are chaotic, the consequences will definitely not be as simple as what Xu Zhi told him, and his life may be in danger.

Fang Tian was still frightened by what happened just now, but then he thought about it, why would Xu Zhi lie to him?Could it be that the method he taught himself to sort out the flow of thoughts in his body was fake?

Not like.

Fang Tian bowed his head to think, Xu Zhi explained clearly to Nian from the beginning to the end, no matter why he did it, how to do it, and the consequences of doing it. Nonsense, but why did problems arise when it was actually done?

Raising his head, Fang Tian looked at the classmates around him. They were all sitting cross-legged on the futon, and they didn't seem to encounter any difficulties.

How could this be?
Fang Tian took a deep breath and decided to try again.

Trying to close the six senses again and enter the state of internal viewing, Fang Tian carefully checked the situation in the body again.

After the turmoil just now, the flow of thoughts in the body has returned to the seemingly chaotic and orderly state of the past. The 'thoughts' are triggered from the source, pass through the meridians of the body, and finally flow out from the ends of the meridians and escape from the skin. .

The huge vortex on the right hand is still devouring the thoughts in the body non-stop.

try again?
If it were someone else, they might have gone through the flow of what happened just now and would never think about it again, but Fang Tian was different.

Since childhood, Fang Tian has been exploring the use of Nian alone. At this time, under the guidance of Xu Zhi, he had a deeper understanding of Nian, and now he began to study it on his own.

Fang Tian thought about it carefully. Just now, he controlled a main road where thoughts flowed. If he moved the main road, he would move his whole body. All the branch passages related to the main road would change. So this time Fang Tian Don't move the main road, but choose to start with small branches first, so the risk is also small.

After figuring this out, Fang Tian was going to find a small branch road.

But when this step is actually achieved, troubles arise again. How should the route of the branch road be chosen?In the picture that Xu Zhi showed everyone before, there was only one main road, and there was no description of the branch roads at all.

Fang Tian stopped and thought about it again. The Nian in his body showed signs of running around just now. The main reason was that Nian could not find the exit after changing the route. Direct the chanting to the vortex in the right hand, and use Markn's bracelet to devour it.

After making up his mind, Fang Tian reselected a branch vein that was originally close to the right hand, and tried to use the method taught by Xu Zhi to control its route to the vortex on the right wrist.

It was still the same as the previous time, Fang Tian just wanted to try to control Nian's course of action, when there was a strong resistance from the flow of Nian
Fang Tian's heart moved, he found that unlike last time, the resistance this time was much smaller.

Is it really because the main road was moved just now?

Fang Tian stopped thinking about other things, and focused on controlling the flow direction of this straight line.

I don't know how long it took, but Fang Tian finally changed the position of this straight line and led it to the Markn bracelet on his right wrist.


The flow route that was originally a dead end was penetrated by Fang Tian at this time, and the thought flow in the body suddenly had a small outlet, and flowed out of the body along Mark En's bracelet.

The strange thing is that after doing all this, Fang Tian actually felt that the breath in his body became a little smoother.

Otherwise, even the flow of thoughts in the body would have been slightly faster.

Fang Tian felt vaguely strange, why did this happen?

This is completely different from what Xu Zhi said before. According to Xu Zhi, after using 'Zhou', 70.00% of the thoughts in the body can be blocked, so the effect of accumulating the original source is not yet the best, the best state It is to seal [-]% of the 'mind' in the body and use it to cultivate the source.

But now what he is doing is clearly expelling the thoughts in his body out of his body, so why does he feel more comfortable?
This is so weird!

After the actions just now, Fang Tian also felt a little tired, he wanted to take a rest first, and think about this problem carefully.

When Fang Tian exited the state of closing his six senses and opened his eyes again, he couldn't help but froze.

He was actually the only one left in the quiet room, and everyone except Fang Tian had left.

Fang Tian glanced at the time, only to realize that it is already 09:30 in the evening.

so long?

A trace of solemnity appeared between Fang Tian's brows again.

According to the previous thinking, directly modifying the main flow of thoughts will cause disorder in the flow of thoughts in the body, so only a little bit, first start with the small branch routes.

But the problem now is that it took him so long just to slightly change the flow of a very small branch line. The lines all over the body are densely packed at a glance, and it takes a lot of time to complete all the changes.

Fang Tian estimated that it would take at least one or two years to complete all of them.

This is very strange.

It is impossible for Xu Zhi's training method to take so long.

Is it because of my special physique?Or was there something wrong with the technique Xu Zhi taught him?
Fang Tian didn't dare to ask Xu Zhi face to face, after all, this world was also full of dangers, and he never trusted anyone in essence.

After thinking about it, Fang Tian had no idea for a while.

Feeling a little hungry, Fang Tian felt that he couldn't think of a solution just sitting here, so he decided to have a meal to fill his stomach first, and then he was thinking about countermeasures.

But thinking of the unpalatable meals in the restaurant, Fang Tian lost his appetite.

It's better to go back to the room first and ask Luo Jianbin for something to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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