city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 126 Trading

Chapter 126 Trading
The archbishop in red, known as Svent, smiled and didn't pay attention to the threats in the shaman's words. "Our church has always respected everyone from the Frostwolf clan. I am here this time to seek cooperation."

"Hmph! When did humans need to cooperate with orcs? What a funny joke."

"With all due respect, the statue of the evil angel is ours, it's just..."

"Sorry, Svent, I don't know before, I only know that it belongs to our Frostwolf Clan now." The shaman interrupted very rudely: "If you want to take something from our Frostwolf Clan, Then we have to go to war, and trust me, you won't want to see this."

Swente still smiled at Mimi and said, "You should understand that the power hidden in the statue of the evil angel is not completely controlled by your Frostwolf clan..."

"Could it be that you humans can fully control it? What if you can't control it? It's a joke." The shaman leader interrupted Svent unceremoniously again, and stood up from his seat again, unwilling to talk more Like, "Svent, if you have nothing else to say, then please leave, I don't have time to waste here."

"Wait a minute, we are very sincere. The statues of evil angels are of great significance to our Holy Cross Church. We are willing to exchange something for them."

"Interesting, you mean to exchange things for them?" The shaman returned to his seat, seeming to be considering Svent's suggestion.

"Yes, our Church of the Holy Cross is willing to exchange things for them, barter, we have food, weapons..."

"Don't fool me with these things, Svent!" The shaman interrupted again bluntly: "With the statue of the evil angel, we will have a steady stream of power. Do I need to exchange it with you?”

"We can provide you with a better home. Didn't your Frostwolf clan come here because they were driven out of the home they depended on for survival? Our Church of the Holy Cross will use the power of the empire to help you drive away those who came from the underground. Guys, you and I both know the price of using the power of the Evil Angel Idol, maybe with the help of the Evil Angel Idol, you really have a slight chance to drive away those underground monsters, but even if you win, you still have to write What? You don't want to let the warriors of your tribe bleed for nothing, right?" Svente smiled as if he was convinced of the shaman leader, "I suggest you think about it."

"Very good deal, Svent, if you can really do what you say." The shaman pondered for a moment, as if he was persuaded, he continued: "I'm curious, why does your Church of the Holy Cross have Such an evil power, why do you want to get him?"

"No, honorable leader, we don't want to use the power of the evil angel statues, on the contrary, we want to purify these evil powers."

"Hmph!" The shaman leader snorted coldly, "I won't believe a single word of the nonsense that your Holy Cross Church is uttering!"

Swente didn't care, but smiled and said: "Then you agree to our conditions, leader."

"Hmm..." the shaman pondered, as if he was still thinking about something.

At this time, a sentry from the Frostwolf Clan suddenly broke into the tent outside the gate, and he spoke a few words to the shaman in the orc language.

After that, the shaman's expression changed slightly.

"What happened? My friend? If you need my help, please ask. I will be happy to help my friend."

"You are not a friend of the orcs." The shaman cast a glance at Svent. "There is a human mercenary group invading our Frostwolf clan. I don't know who sent them, and they are quite powerful."

Svent was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Trust me, I would never do such a thing."

"Of course I know you didn't do it." The shaman snorted, "No matter what their reason is, I just want to say that they paid the wrong attention! Svent, wait for me here, I will come over later, we Let’s continue discussing the topic just now.”

Svent bowed slightly and said, "I wish you a pleasant journey, respected leader."

After a while, the shaman left the tent.

Hearing the conversation just now, Fang Tian, ​​who was hiding in the box, was very surprised. Hearing what they said, these two statues of evil angels originally belonged to the Church of the Holy Cross.

What will they end up in the hands of the Frostwolf clan?Moreover, the Church of the Holy Cross is obviously very fond of these two statues. What kind of secrets are hidden in these two statues?

Also, what the shaman said just now, the human mercenary group that invaded the camp of the Frostwolf clan, could it be Shen Luoluo and the others?
Fang Tian didn't know if it was them, but he thought it was very possible. After all, at the beginning of the game, their background identities were set to be members of the mercenary group. It is difficult to find a second human mercenary group here.

Hearing what he said just now, the members of the mercenary group are already at the gate of the camp. If it is really Shen Luoluo and the others, then the death of the teammate that appeared in the game prompt just now becomes reasonable.

But now, the shaman leader is about to join the battle. With Shen Luoluo's strength, can they really deal with this powerful shaman?
Fang Tian didn't know the answer to this question, so he took a deep breath. In any case, now that the shaman is restrained by Shen Luoluo and the others, now is the best time to find the two stone statues, but what should he do now? Leave this tent?

The archbishop in red, and the guard at the door...

Fang Tian hid in the box, and could only peek at the outside world through the hole in the box.

The archbishop in red drank a cup of tea slowly, and with a wave of his hand, the fruit bowl on the table next to the chair fell to the ground.


Hearing the movement in the room, two Frostwolf warriors immediately entered the tent to investigate the situation.

The cardinal pulled out a long silver sword from his waist, and pointed at the two Frostwolf warriors with the tip of the sword, with a mocking look in his eyes.

Although the fighters of the Frostwolf clan didn't understand what the cardinal meant, they all sensed the mockery in his eyes. Naturally, the orcs couldn't stand this kind of provocation, so they raised their weapons and rushed towards the cardinal, screaming.

Seeing that the ax was about to fall, the cardinal snorted coldly and took a step forward towards the two rushing orcs. After this step, his whole body turned into a shadow on the spot, with two beams of light The raised sword light passed steadily between the two orc warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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