1048 Slaughter
Since they can't beat Fang Tian now, then...

Save your strength!

Once the six elite groups are all confessed here, it will be a great loss to the team. Not only will there be no way to enter the game for a period of time after death, but even after entering the game, the level will drop, and it will take a while to regain the level. This period of time will leave them in a weak period, which is a loss that Jingzhe City cannot bear!
After a short communication, while Fang Tian had no intention of attacking, the two teams following Fang Tian pinched the teleportation scrolls directly, and disappeared into Fang Tian's field of vision one by one.

The other four elite teams also advanced and retreated in an orderly manner. The shield fighters led the monster lizard away, and the rest retreated in an orderly manner, pinching the teleportation scroll to prepare to leave.

Are you gone?
Fang Tian looked around.

It's okay to leave.

Fang Tian was really worried that they would stay here and not leave, which would cause a lot of trouble.

Taking advantage of the two ancient giant lizards launching their impact skills, the last few shield warriors also took advantage of the opportunity to teleport back to the city immediately.

The originally mighty members of the six groups disappeared in an instant.

The two ancient monitor lizards lost their attack targets, turned around at the same time, and set their targets on Fang Tian's body.

As expected of a seventh-order creature, the scales of the ancient monitor lizard were surprisingly hard, and Fang Tian couldn't bear the strength after the punch just now anyway.

Fang Tian shook his numb right arm, and moved his gaze to the remaining two ancient monitor lizards.

The glove in his hand was switched to a dagger again.

In a tentative attack just now, Fang Tian found that the skin of the ancient monitor lizard was extremely tough, and the effect of using the dark shock attack was not good, not to mention the ancient monitor lizard's piercing and anti-injury skills. The anti-injury of one attack cost him More than half of the blood volume was lost.

This is under the condition of the living parasitism of hell-origin insects. In this case, Fang Tian's blood volume has increased several times. If he loses the living parasitic state, Fang Tian feels that he may even be retaliated by his own attack. seconds off.

In the case of the dagger Qianhunyu, it has a chaos attribute attack bonus that ignores defense. It is very effective in dealing with creatures with enhanced defense, and the chaos attribute attack is higher than the anti-injury ability, and it can be immune to the thorn of thorns. Retaliation effect.

The same clan died in Fang Tian's hands, which angered two ancient monitor lizards, they rushed towards Fang Tian roaring.

Turning on the sixth-level burning state, Fang Tian's speed climbed.

In terms of speed, the roaring ancient giant lizard couldn't catch up with the sky.

Sideways dodging the sprinting impact of the ancient monitor lizard, Fang Tian got close to the thick back of the ancient monitor lizard.



A number pops up.

There is no critical strike, which means that the damage has not been judged by the backstab.

This damage figure can only be said to be barely satisfactory to Fang Tian.

The ancient giant lizard seems to have no way to trigger the backstab weak point damage, and can only produce normal output. Fortunately, the effect of Qianhunyu still exists, and the additional damage of the attack makes this figure barely enough.

The dagger fluttered in the air, and red numbers fell like snowflakes.

Fang Tian stared at the ancient giant lizard in front of him, while observing his blood volume.


Even though Chaos Attack doesn't count as anti-injury, its HP is still decreasing.

This kind of creature with anti-injury effect made it difficult for Fang Tian to deal with. He lost his temper. After several attacks, seeing that the blood volume was less than one-tenth, the ancient giant lizard was ready to release its roaring skills. Fang Tian had no choice but to step on the back of the ancient monitor lizard hard with his foot, leaving the ancient monitor lizard far away.

While backing away, Fang Tian took out a bottle of potion from his backpack and poured it down to replenish the lost blood.

It seems to be a protracted battle.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian shook the dagger on his head and began to control the output, keeping the output within a certain range.

At this time, inside Jing Zhe City, the president Jing Zhe got the news that the team was attacked, and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat dignified. The players nearby did not speak when they saw Jing Zhe, and they all waited quietly.

Jing Zhe couldn't help thinking, what is the origin of this Fang Tian?Why can it have such a powerful ability?Dare to offend so many player forces at the same time?
In any case, being robbed by monsters and being killed, Fang Tian was slapped in the face of Jingzhe City.

This matter can't just be over like this, this tone, nor can it be simply swallowed.

There was a hint of viciousness in Jingzhe's pupils.

Jingzhe City is one of the four major cities, and it has always only bullied other small teams. When did it suffer such humiliation?

"Announce it, it is entering the state of preparation, the goal is Fang Tian, ​​blockade an area around Luo Linxia, ​​try every means, no matter what force is used, even if it is to invade the virtual system, I have to lift him out of reality .”

"Yes! Boss!"


"Dark shock!"


In the swamp area, air waves spread around Fang Tian's punch.

The last ancient monitor lizard let out a mournful cry, and fell to the ground in pain, losing its breath.

Fang Tian panted heavily.

it is finally over.

The ancient monitor lizard was more difficult to deal with than Fang Tian imagined. The Thorn Thorn skill could be regarded as his nemesis. He needed to control his output, otherwise he would be killed by his own damage in seconds if he was not careful.

The most troublesome point is that there is no way to dodge this kind of damage.

Every seventh-order creature has its own unique features, even the ancient monitor lizard, which seems to be extremely weak in combat alone.

It took Fang Tian a full four hours to get rid of the two ancient monitor lizards.

The good news is that after dealing with these troublesome creatures, the progress of the mission has taken a small step forward.

Putting the materials and items that exploded after the death of the ancient monitor lizard into the backpack, Fang Tian clenched his fist, and finally swept around the dilapidated camp of the ancient monitor lizard.

The altar in front exudes a touch of blood red.

What special missions seem to be available?
Fang Tian narrowed his eyes and stepped forward.

"The player triggers the mission - Bloody Sacrifice."

Task Name: Bloody Sacrifice.

Mission description: Not long ago, someone held a bloody sacrifice here, trying to seek more information.

Task requirements: Find someone who knows the truth.

mission rewards:? ?

Troublesome task.

Fang Tian guessed that killing the ancient giant lizard was probably part of the mission. Now he has already completed the mission by other means. If he wants to get the reward next, he must find an opportunity to go back and find the mission issuer to understand everything.

Forget it.

Fang Tian felt that it was too troublesome to do this. In the vast western continent, it is very troublesome to find an NPC, and now he is still wanted, and entering the town is also a troublesome thing. He simply gave up this task and prepared to go back to the swamp. Area, continue to go over there to brush the swamp poisonous dragon. It's easy.

(End of this chapter)

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