city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 246 "Zhou"

Chapter 246 "Zhou"

Speaking of this, Xu Zhi looked at Fang Tian who was sitting below, and continued: "In addition to the above two points, once the thoughts in the body complete a cycle, most of the thoughts in the body will no longer flow through the pores of the body. Go out, and others will not be able to perceive the difference between you and ordinary people through conventional methods."

Fang Tian's heart moved, and when he heard Xu Zhi's words, he suddenly felt enlightened, muttered in his heart, and returned the thoughts flowing in his body to the original source, completing a cycle...

"This method of controlling thoughts to complete a cycle in the body, we call it: 'Zhou'."

Xu Zhi paused, leaving enough time for everyone to think, and then continued: "Of course, even after completing the 'Zhou' training, we only prevented 70.00% of the thoughts from passing through the body. In fact, after research, even if we After completing this step, there are still about 30.00% of thoughts in the body that will be eliminated from the body along with the body, as for how to solve the remaining 30.00%, there is still no standard answer."

"It is precisely to solve this problem that various schools of thought have emerged, but I can say that the foundation of all schools is based on the 'week' cycle of thoughts in the body, and then find another way to block the remaining 30.00% of the thoughts."

Xu Zhi felt a little thirsty after talking for a long time, picked up the tea beside him and took a sip, and continued: "I won't go into details about the major schools, the way I just said is to read 'The second step of training, 'week'."

After explaining the 'Zhou' training, Xu Zhi stood up and showed a diagram of human meridians on the big screen.

A meridian running route is marked with a red mark on the schematic diagram.

Xu Zhi pointed to the red route above and said: "This is the entire trajectory of the flow of thoughts that we are going to complete. Because the flow of thoughts has a certain inertia, everyone only needs to follow this. After completing it once, it will be done in the future. There is no need to re-control, Nian will naturally run along this route."

After explaining how to control the flow of thoughts in the body, Xu Zhi picked up the teacup at hand again and took a leisurely sip of tea.

Looking up, he saw solemn expressions on everyone's faces, and no one was trying to practice. Xu Zhi guessed that they didn't dare to mess with the flow of thoughts in their bodies.

Xu Zhi couldn't help but smiled, thinking that he was also so anxious when he was learning to read, he couldn't help comforting him: "You don't have to worry about safety, it's not like practicing internal skills in martial arts novels, I can assure you here, Even if Nian really goes astray, there won't be any danger, everyone can rest assured that if you try boldly, there won't be any problems."

Hearing Xu Zhi speak so confidently, everyone's expressions softened slightly, but Xue Yang was the only one who really started trying immediately.

Just when everyone was concerned and ready to try to practice 'Zhou', a young man suddenly walked in outside and whispered a few words in Xu Zhi's ear hastily.

After Xu Zhi listened, he nodded towards that person again, turned his head and said to everyone in the school team: "I'm sorry everyone, I happen to have some things to deal with, and you can try the 'Zhou' training freely in the next time, I believe Me, this step is much simpler than the previous first step."

After finishing speaking, Xu Zhi and the young man left the quiet room together.

Seeing that several people around closed their eyes one by one, Fang Tian took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and entered the state of closing the six senses again.

Once entering the state of closing the six senses, Fang Tian quickly found the source of the body.

He didn't rush to control the mind to carry out the "week" training, but first observed the flow state of the original mind in his body.

It can be seen that after the thoughts emanating from the source are output from the source, they circulate in the body in a disorderly manner. It seems chaotic, but it has a natural feeling.

Except for a small number of routes that are blocked, most of the other flow routes follow the meridians to various parts of the body, and finally escape along the skin.

Huh?what is this?
After following the flow of thoughts for a while, Fang Tian found strangely that most of the thoughts in his body did not escape from the skin, but passed through the wrist of his right hand.

There seemed to be a black hole on the wrist of his right hand, which was frantically devouring the thoughts that emanated from his body, and the thoughts in his body seemed to be drawn by it, and kept rushing towards that side.

Fang Tian suddenly remembered that he was wearing the bracelet that Uncle Hubbard gave him last time on his right wrist.

Why did Uncle Hubbard give himself such a bracelet?Is its function to absorb thoughts that escape from the body?

Leaving this issue behind for the time being, the most critical issue now is to complete the 'week' training.

Fang Tian thought about starting to follow the method Xu Zhi said, controlling the flow of thoughts through thoughts.

Xu Zhi's method is indeed effective. Fang Tian turned his consciousness into a hand, trying to fiddle with the original flow of thoughts, and change its flow direction from the source.

Fang Tian frowned.

He had heard Xu Zhi say that controlling the flow of thoughts was a very easy task, but when he tried to do it, he found that it was far from that simple.

The fast-flowing thoughts immediately sent a huge resistance.

Naturally, Fang Tian will not give up easily, with his eyes closed, he pushes the line of action of the thoughts in his body bit by bit with his will.

Changing the flow of thoughts seems to be an extremely difficult thing, the greater the degree of change, the greater the resistance.

It took Fang Tian a lot of effort to control Nian to move within a centimeter of the planned route.

However, it was this change of less than a centimeter that brought about great changes in Fang Tian's body.

The trajectory of Nian seems to have only changed by one centimeter, but the so-called movement of the whole body, at this moment, Nian in Fang Tian's entire body suddenly seemed to be touched, and avoided his consciousness uncontrollably.

Not only that, because Fang Tian controlled and changed the route before it was the source, once the flow direction of the source changed, the flow of the main road and branch lines also changed drastically at the same time.

Fang Tian's face turned flushed, fortunately Xu Zhi was not present at this time, otherwise Fang Tian would definitely find something strange at this time.

At this time, the situation in Fang Tian's body was extremely bad. Although he only moved a centimeter, he completely broke the original balance in his body. new route.

(End of this chapter)

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