city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 127 Shaman Leader

Chapter 127 Shaman Leader
A blood hole was exposed on the chests of the two Frostwolf warriors, and they turned into two corpses and fell behind Svent.

Svent didn't even look at the two orc warriors behind him, and walked towards the outside of the camp step by step.

These two Frostwolf Clan fighters were actually not a one-shot enemy for Svent!
Everything that happened in front of him made Fang Tian feel unbelievable, but the move just now was clearly a swordsman's skill. He had seen a swordsman use it before, but the cardinal's movement was too fast, so fast that he could only Seeing a ray of sword light, and the power he used was even greater.

Hearing the sound coming from outside the camp, Fang Tian took a deep breath, now is not the time to be surprised, he realized that the archbishop in red has already rushed out of the camp, now is the best time for him to leave here!

After staying in the tent for a while, after confirming that the cardinal was gone, Fang Tian got out of the box and ran out of the tent.

The few Frostwolf warriors who were originally guarding fell to the ground in disorder, and there was a blood hole in their chest without exception, and the cardinal just now had disappeared.

Not only that, the patrols that had been patrolling around the camp disappeared at this moment, and the alarm sounded loudly throughout the camp.

Fang Tian understood that it must be because of the attack of the mercenary group that the attention of the Frostwolf Clan was attracted to the gate of the camp.

At this moment, Fang Tian heard the game notification sound.

"Warning: Due to a change in the mission, the game has a special event branch."

"Warning: Due to the increased difficulty factor, you get the following prompt."

"Hint [-]: Cardinal Svent, a special plot character, began to search for the black evil angel statue in the camp of the Frostwolf clan."

"Hint 10: The remaining time until Cardinal Svent finds the statue of the black evil angel: [-] minutes."

Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat when he received the game mission prompt.

The first task now is to find the Evil Angel Statue before Svent!
Following the position of the black stone statue sensed in his mind, Fang Tian groped towards the interior of the camp.


The gate to the Frostwolf camp.

Frostwolf warriors flocked to Xingchen's team like a tide.

Facing the vast number of Frostwolf creatures, Shen Luoluo and the others fell into a fierce battle for a while. Before coming here, they never thought that the Frostwolf Clan would be so powerful.

Disposable consumables are decreasing rapidly. All priests have joined the treatment team immediately. They will not last long. They can survive until now thanks to the good command of Captain Ax and the quality of the team itself. .

Even so, they had already lost five members in the battle just now.

The good news is that the new Frostwolf forces emerging from the camp are dwindling.

A shout commanding a man can be heard on the battlefield.

"Second team! Soldiers! Go up! All go up!"

"Boss, another team has come out of the camp! A team of 16 people!"

"Got it! The mage focuses on the crossbowmen in the rear first, their output is too high!"

"Don't worry about the mage for treatment, just treat the soldiers in front with all your strength, and the mage will let them take drugs by themselves!"

"Heal, report the remaining mana!"


There are white light clusters all over the ground, and all around them are rewards from the soldiers of the Frostwolf Tribe who fought just now. However, all the team members are concentrating on dealing with those Frostwolf Sentinels and have no time to pick up those things. It is absolutely impossible for the wild team to have this kind of cohesion.

The Frostwolf clan is terrible.

If there was a choice, Captain Ax would never use this kind of onslaught. They tried to retreat several times, but they were entangled by waves of reinforcements from the Frostwolf Clan and could not retreat at all. It may be possible to break through with a hard fight.

Fortunately, they have a tenth-level suppression of these troops, otherwise, they would have been wiped out several times already.

"Okay! It's about to be solved!" Seeing that the soldiers of the Frostwolf Clan had been wiped out, and there were no new soldiers coming out of the camp, the captain began to cheer everyone up.

However, as soon as Captain Ax finished speaking, everyone suddenly felt breathless.

An extremely powerful breath descended on the camp.

"Warning: The approach of a powerful creature has been detected."

"Reminder: The boss battle is on."

"It's the boss!" Hearing the game prompt, someone shouted immediately.

If they saw this boss at another time and another place, this group of people would definitely shout this sentence in an excited tone.But now they don't have that feeling of excitement at all. The battle just now has consumed almost all their supplies, and their combat power has dropped sharply. Seeing the boss now may mean a group wipeout for them.

Immediately afterwards, the shaman leader that Fang Tian had seen before ran out of the camp with a group of young men.

The shaman leader has a halo under his feet and a golden name on his head.

The shaman leader of the Frostwolf Clan - Narul.

Captain Ax shouted: "This is the last boss. We have no way out. If we solve it, we will win. Clear the mobs first, then the Paladins will attack!"

After more than an hour of continuous fighting, everyone was exhausted, but with the encouragement of the captain, they still managed to keep their spirits up.

"Luoluo, what's the news about reconnaissance?"

"It's an elite boss creature of level [-]." Shen Luoluo's face showed a bit of dignity, "I can't get detailed information with my scouting skills."

While speaking, the team had re-positioned, and the two paladins rushed towards the shaman Narul with their yellow-orange holy shields on their hands.

"Humans, you will pay for this! All of you will die here!"

Seeing the corpses of his clansmen all over the ground, Shaman Nagru roared angrily and pointed forward at the same time.

The blue current gathered at the shaman's fingertips.

"call out!"

After a brief recharge, a chain of lightning followed a paladin in front of him.

Under the attack of the chain lightning, the holy shield on the paladin immediately shattered, and the blood volume dropped a lot. This is not over, the chain lightning began to jump among the players one by one.

He actually has such strong AOE skills?There is no way to dodge this skill.

Shen Luoluo's heart skipped a beat. Under the attack of this chain lightning, the paladins and shield-wielding warriors in the front were not bad, but the output troops in the rear suddenly lost more than half of their HP. The two Yunben's HP The mage who is not very good is actually directly killed.

Looking at that shaman again, he lowered his head and muttered something silently, as if he was preparing for a high-level skill again.

"Interrupt! Interrupt him! Red nose! Interrupt him!"

(End of this chapter)

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